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Flesh-Eating Bananas!

Guide's note: (Updated 01/31/00) Pure, laughable bunk. Can anybody tell me
where the Manheim Research Institute is located? If so, please drop me a
line, because I haven't been able to find a shred of evidence that it

Necrotizing fasciitis. The name alone is enough to give you the
heebie-jeebies. Also known as "the flesh-eating disease" (much easier to
pronounce than "neck-row-tie-zing fash-ee-eye-tis"), it's a real - but rare
- illness resulting from infection by the Group A streptococcus bacterium,
which also causes strep throat. It attacks the soft tissues under the skin,
resulting in gangrene. Amputation is sometimes required, and it can cause

It's a nasty disease, no question about it. But, while it is possible to
contract Strep A by ingesting food that has been directly contaminated
(e.g., during the preparation of a meal - see sidebar for more about this),
the notion that an entire crop of fruit could be infectious is patently
absurd. The allegation that "the disease has been able to graft itself to
the skin of fruits" is pseudo-scientific twaddle.

According to the Centers for Disease Control:

Group A streptococci are spread by direct contact with secretions from the
nose and throat of infected persons or by contact with infected wounds or
sores on the skin. The risk of spreading the infection is highest when a
person is ill, such as with "strep throat" or an infected wound.

Translation: you can eat Costa Rican bananas without fear of them eating
you. The email warning is a hoax.


Statement from the Centers for Disease Control
"False Internet report about necrotizing fasciitis associated with bananas"

Statement from the International Banana Association
"This rumor is false and has no scientific or medical basis of truth"


Necrotizing Fasciitis. National Institutes of Health. 20 Jan. 2000
Group A Streptococcus. Centers for Disease Control. 20 Jan. 2000

National Necrotizing Fasciitis Foundation. 20 Feb. 2000

Sidebar: A Firsthand Account of Food-Borne Group A Strep. 1 Feb. 2000

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