-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

----- Original Message -----
To: Activist Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 3:56 PM
Subject: Privacy issue: HDs being confiscated...

> Activist Mailing List - http://get.to/activist
> Attacks on privacy are becoming a common occurrence.
> This is just for information purposes... I would ask for ideas on how to
combat these
> occurances... but with the lack of response to my last such inquiry...
well...why? But, here's
> my position anyway... story follows.
> We continue to see many injustices throughout the U.S. and the world. We
post them to
> bring them to light but nobody seems to have any ideas on how to resolve
them. I work in the
> software industry where problems occur in the coding process. Someone
identifies the
> problems - someone else comes up with ideas on how to remedy the
problems - then the
> problem is addressed as a team and usually resolved. It's a natural
process for me and my
> team at work. I also try to apply the same philosphy to my own life and in
helping those
> around me.
> So, I ask questions like what can we do to fix this? or, does anyone have
any ideas on how
> to remedy this situation. In cases of injustices, such as those discussed
in this little group, I
> would hope that people had ideas on how to address some of the issues that
arise. If we
> continue to simply look and point our fingers... well, this will help open
some eyes... but, if we
> find a path to remedy a situation and succeed... this will help gain
others to actually join in
> because they will see that "WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!"
> Anyway... enough ranting for me now... here is a story that some will
find... interesting.
> Originally posted on USENET by Cary Darling
> =================================
> I was watching ZDTV this afternoon, in particular Silicon Spin and the
> discussion turned to the topic of a Major Airline who won a court order in
> Federal Court to seize their employees personal home computers in attempt
> viewing their email correspondence with each other out side of work.
> I became so angry I went straight to Angel Fire and signed myself up for a
> free web site and within a short amount of time put together a site to
> Netizens apprised of this travesty of justice, as well as a forum to speak
> out and possibly organize an internet protest against this company.
> Go to http://www.angelfire.com/journal/nwa/ For links to articles I have
> found as well as links to people you can contact at the airline to
> along with links to Congressmen and Senators.
> We cannot tolerate fascist Gestapo techniques like these that was only
> designed to intimidate their employees during contract negotiations.
> If we allow it there, where will it happen next? Possibly your job.
> How would you like to turn over your personal PC for your boss to view the
> contents of your emails, as well as favorites and history folders...not to
> mention any financial records you might have on there as well as personal
> diaries.
> Stand up and unite!
> Thank you.
> Cary Darling
> Editor, Strange Texas News
> http://www.strangetexas.com
> =======================================
> joe g long [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> .
> they're coming for our guns
> they won't succeed - but they will come
> ..
> home.. http://lightning.prohosting.com/~joejoe/
> in.a.gif http://www.bainbridgeisland.net/members/joelong/
> searcher http://www.geocities.com/area51/shire/1840/
> Download NeoPlanet at http://www.neoplanet.com
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