-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

-----Original Message-----
From: NewsHawk Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 14 February 2000 07:09
Subject: Tesla (HAARP) Towers @ Navy China Lake Center

Tesla (HAARP) Towers @ Navy China Lake Center

We've received a virtually rock-solid report that the China Lake Naval
Weapons Research Center in California, (you know, the place which has a
major DIRECT and DOCUMENTED operational link to Pt. Mugu Naval Air
Warfare Station where Fl. 261 crashed) NOW sports a total of SEVEN new
Tesla Transmitter towers. That's HAARP transmitters, by the way.

Just an interesting thing to keep in mind throughout BLIZZARD of chatter
and noise being blown around the world about supposedly problematical
"JACKSCREWS" in the tail/horizontal stabilizer sections of not only
Alaska Air Fl. 261 but also now a number of airplanes.

Upon closer reading of these latest news accounts of supposed
"jackscrew" troubles, many dissolve into routine reports of typical
accumulations of grime, dust and grease which are certain to build up in
any mechanical system of moving metal parts over time.

AND, as hundreds of (uncompromised or bought-off) pilots know, even
SEVERE problems with a horizontal stabilizer do NOT a terminal air
disaster make.

Somebody, shove that damn JACKSCREW down Jim Hall's
"unable-to-speak-truth mouth, would they? Or better yet, UP HIS BUTT.

In relation to the information about the new Tesla transmitters at China
Lake, we're reprinting an interesting message from a NewsHawk recipient

NewsHawk Inc.

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Alaska ??
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 22:22:55 -0800
From: GenO


Curious press report, but what do I know?  I'm just a
dumb farmer.

Sparks flying out of or near the engine rings a bell.
One day my son and I were driving back from the electronics
"candy store" on the 57 headed north.  My son picked up the
Mike on the ham radio and keyed up the xmitter.  Suddenly the
car on his left started sputtering, coughing and backfiring
and when he unkey the mike, the car resumed normal operation.

Big brother has made it known that they caught on to this trick
and were intently developing  a system to do this to cars they
wanted to stop: that is, turn off the ignition or paralyzing the
electronic ignition.  The other avenue of approach is the electronic
pulse.  Remember how HAARP caused flashes to emenate from a wire in
space....electronic pulse in FL 800? Perhaps the Kennedy flight too.

All near high powered transmitting locations and electronic fireball
hit the fan.   Coincidence?   Perhaps, but the rash of incidents is
similar to the rash of witnesses in Arkansas having their lights

But then what do I know, I'm just a dumb farmer.


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