Newswatch Magazine

The TRUTH About Y2K!

Revelation 13:1 states: “And I stood upon the sand of the sea
[meaning humanity], and saw a beast [government] rise up out of the
sea [of humanity]…” Now notice how far this Beast [or government]
will extend its power! Revelation 13:7 says: “…and power was given
him over ALL kindreds, and tongues, and NATIONS.” That is
Global Government no matter how you slice it!

But notice what else will be accomplished by this Global Government.
Revelation 13:16-17 reads: “And he [a second Beast of v.11] causeth
ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a
MARK [for identification] in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that NO man might be able to BUY and SELL, save he that had
the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” And,
of course, v. 18 tells us the number is 666.

In the aftermath of Y2K, many Christians have been both disillusioned
and wondering exactly what all the hype and buildup of Y2K was all
about in the first place. Was Y2K imagined? Was it built up to
provide a cover for the real agenda? The following may give some
answers as to WHY Y2K was built up, then allowed to pass with
only minor incidents.


Joan Veon has covered 35 U.N. conferences on several continents.
Her first conference made her realize that we are in a time of world
government on the International level already. While the beginnings of
world government began long ago, the current phase of world
government infrastructure began between 1941 and 1943, then the
passage of the U.N. Charter by the U.S. Senate in 1945 as its official
birthday. All that is needed to bring this world government into the
forefront of everyone’s understanding is a planned, managed,
catastrophic event to make the transition from the world we know in
America to that of recognizable world government based on the
United Nations Charter.

It was thought that Y2K would PRESENT an excellent opportunity
to move the U.S. and the world into “official” world government; also
put into effect all of President Clinton’s Executive Orders; and cause
starvation in third and fourth world countries.

In view of the FACT that the lights never went out on December 31,

For two years the world was prepared to fight a common enemy. We
were told if BILLIONS of lines of computer code were not fixed, the
world could find itself in chaos. In 1997 Newsweek Magazine printed
an article “The Day the World Shuts Down” in which it listed all of the
sectors of society - industry, the military, banking, medicine,
communications, and utilities, etc. - that are de-pendent on
computers. The article pointed out that buildings could shut down, air
traffic control systems could go dead, the entire infrastructure could
go haywire, military preparedness could be adversely affected, billing
systems could get lost, and cardiac monitors in hospitals could get
shut down.

On the heels of a growing awareness, two Y2K books came out
which became bestsellers. Explaining the problem in a logical manner,
Michael S. Hyatt, offered three scenarios based on a survey of 38
computer experts and year 2000 researchers. The results pointed to a
blackout or a complete meltdown of the entire system. Plus infiltration
into Communist cells had revealed the probable use of the electrical
power grids to “blackout” the nation for deploying U.N. or Russians
troops into America. Numerous Executive Orders were issued which
could shift the power of government to the Federal Emergency
Management Agency in the case of a catastrophe.

In response to this seemingly REAL threat, in February 1998 the
president issued Executive Order 13073, which established the
President’s Council on Year 2000 Conversion. The council was
comprised of representatives from more than 30 executive and
regulatory agencies and charged with outreach into the public and
private sectors, both domestically and internationally. John Koskinen
was appointed to head up the council. Since this posed a global
threat, the U.N. held Y2K conferences in December 1998 and June
1999. They also set up the International Y2K Cooperation Center
and a steering committee. They instructed each nation-state to appoint
a Y2K national coordinator who would be their country’s liaison, the
key contact for other countries, governments, agencies, organizations,
and corporations.


In late 1998 to early 1999, many concluded that Y2K was going to
be serious since it appeared to have all the necessary requirements for
a “planned, managed, and catastrophic event” to catapult us from
unofficial world government into “official” world government. Y2K
was a transfer of the world FROM individual nation-states to a new
electronically interconnected world which uses wires, computer
processors, and electricity to cement the individual countries

Joan Veon, who had attended the 35 U.N. meetings said that from
June 1998 until September 30, 1999, she believed Y2K was going to
be very serious. Her eyes were opened when she attended the 1999
annual IMF/World Bank meeting in Washington, D.C. At that
meeting where everything of importance was discussed, Y2K was a
non-event - there were NO rumblings or undertones about it. If the
“Big Boys” who run the world’s monetary system were not
concerned, then there was no reason for anyone to be concerned.
Furthermore, she realized these same “Big Boys” were not going to
go out of 1999 on a stock market that was down, but that they were
going to go out on a MAJOR upswing. She then realized that we
would have one of the strongest “bull” markets ever.

The Agenda

When there were no meltdowns, blackouts, or incidents of note on
December 31, it was declared on national television: “The Y2K bug
has been met and conquered.” This statement, along with reading
Y2K czar John Koskinen’s press briefing, provided new insight as to
the real agenda behind the Y2K scare. EXACTLY WHAT DID

Y2K provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the nation-states
of the world who were not Internet savvy to get wired.  TheY2K
scare provided an opportunity to transition business and government
into a NEW working relationship which complimented President
Clinton and Al Gore’s “Reinvented Government.” It set up an
electronic network which is unparalled in all of history. It spurred the
economies of the world and set the tone for a CASHLESS
SOCIETY, all of which facilitate the ushering in of world government.

When a new house is built, the foundation is laid, THEN the structure
and roof added. The wiring allows for the structure to have POWER
- “over ALL kindreds, and tongues, and NATIONS.” Y2K was the
wiring of the house, as the structure has already been built. Y2K
provided the EXCUSE to transfer the world FROM individual
nation-states INTO an electronically knit world - a world which is
now ONE and which includes BOTH governments and corporations
- the Great Trust. Beginning January 1, 2000, we entered an
electronic world government!

A follow-up question then is: “Were we misled or deceived by our
government as to the seriousness of the situation?” Y2K HAD TO
BE PAINTED as being serious in order to have sufficient reason to
get Americans to agree with Congress that the money had to be spent
to repair it - or ELSE. The options were telling America that billions
were needed to get the world WIRED, or telling them that we have to
spend money to fight the Y2K bug. They knew Americans would
NEVER agree to pay billions in taxes to prepare the world for a
CASHLESS DICTATORSHIP to enslave us. The Y2K challenge
CREATED that unifying desire to “meet the enemy eye to eye and
win!” With regard to foreign countries, many cannot provide the
basics for their people, let alone spend monies on getting wired. In
order for them to justify the repositioning of critical dollars, a global
problem had to be created.

This picture begins to make sense when you look at HOW the U.N.
painted Y2K. It does appear that Y2K provided a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity for the nation-states of the world to get wired for world
government WITHOUT many of them understanding what was
happen-ing. In a speech at the second U.N. Conference on Y2K in
June 1999, U.N. Deputy Secretary-General Louise Frechette said in

“The Threat. The millennium bug threatens to disrupt finance, trade,
shipping, telecommunications, air traffic control and other vital public
services such as electricity and natural disaster preparedness. It casts
a shadow over issues of peace and security.

“Solution. The International Y2K Cooperation Center was created
with remarkable speed following the [U.N.] meeting in December
1998. The number of countries with a Y2K PLAN [to fix the
problem] and a national coordinator has risen. New coalitions are
being forged among business, industry, governments, and international
organizations. Such solidarity [a communist phrase] and problem-
solving shows the United Nations in action. Working groups [have]
forged innovative partnerships with all available expertise, including
the private sector and academia; and it has facilitated the efforts of the
Secretariat and wider United Nations family to CREATE AN
ELECTRONIC ORGANIZATION. Ambassador Ahmad Kamel [of
Pakistan] helped all of us harness the Internet, e-mail and other new
communications technologies to our global mission of peace,
development and human rights.

“Goal. We must all continue to take advantage of what the new
technologies have to offer - for diplomacy and development, for
advocacy and education. We must all pursue a VISION of a new
century in which all people are [technologically] empowered.”

From this speech, it becomes clear that the need to battle the “Y2K
bug” was basically an excuse to synchronize the whole world
electronically in order to bring the lesser developed countries into the
electronic age - a different AGENDA than what we had been told by
the American press.

So WHAT did Y2K do? Let’s take a look at what was said by John
Koskinen at several press briefings in early January 2000.

1. Electronic Network or Brains. Press briefings given in the first few
days of 2000 provide us with the real truth of what Y2K was all
about - an excuse to wage war in order to integrate the world using
an electronic medium which can only further ERASE BORDERS, and
make us ONE, facilitating global integration in a new way for a new

Koskinen outlined the following ways we were integrated: A) The
United States created a $50 Billion In-formation Coordination
Center. The ICC is now at the center for state and local governments,
the private sector, multinational and transnational corporations, and
our federal government to interact on a daily basis to coordinate ALL
systems from an electronic basis point. In other words, it appears that
the electronic brains of the global system was created in the U.S. to
monitor and coordinate all of the perceived electronic problems in the
world! The ICC was established, designed, and run by General Peter
Kind. It is an information collection mechanism focused on dealing
with information from around the world. Koskinen organized more
than 25 task forces to reach out to industry groups, corporations, the
U.N., and foreign trading partners. He collected confidential industry
information to assess the potential Y2K risks (Washington Post,
12/16/99, p. G8). Reports sent to the center came from all
government agencies and industry as well as FEMA and the Federal
Reserve Board and executive branch.

In explaining the VASTNESS of the ICC, Koskinen said: “What we
have [en]capsulated here in the Information Coordinator Center is a
unique operation. Communication going on, with ALL of our
embassies and national coordinators in countries around the world, all
freely exchanging information, which IS the final step in a long process
of exchanging technical information and advice [Editor’s note: of
creation of world government]. We have begun to look at the
question of HOW we can build on this sort of unprecedented amount
of cooperation and work together.”

The USA Today reported Koskinen boasting: “Solving Y2K proved
that I can run the world with four people.”

B) On May 22, 1998, the Policy on Critical Infrastructure Protection
program was released. It sets up the “National Infrastructure
Protection Center, which includes the FBI, the Secret Service, the
Department of Defense, and the intelligence agencies which are all
ORDERED to cooperate with NIPC.” We will shortly live in a totally
controlled society where everyone cooperates or…

C) Financial markets were coordinated from an information
standpoint BOTH nationally and GLOBALLY This will begin to
usher in GLOBAL GOVERNANCE that Clinton, Gore, and the
United Nations want.

2. Partnerships. Joe Lockhart, White House spokesman said Y2K
was successful in getting government working in partnership with local
governments, communities, and corporations. In other words, GAIN
This is in complete agreement with President Bill Clinton’s
Socialist/Communist “Reinventing Government.” He began this
partnership of government with private partnerships in 1993. This way
GOVERNMENT can merge with EVERY part of society and run it.
He tried to MERGE the Social Security Trust Fund with the stock
market and was soundly defeated.

There were several other permanent partnerships which were created
to fight Y2K. U.S. Energy Secretary Bill Richardson and his Russian
counterpart created a permanent partnership in the area of energy
(Washington Post, 1/4/2000, p. A13). In addition, the U.S. and
Russia created a joint team to monitor Y2K from the U.S. Space
Command at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs. This
agreement was set up under an agreement signed in 1998 by Defense
Secretary William Cohen and his Russian counterpart, Marshal Igor
D. Sergeyev. Ultimately, the experiment will evolve into a permanent
Joint Warning Center to be built near Moscow and staffed by officers
from both countries.

3. Provided Corporations with a Leading Edge for the 21st Century.
Business Week stated that the Y2K bug “…FORCED companies
and government agencies all over the world to get rid of buggy old
software and aging hardware and invest in new technology. Now
systems are in place to provide a solid foundation for all sorts of new
online systems for e-commerce and e-government.” No wonder the
NASDAQ rose 85.6%. The sales of all the new technology to
businesses and governments around the world.

4. Spurred the Economies of the World - An Economic Substitute for
War. The Kennedy administration commissioned 15 men, experts in
their fields, to determine WHAT WOULD HAVE TO CHANGE IN
OF PEACE. This top-secret report was published by one of the 15
whose identity is still unknown. Their conclusions stated that we
would have to find an enemy OTHER than our fellow man. They
suggested the environment. Since war is an economic stimulus, they
determined that 10% of our Gross Domestic Product would have to
be wasted each year. They suggested a number of ways to waste that
10%: a space program, medical research, free housing for the poor,

The COST to fix Y2K would be more than the cost of any GLOBAL
WAR. To fight this Y2K enemy, the U.S. government spent over
$8.5 billion, and the country, as a whole, spent $100 billion. In
comparison, the cost of the Vietnam War was $300 billion over ten
years. The GLOBAL cost to fight Y2K was estimated at $600
billion. Now, we have EVERY SIGN of a global economy emerging.

5. Set the Tone for a Cashless Society. In a society where
EVERYTHING is cashless there will be the eventual elimination of
ATMs, etc. When EVERYTHING can be done by telephone or
Internet, the next thing to be fully changed is the monetary system so
that “NO man might be able to BUY and SELL, save he that had the

What is the BOTTOM line of the Y2K scare? While an electronic
system increases production, reduces costs, eliminate waste, and
basically makes everything sustainable, it is also capable of tracking
EVERY individual, rendering them as nothing but individual
production UNITS with value as long as they can produce.


The presented THREAT of Y2K would: 1) require global compliance
in ways that companies would never have allowed because of
intrusion by government - BIG BROTHER; 2) cause local, state,
national and international agencies to interact with each other about
disaster relief and other issues which comprised a NEW LEVEL of
global cooperation, all of which were needed for global government;
3) present a multitude of problems for which the U.N. and its nation-
states MUST find solutions together; 4) provide an excellent
opportunity to merge the world’s policemen, firemen, emergency
management systems, military forces, national guardsmen, etc.; 5)
transfer wealth and technology FROM the rich countries TO the poor
countries [Marxism]; 6) reinforce the implementation of Clinton’s
“reinvention of government” at the community level; and 7) equate the
expenditures of monies, a goal which “The Report from Iron
Mountain” said would be necessary in the absence of war. It appears
that all of these have or are happening to further World Government.

On one Public Broadcast station on the night of December 31, 1999,
the moderator said: “In a sense, the lines between nations and
BORDERS are our own contrivance. As we go from capital to
capital tonight to ring in the new millennium, we can see that we are
ONE on earth - we are one people UNITED.”

In addition to a major rewiring of the world so that we are all on the
same “electrical system,” the celebrations which we witnessed on
television on December 31, 1999, and the comments made by those
who moderated it sent a CLEAR message - “WE ARE ONE.”

WERE WE HOODWINKED? Absolutely yes! We may have seen
the last of Y2K, but have we also seen, very soon, the LAST of
national sovereignty?

Everyone seems to be LULLED to sleep by the Y2K hoax pulled off
by the proponents of World Government! Notice what the Bible says
about it: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then SUDDEN
destruction cometh…and they shall not escape” (1 Thes. 5:3).

Let’s Go Back Into History a Moment

The United States was formed when certain colonies which were
totally independent of each other decided to delegate limited authority
to a central government. The central government was never to be
used to usurp the Sovereignty of the individual nation State - such as
Alabama, Michigan and Texas. ALL power not delegated to the
central [or federal] government was to be retained BY the States and
the peoples of those several States.

The Illuminati, who have been working for world government for two
centuries, did not want 48 strong State governments, which has now
expanded to 50. It would be more difficult to win 48 or 50 separate
States and subvert them for world government, so they decided to
infiltrate in SECRET to centralize all power into an all powerful
Federal Government. This would emasculate the Sovereignty of the
individual States and subjugate them to a Federal Government which
would by-pass the State’s Rights and the Rights of We the people.

There were many instances where sections of the country discussed
secession because of infringement upon State’s Rights. The New
England States discussed it in 1812. The Middle Atlantic States
discussed it but never followed through. Why did these different
sections of the country feel open to discuss secession? The first
District Attorney in the United States, William Rawle, wrote a
textbook - A View of the Constitution - that the Federal Government
paid the military academy in New York, a Northern State, to teach its
cadets in 1825-1826. The textbook taught that secession was
LEGAL if the Federal Government OVERSTEPPED its delegated
authority and infringed upon State’s Rights and the Rights of We the

This is WHY these various sections in the Middle and Northern
States felt perfectly comfortable in discussing the possibility of
seceding from the Union. IT WAS THEIR RIGHT IF THEY WERE

Finally, in 1861 several Southern States began to secede from the
Union because of the Federal Governments infringement upon their
State Sovereignty. In all 11 States seceded. Even Northern
newspapers stated the South had the right to do so and wished them
well. Abraham Lincoln even advocated the legality of secession in
1848. As president, he bade the South farewell as he was having 7
ships loaded with military equipment headed for Fort Sumter, South

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1864-1873, Salomon
Chase, stated that with the surrender of Robert E. Lee that “State’s
Rights died.” Did they? How could any Amendment to the
Constitution just die without a Constitutional Convention to vote to
eliminate it from the document? The only Confederacy President,
Jefferson Davis, said State’s Rights would rear its head at another
time and under another circumstance BECAUSE the issue of State’s
Rights could not be settled by war. Was he right? Is the issue of
State’s Rights raising its head again? Louisiana passed in a State-wide
vote Amendment 11 (eleven) to their State Constitution which
reaffirmed their Tenth Amendment status to the Federal Constitution.
They have the right to refuse any law the Federal Congress passes
that is outside the limits of the Tenth Amendment. Arizona has voted
out of committee HCR-2034 that states they can secede from the
Union if the Federal Government were to declare Martial Law
WITHOUT the State’s consent. They could also secede if the
Federal Government tried to confiscate guns and disarm the people -
violation of the Second Amendment right to bare arms.

Alabama investigated the threat of the United Nations’ Treaty to
State’s Rights and Sovereignty in 1964. They concluded the United
Nations was created to be a direct ASSAULT upon the Constitution
of the United States and individual State Sovereignty and the loss of
all the freedoms protected by the Constitution.

Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina spoke to the Security Council
of the United Nations in January 2000. He said Americans were
feeling that the United Nations wanted to become a Centralized
World Government. They would NEVER usurp the power of the
United States.

Within days of this meeting, the U.N. announced a scheduled meeting
in September 2000 to discuss “Global Governance.” They would also
discuss a U.N. military independent of all nations. Alice Bailey [New
Ager] wrote in her book “The Externalisation of the Hierarchy,” that
all atomic weapons belong to the United Nations and should be
turned over to them FOR USE against any political group or nation or
RELIGIOUS group, and named the Roman Catholic Church by
name, that resisted the New World Order (page 548). Read
Revelation 13:4 & 17:1-6, 15-18.

Clinton CULTIVATING FRIENDSHIPS to Subdue America!

Could an Emergency Management meeting have taken place in the
summer of 1999 that involved several State and Federal law
enforcement agencies and FEMA to discuss Weapons of Mass
Destruction and the role to be played by the local, state and federal
agencies? Could this meeting have had speakers from the FBI,
BATF, FEMA, US Marshals office, Department of Defense, DEA,
INS, IRS, Department of Justice, Department of Army, Domestic
and International Terrorism, and several people only identified as
undercover operatives?

No cameras or tape recorders were allowed in the room. Special ID
was required. A warning was given that the information presented
was for the governments planning and NOT for public review or
comment. The loyal American revealing this information has done so
because he/she did not like what was said.

He/she said the whole training session boiled down to this: The
Federal Government has a big fear that the American public has had
just about enough of government intrusion into their lives, and they
[the American citizens] are at a boiling point. Also, that this whole
country is in such a state of anger, frustration, and confusion, and is so
volatile, that any spark could set in motion a Civil War that would
ultimately DESTROY our government as we know it.

A Special Agent in charge, from the FBI Terrorist Investigation Unit,
spoke for almost two hours concerning militia in the U.S. He said
there was now over 1,300 militia units in the U.S. with 25 or more
persons in each unit. Three new active militia groups organize each
year out of fear of the federal government. 400 plus active militias
have an FBI agent, paid informant infiltrated into them, US Marshal
working with the DEA, or a DEA agent working inside one of the
groups. 10% of the militia are prior military. 2% of the militia have the
necessary skills to teach combat readiness.

He pointed out that 20% of the militia members are armed to equal or
exceed the standards for the regular US military. 20% of the militia
members have set targets in case of federal government tyranny,
operational plans and a way to execute them. 20% of the militia have
education past high school. The federal agents believe that 20% of the
militia members will actually pull the trigger IF or WHEN something
goes wrong - without hesitation.

With those figures, he went on to say that the government is
concerned about the rise in the number of militia who may shoot when
they feel it necessary. Quote: “If this number should rise from 20% to
60%, America as we know it would cease to exist. Federal, State
and local law enforcement agencies will not have the man power to
take on such an onslaught, if armed citizens should decide to make
war against the government. Martial Law would have to be declared
and the military brought in. This would only fuel the citizens anger and
draw the fence riders off to the side of the militia, as they have been
warning that this administration has plans to do this anyway. Now
don’t get me wrong, the federal government has plans to deal with
such as this, but America WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.”

At this point a question was asked: “Just what plans does the federal
government have? And from your comment it doesn’t look like State
and local governments will be consulted or even included in the
making of this plan.” The answer: “American government is set up to
continue under the most stressful situations. However, we have
always fought on foreign soil. No one can say for sure what a civil
war would do here. To be frankly honest, this administration has been
cultivating friendships to HELP with this, but we will not get into that,
I see no need for it, and I am not sure how much I can say.”

Those “friendships” that the Clinton administration is “cultivating” are
foreign troops UNDER the NATO Alliance of the United Nations
and Russian, Chinese and other Communist countries. They have
been having “URBAN PACIFICATION” training all across America
- Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Anniston [Alabama], Kingsville [Texas], and
many others to prepare to fight against Americans that do NOT want
to be merged into an all powerful United Nations and lose ALL of our
Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.

The main reason America is in such danger is that most have turned
their back upon the One and only true God. Total “repentance” will
be required before God will intervene and heal our land. We must
discover WHY Jesus shed “the blood of the Everlasting Covenant.”
“Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord
Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the
EVERLASTING COVENANT, make you perfect in every good
work to DO his will, working IN you that which is well-pleasing in his
sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory” (Hebrews 13:20-21);
If the United States, as a nation, does not repent, notice what will
happen: “…and sware by him that liveth forever that it shall be for a
time, times, and a half [3 ˝ years]; and when he shall have
accomplished to scatter the POWER [military, economic, religious
and political] of the holy people, all these things shall be finished (
Daniel 12:7 [last]).

Notice that there is to be an ALL powerful military which will absorb
the United States power: “…Who is like unto the beast
[government]? Who is able to make war with him?” (Revelation 13:
4);And notice WHO will be targeted for EXTINCTION by this
Socialist-Communist system called the United Nations! “And it was
given unto him to make war with the SAINTS, and to overcome
them: and power was GIVEN him [by Satan the devil according to
Luke 4:5-6] over ALL kindreds, and tongues, and nations”
(Revelation 13:7).

God would have mercy if REPENTANCE were to be found in the
nation: “If MY [God’s] people, which are called by my name, shall
humble themselves, and PRAY, and SEEK my face, and TURN
[repent] from their wicked ways; THEN will I hear from heaven, and
will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Since America is not and will not turn back to God, then God has
provided a “place” of protection for His TRUE SAINTS.

“And when the dragon [Rev.12:9 identifies this dragon as the unseen
spirit in rebellion to God - Satan the devil] saw that he was cast unto
the earth, he persecuted the woman [the church after it received the
Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost - Acts 2] which brought forth the
man child. And to the woman [small, true church] were given two
wings of a great [symbolic] eagle, that she might fly [escape] into the
wilderness, INTO HER PLACE, where she is nourished [fattened
with food - Greek] for a time, and times, and half a time [exactly 3 ˝
years as Daniel 12:7 stated], FROM [out of reach or contact with]
the face of the serpent [Satan]. And the serpent [Satan] cast out of his
mouth water as a flood [military units - Isaiah 59:19] after the woman,
that he [Satan] might cause her [the church] to be carried away [into
concentration camps and martyrdom] of the flood [military units]. And
the EARTH [or region - Strong’s Condordance] [supernaturally]
helped the woman; and the earth opened up her mouth, and
swallowed up the flood [military units] which the dragon [Satan] cast
out of his mouth. And the dragon [Satan] was wroth [angry] with the
woman [church at large that did not see a need to “fly into the
wilderness for protection”], and went to make war with the
REMNANT [remaining ones] of her seed, which KEEP the
commandments of God, and HAVE the testimony of Jesus Christ [the
Spirit of prophesy - Revelation 19:10b]” (Revelation 12:13-17). Will
you be one of those who repents and seeks that protection? Someone
of earth today knows the truth of this matter! “Surely the Lord God
will do NOTHING, but he revealeth his secret unto HIS
SERVANTS THE PROPHETS” (Amos 3:7). Jesus, the Christ, told
His followers to WATCH world events, so they would truly know the
approximate time of His return and the providing of Divine Protection
during that 3 ˝ year time period. Note His instructions: “WATCH ye
therefore, and PRAY always, that ye may be ACCOUNTED
WORTHY to ESCAPE all these things that SHALL COME TO
PASS, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36).

Will you cry out to God the Father and Jesus, the Christ, for spiritual
understanding as to HOW to please and OBEY Him from the heart,
so you can be ACCOUNTED WORTHY to ESCAPE the coming
terrible events to usher in World Government?

Would you like to take the “Citizens of America FREEDOM Survey

Sincerely, David J. Smith

Math 101:
=Global socialists who don't give a damn
about the Constitution, or American Sovereignty, or
your individual unalienable rights.
They are sell-outs and traitors.
Our chains are forged!
Their clanking may be heard inside the beltway of Washington, DC!
Go look in to your children or grandchildren's eyes
then decide:
Which Traitor are you going to vote for?
When are you people going to wake up?
If you vote for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for evil.
Vote for Alan Keyes
He is the ONLY candidate that is talking about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Liberty.

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**********************Live Free or Die!*********************<><

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