-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

                                            THE DOME

In London England, there has been build a Satanic creation - especially for
the Millennium. This is the "Dome", and it has been largely funded by the
British National Lottery. It is sited at Greenwich on the Meridian Line,
which is on the banks of  the Thames. It has now become the centre for NWO
mind control, for all those who enter.

Happly right now,the Dome has become a financial disaster. The number of
visitors, has been seriously reduced. This has meant, the dismissal of the
head of the "Millennnium Experience Company". She has now been replaced, by
a Walt Disney executive from Paris. He is the man, who has the impossible
task, of trying to salvage something from this failed NWO experiment.

For those who see the massive construction from afar, it seems to be an
alien construction. It stands alone, and does not fit in with the great
building heritage of London.

The Millenium Dome, has been built on the most polluted ground in the world.
As a boy, I went on a school trip to the very same site. This was then the
Greenwich Gasworks, as the people of Britain, once had to make their gas out
of coal. This was before the discovery of North Sea Gas, and that suddenly
made all the old gasworks redundant.

The guide was a friendly old gentleman, who survived the First World War,
and he told us schoolboys a story that I will never forget. During the Blitz
on London, the Lufwaffe bombed the Greenwich Gasworks. They destroyed the
large tanks, which were at the time full of tar and creosote. The contents
seeped into the ground, and polluted it for ever. This is why the whole
area, has been banned for any normal building construction. In fact the
ground pollution is so foul, that the Blackwall Tunnel under the Thames,
really now does have black walls.

So the ground is really bad - and now the gigantic Millennium Dome has been
built on it. The creators of this are Michael Hestletine and Peter
Mandleson, who are from different political parties - but both of whom are

At the end of this year, the Dome will be sold off to private interests.  It
remains to be seen what will come of it, as the negative British press, has
seriously reduced the customers.  Happily people  no longer want to view,
this mind control experiment - even though those who do are unwitting dupes.
Whatever the outcome, it would be foolish for anyone to enter that Dome - as
it is purely reptilian.

Yours in Light    Peter Froude


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