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The Controllers part 5

A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction - part 5 of 7
by Martin Cannon
While this passage speaks of drugs and electronics, we can safely assume
that the planners of battle would not refrain from using any other promising

Gabriel writes primarily of large-scale battle scenarios, but based on his
information, we can fairly deduce that the mind-controlled soldier will also
play a role in the surgical strike, the covert operation, the infiltration
behind enemy lines by units of the Special Forces. On such missions, United
States personnel have increasingly relied on torture as a means of
interrogation and intimidation[155], and as such barbarism becomes standard
procedure the American fighting man of the future will need to find within
himself unprecedented reserves of brutality. Will the average recruit,
culled from the nation's suburbs and reared on traditional ideals, possess
such reserves?

Vietnam proved that the soldier, despite a barrage of propaganda intended to
cloud his discernment, will sense the difference between fighting for
legitimate defense interests and fighting to protect political hegemony. To
forestall this realization, or to render it irrelevant, military planners
must withdraw the human combatant and replace him with a new species of
warrior. The soldier of the future will not discern; he will merely do. He
will not be a butcher; he will be the butcher's KNIFE -- a tool among tools,
thoughtless and effective.

And it is my contention that to create this soldier of the future, the
controllers will need a continuing program, one designed to test each new
method and combination of methods for conquering the human mind.

One primary goal of this program must include expanding the human capacity
for stress and violence. Subjects enrolled in such experimental procedures
will experience pain, and will learn to accept the pain. Eventually, they
will learn to inflict it, without remorse or even remembrance. The nation
who first creates this new soldier will possess a decisive advantage on the
"conventional" battlefield -- as will the nation which first develops a
means of using mass mind control techniques to disable entire enemy
platoons. [And to placate whole civilian populations, both those of the
enemy and those at home. - jpg] This paramount military necessity is the
reason why I will never believe any unconvincing reassurances that our
nation's clandestine scientists have foregone or will forego research into
behavior modification. This research will never be mere history. What's past
is present, and today's covert experimentation will become tomorrow's basic

A prototype of the future warrior may already be with us. The Navy SEAL I
interviewed spoke in horrifying detail of dismemberment without emotion, of
rape as routine, of killing without affect. And then FORGETTING THAT HE HAD
KILLED. Even years later, he could not recall the stories behind many of the
wounds on his own body. He claims that whenever he would need the services
of the veteran's hospital, doctors would re-hypnotize him shortly after his
admission, while a physician specifically cleared for such work would
examine his medical history, which was highly classified and kept under lock
and key.

According to the SEAL's testimony, his memory block cracked little by
little, as a result of events too complex to recount here. Finally, years
after Vietnam, he was able to remember what he did.

Amnesia was a blessing.

IV. Abductions

Press and public now regard abductees as tony curiosities, yet science, for
the most part, still banishes their tales to the domain of the damned, as
Charles Fort defined damnation. So too with claimed victims of mind control.
The Voice of Authority tells us that MKULTRA belongs to history; like
Hasdrubal and Hitler, it threatened once, but no more. Anyone insisting
otherwise must be silenced by glib rationalization and selective

Yet these two topics -- UFO abductions and mind control -- have more in
common than their mutual ostracization. The data overlap. If we could chart
these phenomena on a Venn diagram, we would see a surprisingly large
intersection between the two circles of information. It is this overlap I
seek to address.

Note, however, that I can NOT address all the other interesting and
important issues raised by the UFO abduction experience. For example, I have
written, admittedly rather vaguely, of nasal implants reported by
abductees -- the sort of detail which might place an account in the "high
strangeness" category, and of course, a detail central to my thesis. But
what percentage of the percipients speak of such implants? A truly
scientific analysis would provide a figure. Unfortunately, I haven't the
resources to compile a sufficiently large abductee sample from which one
could draw statistics. Nor can I make an over-arching qualitative analysis,
measuring the value of "high strangeness" reports against other abductee
claims. All I can do is note the available literature, and leave the reader
to wonder, as I do, whether the compilers of that literature concentrated on
exceptional cases or were biased in favor of the less fantastic abductee
accounts. I have supplemented readings of the abduction literature with my
own interviews with percipients -- which, since abductees tend to know other
abductees, can give a surprisingly wide view of the phenomenon. This view
has been broadened still further by my talks and correspondence with other
members of the UFO community.

Of course, we must recognize the difference between testimony and proof. No
one can state definitively that abduction reports have a basis in objective
reality (however misperceived). Ultimately, all we have are stories. Some of
these stories may be of questionable veracity; others may be contaminated by
investigator bias; many are insufficiently detailed. No one research paper
can resolve all abduction controversies, and many necessary battles must be
fought on other fields.

Still, the testimony won't go away -- and we certainly have enough to allow
for comparisons. I maintain that an unprejudiced overview of abduction
reports in the popular press and the less-familiar material on mind control
will demonstrate a striking correlation. Once other abduction researchers
have been educated Yin the ways of MKULTRA (and this paper is intended as an
introductory text) they may note a similar pattern. If so, we can then begin
to write a revisionist history of the phenomenon.

The abduction enigma contains within it sub-mysteries that slide into the
mind control scenario with surprising ease, even elegance -- mysteries which
fit the E.T. hypothesis as uncomfortably as a size 10 foot fits into a size
8 shoe. As we have seen, the MKULTRA thesis explains the reports of abductee
intracerebral implants (particularly reports involving nosebleeds), unusual
scars, "telepathic" communication (i.e., externally induced intracerebral
voices) concurrent with or following the abduction encounter, allegations
that some abductees hear unusual sound effects (similar to those created by
the hemi-synch and cognate devices), haywire electronic devices in abductee
homes, personality shifts, "training films," manipulation of religious
imagery, and missing time. Needless to say, the thesis of clandestine
government experimentation readily accounts for abductee claims of human
beings "working" with the aliens, and for the government harassment that
plays so prominent a role in certain abductee reports.

Let's look at some more correlations.


Earlier, I asked, "Do the aliens also watch black-and-white television?" in
reference to their alleged use of old-fashioned, Terra-style brain
implantation devices. Abduction accounts abound in other examples of alien
"retro-technology." The most striking example can be found in the Betty and
Barney Hill incident, the details of which are too well-known to recount
here[156]. As we have already glimpsed during our discussion of the Rex
Niles affair, the Hills' "interrupted journey" abounds in data which, taken
together, permits the construction of an alternative explanation.

At one point during the alleged UFO abduction, the "examiners" inserted a
needle in Betty Hill's navel, telling her that this practice constituted a
test for pregnancy[157]. Some ufologists[158] rashly assume that Betty
Hill's "pregnancy test" is evidence of advanced extraterrestrial technology,
since her 1961 account pre-dates the official announcement of amniocentesis,
which does indeed make use of a needle inserted into the navel. But we now
have much less invasive means of testing for pregnancy than amniocentesis.
True, amniocentesis is still sometimes used to gather information about the
fetus, but the wielders of a highly evolved technology would certainly use
other methods of determining the existence of pregnancy in the first place.

Betty Hill's testimony reminds us of certain other abduction accounts, which
contain descriptions of "healings" surprisingly similar to the procedures
associated with still-experimental electromagnetic therapy techniques, such
as those described in Robert O. Becker's THE BODY ELECTRIC. For example,
abductee Deanna Dube described for me an abduction-related "regeneration" of
her long-damaged heart; had she been familiar with Becker's work[159], she
might have been a bit less rapid to ascribe her healing to otherworldly

Medical breakthroughs often undergo years of testing before their official
"discovery." For some of these tests, finding volunteers present a major
obstacle. If we accept the proposition that the Hill incident originated in
an external and objective stimulus, we must then ask ourselves which
scenario is more likely: Did Betty Hill encounter human beings using a
technique ten years ahead of its time? Or did she encounter aliens
(reputedly a "billion years ahead of us") using science from eons before
THEIR time?

One must also ask why Betty Hill's aliens seemed to have no grasp of basic
human concepts (such as how we measure time) -- yet they knew enough about
us to speak English fluently and had even mastered our slang. Were these
real aliens, or humans engaging in theatricals (and occasionally muffing
their lines)? For that matter, why did Betty Hill originally recall her
abductors as humanoid, only later describing them as aliens?

The Hill case provided a particularly controversial piece of evidence -- the
celebrated "star map" recalled by Betty Hill under hypnosis. In later years,
an Ohio schoolteacher named Marjorie Fish made an ingenious and laudable
attempt to discover a match for this map by constructing an elaborate
three-dimensional model of nearby star systems; whether she succeeded
remains a matter for keen debate[160]. For now, I prefer to avoid taking
sides in this dispute and will confine myself to insisting that pro-ET
ufologists answer (WITHOUT resorting to glib ripostes) a point first raised
notes that, even if we grant the Fish interpretation, the stars are not
drawn to scale -- and at any rate, alien spaceships would surely be
navigated the same way we guide our own spacecraft: via computers and
telemetry[161]. The validity of the Fish interpretation is irrelevant; the
point is that ANY such chart would have NO value to an interstellar

Fish's work raises other controversies: Allegedly, the map points to Zeta
Reticuli as the aliens' home system and pictures Zeta Reticuli as a single
star, a view consistent with scientific opinion of the 1960s. Yet in later
years scientists discovered that Zeta Reticuli is binary[162]. Moreover, how
did our abductee manage to remember so accurately a complex chart glimpsed
in passing? Even allowing for the possibility of increased accuracy of
recollection under hypnotic regression, the memory feat here seems
remarkable. Consider the circumstances of the abduction: Kafka on
hallucinogens couldn't have conceived of the nightmare vision confronting
Betty Hill that night -- yet for some reason this particular arrangement of
stars emerged as her most intensely-detailed recollection of the experience.

This memory (if not confabulated during regression, a possibility we should
always weigh) is comprehensible only as an example of ARTIFICIALLY-INDUCED
HYPERMNESIA. In other words, Betty Hill was DIRECTED to store that chart
within her subconscious. The celebrated star map ought to be recognized for
what it was: a prop, a seemingly-confirmatory circumstantial detail meant to
convince her -- and perhaps US -- of the reality of her abduction. [cf.
Strieber's citation of the woman with the memory of ancient Celtic "fairy
speak." -jpg]

The question of motive arises. Why -- if my thesis is correct -- were these
two fairly innocuous individuals chosen for this new variation on the old
MKULTRA tricks?

The selection might, of course, have been arbitrary. Or perhaps
circumstances now irretrievably lost to history rendered the couple a
convenient target. Interestingly, Barney Hill had become acquainted (through
church functions) with the head of Air Force intelligence at Pease Air Force
Base; perhaps this relationship first brought the Hills to the attention of
members of the intelligence community. Arguably, the Hills could have been
fingered for a wide variety of reasons; as a general rule, the clandestine
services prefer to satisfy a number of itches with one scratch.

In fact, the espionage establishment had one particularly compelling reason
to focus on the Hills. Barney Hill (a black man) and his wife held important
positions in several civil rights organizations, including the NAACP[163].
The abduction took place during the 1960s, when the NAACP and allied groups
fell victim to an increasingly paranoid series of attacks from the FBI and
other governmental agencies (under operations COINTELPRO, CHAOS, GARDEN
PLOT, etc.)[164]. At that time, infiltration of civil rights groups proved a
difficult chore; while most left-leaning groups provided easy targets for
FBI stooges, the average undercover operative would have had an
exceptionally difficult time posing as a black activist. (In 1961, the only
black people on the FBI's payroll were the servants in J. Edgar Hoover's

In light of these facts, we should recall Victor Marchetti's anecdote about
the cat that the CIA had "wired for sound." Perhaps an ambitious covert
scientist proposed a similar experiment, in which a human being would play
the role that had once been assigned to the unfortunate feline? As
Estabrooks noted, the ultimate espionage agent would be the spy who doesn't
KNOW he is a spy. Barney Hill, a well-regarded figure with a
near-genius-level IQ, was a safe bet to obtain a leadership role in any
group he joined; he would have been remarkably well-positioned, had any
outsiders wished to use his ears to overhear prominent black organizers in
confidential discussion.

Of course, many intelligence professionals would counter this suggestion by
reminding us that eavesdroppers on the civil rights movement had plenty of
less-flamboyant methods: Bugging, "black bag" jobs, paying for information,
etc. The point is valid. But if the technology to create a "human bug" was
developed circa 1961 -- and there is documentation suggesting that such is
indeed the case[165] -- the intelligence agencies would surely have wanted
to test the possibilities in the field. And considering the expense of such
a test, why not conduct the experiment in such a way as to reap the maximum
benefits? Why NOT choose a Barney Hill?


Budd Hopkins told the following story during his lecture at the Los Angeles
"Whole Life Expo."[166] He considers the case "very good...lots of
corroborating witnesses for parts of it." Though not, presumably, for THIS

Hopkins' informant, after the by-now familiar UFO abduction, was given a gun
by the aliens. Not a Buck Rogers laser weapon -- this was something Dirty
Harry might have packed.

The abductee was also given someone to shoot. Not a little grey alien --
another human being, tied to a chair. The "visitors" told their armed
abductee that this captive had done "evil on earth, and he's a bad person.
You have to kill him." If the abductee didn't do as asked, he would never
leave the ship.

The captive proclaimed his innocence, and pleaded for his life. The
abductee, caught in the middle of all this, became quite upset. (Worth
noting: he seems to have at least CONSIDERED the aliens' request to shoot
someone he had never met.) Ultimately, the abductee turned the gun on the
aliens and said, "Nobody's going to get shot here."

According to Hopkins, "The aliens said 'Fine. Very good.' They took the gun
from him; the man [presumably, the captive] got up, walked away,
disappeared, and they went on to the next thing." Obviously, this little
drama had been staged -- a test of some sort.

I submit that this surreal incident is incomprehensible as either an example
of alien incursion or of "Klass-ical" confabulation. The scenario described
here EXACTLY parallels numerous experiments in the hypnotic induction of
anti-social action as revealed both in the standard hypnosis literature and
in declassified ARTICHOKE/MKULTRA documents. For example, compare Hopkins'
account to the following, in which Ludwig Mayer, a prominent German hypnosis
researcher, describes a classic experiment in the hypnotic induction of
criminal action:

I gave a revolver to an elderly and readily suggestible man whom I had just
hypnotized. The revolver had just been loaded by Mr. H. with a percussion
cap. I explained to [the subject], while pointing to Mr. H., that Mr. H. was
a very wicked man whom he should shoot to kill. With great determination he
took the revolver and fired a shot directly at Mr. H. Mr. H. fell down
pretending to be wounded. I then explained to my subject that the fellow was
not yet quite dead, and that he should give him another bullet, which he did
without further ado[167].

Of course, if a conservative hypnosis specialist were asked to comment on
the above account, he would quickly point out that hypnotic suggestions
which work in an experimental situation would not easily succeed outside the
laboratory; on some level, the subject will probably sense whether or not
he's playing the game for real[168]. Similarly, a conservative abduction
researcher would, in reviewing Hopkins' material, emphasize the problems
inherent in using testimony derived during regression, where the threat of
confabulation lurks. I'll concede both arguments -- for the moment -- only
to insist that they are beside the point. The matter of primary importance,
the sticking point which neither Klass nor Hopkins can comfortably confront,
is the convergence of detail between Mayer's hypnosis experiment and the
testing event related by Hopkins' abductee. WHY ARE THESE TWO STORIES SO
SIMILAR? Did the good Dr. Mayer take pupils from Sirius?[169].

Hopkins says he knows of other instances in which abductees found themselves
in similar crucibles. So do I.

One person I spoke to can remember (SANS hypnosis) being handed a gun inside
a zip-lock baggy and receiving instructions that she will have to use this
weapon "on a job." Early in my interviews with her (and with no prompting
from me) she recited an apparent cue drilled into her consciousness by the
"entities" (as she calls them): "When you see the light, do it tonight,"
followed by the command, "Execute." (One can only speculate as to how such
commands would be used in the field; we will discuss later the use of
photovoltaic hypnotic induction.) Though her personal feelings toward
firearms are decidedly negative, she vividly describes periods in her
"everyday" life when she feels an uncharacteristic, yet overpowering urge to
be near a gun -- a quasi-sexual desire to pick one up and touch the

She is not alone. Another has been so affected by gun fever that he became a
security guard, just to be near the things[171]. The abductees I have spoken
to connect this sudden surge of Ramboism to the UFO experience. But I
suggest that the UFO experience may be merely a cover story for another type
of training entirely.

One of the primary goals of BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, and MKULTRA was to
determine whether mind control could be used to facilitate "executive
action"-- i.e., assassination[172].

It isn't difficult to imagine the media's reaction if a public figure were
murdered by someone acting at the behest of the "space brothers." Who would
dare to speak of conspiracy under such circumstances? The hidden controllers
could choose a myth structure that conform's to the abductee's personality,
then pose as higher beings, who would whisper violence into the ear of the
percipient. Using this ruse, the trick that scientists such as Ludwig Mayer
could perform in the lab might now be accomplished in the field. As
Estabrooks' associate Jack Tracktir (professor of hypnotherapy at Baylor
University) explained to John Marks, anti-social acts can be induced with
"no conscience involved" once the proper pretext has been created[173].


Jenny Randles contributes an anecdote from Great Britain which dovetails
nicely with this hypothesis.

In 1965, "Margary" (a pseudonym) lived in Birmingham with her husband, who
one night told her to prepare for a "shock and a test." As Randles describes
what she calls a "rogue case":

They got into his car and drove off, although her memory of the trip became
hazy and confused and she does not know where they went. Then she was in a
room that was dimly lit and there were people standing around a long table
or flat bed. She was out on it and seemed "drugged" and unable to resist.
The most memorable of the men was tall and thin with a long nose and white
beard. He had thick eyebrows and supposedly said to Margary, "Remember the
eyebrows, honey." A strange medical examination, using odd equipment, was
performed on her.

Both the husband and the scientists, using (apparently) hypnotic techniques,
flooded her mind with images that, she was told, would be understood only in
the future. According to Randles, "At one point one of the 'examiners' in
the room said to Margary in a tone that made it seem as if he were amused,
"THEY WILL THINK IT'S FLYING SAUCERS." The husband also revealed that he had
a second identity. After the abduction, this husband (am I going too far to
assume his employment with MI6 or some cognate agency?) left, never to be
seen again[174]. Margary did not recall the abduction until 1978.

This affair can only baffle a researcher who insists on fitting all
abduction accounts into the ET hypothesis; once we free ourselves from that
set of assumptions, explanations come easily. I interpret this incident as a
case in which the controllers applied the flying saucer cover story
sloppily, or to an insufficiently receptive subject. If my thesis is
correct, the UFO "hypnotic hoax" technique would still have been fairly new
in 1965, particularly outside the United States; perhaps the manipulators
hadn't yet got the hang of it. The odd comment about the scientist's
eyebrows may refer to an item of disguise donned for the occasion. The
unscrupulous hypnotist, unsure about his ability to induce an impenetrable
amnesia -- and mindful of the price paid by his forerunners in mesmeric
criminality[175] -- would understandably want to hedge his bets; by
indulging in the British penchant for theatrics, he could further protect
his anonymity.

A similar incident was brought to my attention by researcher Robert Durant.
The relevant excerpt of his letter follows:

Now I want to turn to a case that I have been investigating for several
months. The subject is an abductee. Standard abduction scenario. Twice
regressed under hypnosis, the first time by a well-known abduction
researcher, the second time by a psychologist with parapsychology

In the course of many hours of listening to the subject, I discovered that
she has had close personal contact over a long period of time with several
individuals who have federal intelligence connections. She was hypnotized
many years ago as part of a TV program devoted to hypnosis. Her abductions
began shortly after she attended several long sessions at a laboratory
where, ostensibly, she was being tested for ESP abilities. Two other people
who were "tested" at this same laboratory have also had abductions. All
three were told by the lab to join a local UFO group. During her abductions,
the principal alien spoke to the subject in the English language in a normal
manner, not via telepathy. She recognized the voice, which was at one time
that of her very close friend of yesteryear who was then and is now employed
by the CIA. The other voice was that of an individual who works in
Washington, has what I will call very strong federal connections as well as
a finger in every ufological pie, and who just happened to bump into her at
the aforementioned laboratory. He also anticipated, in the course of
telephone conversations, her abductions. When the subject confronted him
about this and the voice, he claimed to be psychic. (!)[176]

The "ESP" connection is suggestive; the MKULTRA documents betray an
astonishing interest on the part of the intelligence agencies in matters

Some researchers would object that examples such as this are rare; most
abductions contain no such overt indications of intelligence involvement.
But have investigators looked for them? As mentioned in the introduction, a
false dichotomy limits much ufological thought; as long as the abduction
argument swings between the ET hypothesis and purely psychological theories,
researchers will not recognize the relevance of certain key items of
background data.


In an interview with me, a northern-California abductee -- call him
"Peter" -- reported an experience which was conducted NOT by a small grey
alien, but by a human being. The percipient called this man a "doctor." He
gave a description of this individual, and even provided a drawing.

Some time after I gathered this information, a southern-California abductee
told me her story -- which included a description of this very same
"doctor." The physical details were so strikingly similar as to erase
coincidence. This woman is a leading member of a Los Angeles-based UFO
group; three other women in this group report abduction encounters with the
same individual[177].

Perhaps those three women were fantasists, attaching themselves to another's
narrative. But my northern informant never met these people. Why did he
describe the same "doctor"?

One of the abductees I have dealt with insisted, under hypnosis, that her
abduction experience brought her to a certain house in the Los Angeles area.
She was able to provide directions to the house, even though she had no
conscious memory of ever being there. I later learned that this house is
indeed occupied by a scientist who formerly (and perhaps currently)
conducted clandestine research on mind control technology.

This same abductee described a clandestine brain operation of some sort she
underwent in childhood. The neurosurgeon was a human being, not an alien.
She even recalled the name. (Note: This is not the same individual referred
to above.) When I heard the name, it meant nothing to me -- but later I
learned that there really was a scientist of that name who specialized in
electrode implant research.

Licia Davidson is a thoughtful and articulate abductee, whose fascinating
story closely parallels many found in the abductee literature -- except for
one unusual detail. In an interview with me, described an unsettling
recollection of a human being, dressed normally, holding a black box with a
protruding antenna. This odd snippet of memory did NOT coincide with the
general thrust of her abduction narrative. Could this remembrance represent
an all-too-brief segment of accurately-perceived reality interrupting her
hypnotically- induced "screen memory"? Peter clearly recalls seeing a
similar box during his abduction.

(end of part 5)


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