The "train deaths"
[ ]

February 25, 2000

Two Part Update:
  * Linda Ives and Jean Duffey testified that they know who
killed Don Henry and Linda's son Kevin
  * The latest offence by the FBI and particularly one agent's
complete lack of integrity

Related Documents [ ]:
  * Evidence that was not allowed to be presented to jury in the
recent defamation trial
  * A pattern of intimidation by the plaintiffs in the
defamation lawsuit
  * Confidential informant offers to "wear a body mike and make
a buy" from one plaintiff. The FBI tells attorney they're not
  * 1988 FBI Drug Report to the House Judiciary Committee
describes Dan Lasater's "cocaine trafficking"
  * Dan Lasater's 1986 FBI interview: Plaintiff says the Lasater
investigation is "chicken shit"
  * FBI gives $500 to federal informant to flee from plaintiff

See PART TWO, "Witnesses" by Linda Ives online at:

February 24, 2000

MIKE's Friend
Will The Real Jay Campbell Please Stand Up?

By Jean Duffey

Turns out that Jay Campbell isn't the "great guy," the "good Christian," the
"caring person," the "trusted officer," etc., etc., etc., attested to by FBI
Agent MIKE SMITH and another ten or so law enforcement officers at trial
last summer. Now we understand why not one officer from Campbell’s
own department (The Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department) testified for
him as a character witness. They apparently know Campbell’s real
character, but that didn't bother MIKE.

Seems MIKE's pal, Jay Campbell has been intimidating fellow officers and
falsifying department records. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported
that Campbell was fired for compiling "a blacklist of deputies who worked
off-duty jobs for less than the office's recommended minimum pay rate" of
$25 an hour. Campbell "attempted to enforce these minimum pay rates on
deputies . . . through intimidation and the use of (his) authority by virtue of
(his) rank . . . ."

Surely MIKE's good buddy was just trying to uphold high standards for
the department. ‘Fraid not. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette says, "at the
same time Campbell published the blacklist, he was working off-duty
(himself) at the Little Rock Convention Center for less than $25 an hour."
Seems MIKE's colleague is no more than a thug with double standards.

MIKE's friend also has no qualms about lying. The Arkansas
Democrat-Gazette says, Campbell approved "employment for four
deputies at the Planet Earth nightclub. Department policy forbids deputies
from working off-duty at bars," so Campbell falsified the officers’ requests
by characterizing the nightclub as "a restaurant."

A liar is a liar is a liar, but with so many impressive character witnesses at
trial vouching for his veracity, Linda and I couldn't get the jury to see the
real Jay Campbell. We also had numerous affidavits attesting to Campbell
and his former partner, Kirk Lane, using violent threats and intimidation
against witnesses. We tried to get the evidence introduced, but the judge
disallowed it as being too prejudicial. Some of the affidavits were sworn to
by witnesses who had no reason what-so-ever to do anything but simply
come forward with the truth. The jury heard little else about the character
of Campbell and Lane than what the string of seemingly upstanding,
forthright law enforcement officers had to say about the flawless virtues of
their cronies.

A Then and Now Recap:

Then, a parade of public officials testified as character
witnesses for Dan Harmon when his law license was
suspended. They were later proven to be either fools or liars.
The same is now true for the character witnesses for
Campbell. (I would especially like to know which MIKE
SMITH claims to be, a fool or a liar. If anyone finds out,
please let me know.)

Then, Harmon was vigorously protected by State Drug Czar
Robert Shepherd, who pretended to me that he wanted
Harmon indicted. Shepherd requested a meeting with me,
asking for information my task force had developed, but I
already knew Shepherd's real intentions and gave him
nothing. Now, Campbell has and is being protected by the
FBI, particularly MIKE SMITH. SMITH sat in on an FBI
meeting with Linda and me, when we asked them to protect
an eyewitness that can identify Campbell and Lane as the
hands-on killers of Kevin and Don. We didn't learn until the
trial that SMITH was a close friend of Campbell. (SMITH's
presence at the meeting was so remarkably inappropriate,
there should be no doubt left in anybody's mind that the FBI
lacks even a shred of integrity.)

Then, Harmon enjoyed impunity for such a long time that his
behavior became too blatant to ignore. Apparently Campbell
has now suffered the same fate.

Then, Harmon was finally indicted, tried, and convicted but
for much lesser offenses than he could or should have been.
Now it is virtually impossible to believe that a 17-year
veteran of the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department was fired
for the reasons being reported if his record is otherwise clean.

Other Evidence The Jury Did Not Get To Hear:

The jury never got to hear the testimony of the eyewitness who can identify
Campbell and Lane as the killers. During the summer of 1998, Linda and I
discovered that the state police went to great lengths to discredit a
purported eyewitness to the murders. His name is Ronnie Godwin, and if a
jury ever hears his testimony, they will know that Campbell and Lane are
the killers. (See PART TWO, "Witnesses"
[] )

We had to give Godwin up during depositions so we went immediately to
the FBI to ask for protection for him. Little did we know we were asking
Campbell's cohort to protect Godwin.

The attorney for Campbell and Lane contacted Godwin, and asked him if
he had, indeed, identified Campbell and Lane to Linda and me as the cops
he saw that night. When Godwin said he had not, the attorney got Godwin
to sign an affidavit to that effect. The attorney then subpoenaed Godwin to
testify at trial.

The affidavit didn't worry us. We knew that to Godwin’s way of thinking,
he had been truthful on the affidavit. He never actually said the names to
us. On our first meeting with Godwin, Linda asked him point-blank; "Were
the police officers you saw kill the boys Jay Campbell and Kirk Lane?"
Godwin said, "I refuse to answer that question." Linda said, "Ronnie, you
just did. If it hadn't been them, you wouldn't have had a problem saying
so." From that point, we always spoke of the incident with the
understanding that we all knew what he meant.

We talked to Godwin the day before trial was to begin. We wanted to
know what he was going to say when the attorney for Campbell and Lane
asked him if he could identify the police officers he saw that night.

Godwin said, "I'm going to answer him the same way I answered you."
"How's that," I asked. He said, "I'm going to say that I refuse to answer
that question." I said that their attorney is apparently sure that he either
can't or won't identify his clients and may press for an answer. Godwin
said, "Campbell and Lane will not want him to do that." That's all Linda
and I wanted to hear. If their attorney didn't press, then ours would. Linda
and I felt certain that Campbell and Lane were finally going to be identified
as the killers.

Monday morning, the witnesses were escorted to the witness room,
including Linda and Godwin. I was allowed to sit at counsel table. One
after another, the character witnesses for Campbell and Lane paraded to
the stand. By the end of the first day, the jury had heard hours of testimony
from Arkansas's finest who simply couldn't sing the praises of Campbell
and Lane enough. The jury had made up their minds, and the wild tales of
a scorned prosecutor and a bereaved mother were not going to convince
them otherwise. I could see it in their faces, but I was comfortable.
Godwin would take the stand the next day and after 12 years, the tide
would forever turn.

We talked to Godwin that night, and he was ready. Tuesday morning, I
was waiting in the hall for our boxes of files to be delivered when Godwin
rushed up. I have never seen anyone fit the description "wild-eyed" more
accurately. He asked if I had someone to follow him that morning. I
replied, "No. Why?"

Godwin described someone in a white truck sitting across the street when
he left his house. He said the driver was talking on a radio and deliberately
being obvious about following him. Godwin said, "I think it was intended as
a message, and I got it loud and clear." I told Godwin to go to the witness
room and I'd come talk to him. Once I had our files in place, I headed for
the witness room. Godwin nearly ran over me leaving. He said, "They've
released me and I'm going home to my family." I said, "Ronnie, we need
you to testify for us. Can I see you tonight?" He said, "yes" as he rushed

Campbell and Lane took the stand that morning and played the part of two
falsely-accused, horribly-defamed, victims. Our attorney got them to admit
they had subpoenaed a purported eyewitness to the murders and then
released him, but that was all the jury got to hear about our star witness's
disappearance, and disappear he did.

Linda and I flew out of the courtroom that evening to find Godwin, but his
sister said he was gone and she didn't expect he'd be back. Our attorney
hired an investigator to look for him throughout the remainder of the trial,
but he was not found.

Our attorney argued that we should be able to explain to the jury the facts
surrounding Godwin’s disappearance, but the judge disallowed it as
hearsay. The best Linda and I could do was explain to the jury that
Godwin was a credible witness who could identify Campbell and Lane, but
his glaring absence without explanation was too damaging. From there, our
testimony must have sounded like the rantings of two unstable women,
particularly when I tried to explain the ties Campbell had to Dan Lasater
and that Lasater was a major drug trafficker rather than a mere
"recreational distributor" as reported by the media.

Clearly, Campbell and Lane were not going to be pegged the killers, but
the trial was not lost at that point. To win the law suit, the plaintiffs had to
show that Pat Matrisciana acted with reckless disregard for the truth by
naming Campbell and Lane as suspects in the murders. That would not
have been possible if John Brown had testified truthfully, but he didn't. He
testified that he never considered Campbell and Lane to be suspects and
warned Pat not to name them in the video.

Brown was telling a bald-faced lie, and Linda and I were prepared to
crucify him with a recording of him admitting otherwise and with a dozen
witnesses who would testify he was lying. Pat and our attorney, however,
visited Brown before the trial, and Brown convinced them he was going to
straighten everything out when he got on the stand. I vehemently warned
Pat that we had to be ready to impeach Brown's testimony, but Pat felt like
I was "being too emotional" and my "ability to make good decisions was
clouded." I have to admit, that I flew into a rage at that point, trying to
persuade our attorney to see it my way. However, Pat was his client, and I
was ignored. That was the nail that sealed our coffin.

We were hopeful the judge would overturn the verdict, but his written
decision was primarily based on John Brown's testimony. He felt the jury
was reasonable to believe that Brown warned Pat, and that Pat acted with
reckless disregard for ignoring him. Since we introduced absolutely nothing
at trial to negate Brown's lies, we are left with little or nothing upon which
to base an appeal and will likely lose there also.

Although we lost another round, we have seen that in time the truth has a
way of surfacing. I can wait.

Related Documents []

The Boys on the Tracks
 By Mara Leveritt: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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* Jean Duffey: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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