-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 11:22 PM
Subject: Minnesota legislation to allow alternative practitioner to practice

Please, your thoughts and prayers are needed again.
The Minnesota legislation to allow alternative practitioners of all
kinds--shiatsu, homeopathy, energy healers, herbalists, naturopaths,
up for a vote Monday morning in an important subcommittee of our
The Minnesota Medical Association, the drug companies, the trial attorneys
and other big guns have all come out of the woodwork to oppose the bill.  It
basically says that healing modalities that have no potential to cause harm
do not need to be licensed, it sets up a mechanism for consumer complaints,
it requires us alternative practitioners to disclose our education and
credentials (informed consent).
The vote looks up for grabs at this point.  I was one of four people allowed
to  testify last week on behalf of the bill after the other side tried to
manouver us out of our testimony time.  One sympathetic legislator came back
for the evening testimony with his three small sons in tow in case it went
a vote that evening.
It is an uphill battle.  We are not going for licensing because we do not
believe we need it, not having the ability to cause harm.  The state only
needs to license healing modalities that can cause harm, such as surgery,
prescription writing privileges, other invasive modalities.
In addition, licensing drives up the costs of health care to the consumer by
limiting the number of people who are in practice and drives up the costs to
practice because the licensing boards are completely supported by licensing
For example, if you are looking for a homeopath and the one you have chosen
discloses they have not attended any school, have taken and passed no
national boards, would you want to put your health into their hands?  We
believe that market place forces are the ones to decide who should practice,
not the state.
(Can you tell we take a rather maverick view of this whole subject?  It is
not for nothing that good old Jesse Ventura is a native Minnesotan.)
By the way, his daughter, Jade Ventura, was harmed by a DPT vaccine when she
was an infant.  She had an undiscovered Vitamin B6 deficiency and went into
seizures after the vaccination.  She is about 16 now but has the math skills
and judgement skills of an 11 year old.  He is reported to be in favor of
this bill, but is keeping a low profile on it.
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