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David Morehouse -True Adventures of a Psychic Spy 6/6

"First they said there was something to it. Then we blew up one chemical
dump. Then they said it was two chemical dumps. The problem is that the
American people continue to forgive this sort of betrayal. They ignore it
and thereby forgive it, and so they set the stage for it to happen again.

"They stood there, men who knew, and baldfaced lied to us and said it never
happened. General Powell went before Congress and fervently denied that he
had any knowledge of it or that he had any evidence of it, which is again
'plausible denial' because nobody briefed him on it.

"The CIA was keeping track of all the wind charts pertaining to this theatre
of operations. Let me tell you something. In 18 years in the military, I
never once turned to the CIA for a weather report. So why is the CIA telling
us that the downwind messages showed this and this? Are we so stupid that we
can't see that these guys are concerned about what's going to be revealed in
time, that they've jumped in to level the playing fields? They're in there
BS-ing and lying right and left, day in day out."

Antony Sutton is unequivocal in praise of Morehouse and his book. He writes
that, "Psychic Warrior is one book that you should read. Not only will it
open your eyes to the strange new technology we outlined, but it will make
you disgusted with a Pentagon whose main interest appears to be to keep its
Washington generals in luxury and golf courses, while it can't keep its
planes in the air. Yet DoD has time to persecute an officer who truly served
the United States."


Fall guy James Earl Ray was sentenced to life in prison for the killing of
famed civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ray's lawyer, William Pepper, author of Orders to Kill, will be presenting
new evidence in court: remote-viewing data by David Morehouse on the
assassination of the '60s-era icon.

So who killed King?

Morehouse says: "...these were contract yobbos, low-level CIA operatives
that did it. They were US Special Forces, a sniper team that came out of
assassination school. They were always deployed in areas where riots were
taking place or expected to take place. They had a hit list, a sequential
hit list of people they were to take out. That was common stuff in the '60s.

"Every time there was a civil disturbance, these sniper teams were deployed
and were given encrypted orders that told them who and what. They had a
standing list of people to hit. They would receive information that would
say, 'Do it,' or 'Don't do it.' And if they did it, they had an egress route
out of the area; or a 'potted plant'-people that would pick them up.

"The soldiers that were given charge to do this perceived individuals like
Martin Luther King-and others that provoked rioting and unrest on college
campuses against the American Government-as enemies of the State."

So what can attorney William Pepper do with Morehouse's remote-viewing

"He's going to take it to court as evidence and use it," says Morehouse.
"His argument is that the US Government has used this as an intelligence
collection tool for 20 years. It's going to be admitted as evidence,
verifying the information-gathering methodology. He will say, 'Look, a
military remote viewer has brought this information back and it was
collected using military technology.' Pepper called and said thanks for all
the great work."

Morehouse admits, however, that "what he's [Pepper's] trying to do is fight
an uphill battle".


Morehouse's new book is called Non-Lethal Weapons: War Without Death.
According to Morehouse, "...conventional weaponry is designed to kill. The
new hybrid conventional weaponry is designed to maim. Non-lethal weaponry,
by this definition, must be anti-materiel and not anti-personnel.

"The book takes a very philosophical approach to the concept of
non-lethality. It talks about what conventional weapons have done in this
century: taken 170 million innocent human beings' lives. Doctors, lawyers,
professors, housewives, children, not warriors-80 million of them were
summarily executed for their refusal to participate, and that number
continues to grow exponentially. Less than 250,000 of those lives were taken
through nuclear weapons.

"In the post-Cold War era, the military-industrial complex has spent an
inordinate amount of time on the disarmament and abolition of the nuclear
arsenal, unscrewing five nuclear warheads so we can pat ourselves on the
back and say what a great job we did, while in the meantime we spent US$900
billion-plus last year to build and market weapons of death and destruction.
So it's a shell game.

"The conclusion is that we're in a new strategic era at a crossroads of
human history. We have to make a decision. Are we going to continue to build
weapons on an ever-increasing scale? Or are we going to evolve to an era in
which we retool the entire defence industry to outfit ourselves with weapons
that preserve human life but yet destroy the war machine of a belligerent,
thereby eliminating a belligerent's ability to wage war?

"We have that technology to kill the tanks themselves. This is the premise.
The nature of man will never change, and therefore the nature of war will
never change. Only the way in which wars are fought will change. All the
so-called 'Star Wars' technology, the electromagnetic pulse weapons, are
lethal, high-tech conventional weaponry. That's all it is."

Morehouse continues with his analysis, saying that the book "...takes 12
truly non-lethal technologies and it templates them over fictional scenarios
that contemplate current world events-Bosnia, Somalia, etc."

So the military-industrial complex has to be called for an accounting?

"Exactly. That's what has to happen," says Morehouse. "We have to become
more well-read on these issues. That's why the book creates this vision.
Here's the scenario with conventional weapons, and here's what happens if we
inject a non-lethal form of technology.

"I saw this tested at Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah. It's called an
'anti-tank shroud round'. Milliseconds before it impacts, it sends out a
white-hot plasma jetstream which precedes the impact of the round and bores
a hole through the armour faster than the speed of sound and spews molten
metal into the interior of the tank which turns everything inside the tank
into jello. That's how Iraqi tanks were killed in the desert.

"What the shroud round does is that milliseconds before it hits it explodes
into a wire-reinforced polymer film that envelops the tank like an octopus
envelops its prey. It shorts out everything. This polymer instantly wraps
and shrinks down. They called it a 'shrink-wrap round'. The polymer's
collective strength blew the hydraulics on an M-60 tank as it tried to
traverse the turret. It seals all the lids shut. The wire shorts out the

So why haven't they bragged about it?

"Because," explains Morehouse, "the US$900 billion-a-year
military-industrial complex, these greedy warmongers who build and market
weapons to third-world countries don't want it because it's too cheap. Plus,
if you start saving lives and killing equipment, then you force diplomacy to
take its rightful place as the tool of conflict resolution in the new
millennium. So you start to screw up this perpetual market of death and

"We now have members of Congress who have appropriated billions of tax
dollars as welfare for arms manufacturers. So, when a manufacturer makes
them and sells them to some third-world tyrant who can't even afford to buy
powdered milk for the babies starving in his country but buys 12 jets that
he can't afford, who pays for them? The US taxpayer. We now pay the weapons
manufacturers, the arms dealers. And we pay off that tyrant's bill when he

Morehouse has a point. This modus operandi has certainly worked for every
military conflict in the 20th century. The Gulf War was only the latest scam
to generate profit streams for the arms manufacturers and their bankers, as
well as get rid of excess population, i.e., "cannon fodder" (military
personnel) and "useless eaters" (non-revenue-producing, resource-depleting


So what's in the future for "psychic warrior" David Morehouse?

"What I've been working on is Remote Viewing Technologies, a private company
involved in information and training seminars for remote-viewing
techniques," replies Morehouse. "Thus far we have not taught anyone in the
private sector; only people in the commercial sector and law enforcement.
We've been training police officers in remote viewing because they can
readily make the transition. Trying to look through the eyes of a dead man
for an hour and a half, that is not as disturbing to a cop as to a layman.
Police officers seem to have this jaundiced view of the world, anyway. If
they're working homicide detail, they have a tendency not to get as
unravelled or upset."

So what's being done with this technology as a public service, so to speak?

"Probably the only two people spearheading that are Lin Buchanan and myself.
I formed a company, called Remote Viewing Technologies, with police
officers. Lin has what's called the Assigned Witness Program.

"Remote Viewing Technologies has been working several cases in New Jersey
and several cases in Baltimore. We're getting ready to train a large number
of officers in New Jersey, and we've already trained seven police officers
in Minnesota. The law enforcement agencies, the chiefs of police, the
detectives-everyone has welcomed the training with open arms; as long as
they understand they must keep a perspective on it and know that the three
cardinal rules of remote viewing must always prevail:

"One: It's not 100% accurate, never has been, never will be.

"Two: You can never trust the results of any single remote-viewer operating
independently of other remote viewers; therefore you cannot task yourself.
That's the problem that Courtney Brown and Ed Dames have run into. They
front-load themselves. Courtney Brown sits downs and says, 'Hale-Bopp object
following. Describe.' It violates all the cardinal rules of remote viewing.
There's no blind or double blind. If you task yourself, you step into the
world of analytical overlay or the process of imagination. It's the same
protocol violation that Ed Dames falls into.

"Three: Remote viewing is not a stand-alone endeavour. It's always in
consonance in the intelligence community with other 'collection platforms'.
In law enforcement it's always used with other investigative methodologies."


David Morehouse, author of Psychic Warrior, should be commended for his
courage in exposing these secrets of the fourth-dimensional world and
bringing remote viewing out of the intelligence closet into mainstream

Being a whistleblower can be the ultimate challenge. At great sacrifice to
his family as well as his life, he has endured unimaginable trials,
tribulations and harassment by the CIA and its stooges. And despite an
organised campaign against his work, he has withstood this barrage of
disparagement and attack.

The importance of remote viewing should not be underestimated. Just as
tapping into the Internet can potentially deliver information faster and
more easily than by physically going to a library, so remote viewing has the
potential to revolutionise access to historical and other records that are
inaccessible to the five senses.

The 21st century will require new talents. Remote viewing and its ancillary
skills, so-called 'extrasensory perception' (ESP) or paranormal powers,
could be crucial in the survival and evolution of the human race.

About the Author:
Uri Dowbenko is CEO of New Improved Entertainment Corp. Most recently he has
completed a joint venture with publisher-editor-author Kenn Thomas,
launching a new online version of the respected US-based alternative
publication Steamshovel Press (www.steamshovelpress.com). Uri can be reached
by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

¥ Bentov, Itzhak, Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of
Consciousness, E. P. Dutton, New York, NY, USA, 1977.
¥ Braden, Gregg, Awakening to Zero Point: The Collective Initiation, LL
Productions, PO Box 3010, Bellevue, WA 98009, USA, phone 1800 243 1438
(toll-free in USA).
¥ Cathie, Bruce L., The Harmonic Conquest of Space, NEXUS Magazine,
Mapleton, Qld, Australia, 1994-95.
¥ Constantine, Alex, Psychic Dictatorship in the USA, Feral House, Portland,
Oregon, USA, 1995. (See especially chapter 2, "Blue Smoke & Lasers: SDI as a
Cover Story for the R&D of Electromagnetic/Cybernetic Mind Control
¥ King, Godfre Ray, Unveiled Mysteries, Saint Germain Press, 1120 Stonehedge
Drive, Schaumburg, Illinois 60194, USA.
¥ Langley, Noel, Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation, Warner Books, NY.
¥ McMasters, R. E., Jr, The Christ Within, A. N. International, PO Box
84901, Phoenix, Arizona 85071, USA, phone 1800 528 0559 (toll-free).
¥ Morehouse, David, Psychic Warrior, St Martin's Press, New York, 1996;
Michael Joseph Ltd, London, UK, 1996. (See pp. 167-71 for reference to DIA
Gulf War remote-viewing 'mission'.)
¥ Ostrander, Sheila and Schroeder Lynn, Supermemory: The Revolution, Carroll
& Graf Publishers, New York, 1991.
¥ Prophet, Mark L., The Human Aura, Summit University Press, Box 5000,
Corwin Springs, Montana 59030, USA.
¥ Roerich, Nicholas, Brotherhood, Agni Yoga Society, 319 West 107th Street,
New York, NY 10025, USA.
¥ Stich, Rodney, Defrauding America, Diablo Western Press, PO Box 5, Alamo,
California 94507, USA, phone 1800 247 7389.
¥ Sutton, Antony C., America's Secret Establishment, Liberty House Press,
Billings, Montana, USA.
¥ Sutton, Antony C. (Ed.), Phoenix Letter, 1517 14th Street #216C, Billings,
Montana 59102, USA.
¥ Talbot, Michael, The Holographic Universe, HarperCollins Publishers, New
York, 1991.


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