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Pentagon Trained Troops
Led by Officer Accused
In Colombian Massacre

By Frank Smyth and Maud S. Beelman
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists,
The Center for Public Integrity

(Washington, 30 March) Pentagon officials, under pressure to investigate
alleged links between elite U.S. military trainers and Colombian forces
implicated in a 1997 civilian massacre, have confirmed that they trained
soldiers commanded by the officer accused of masterminding the attack.

 With a $1.6 billion counternarcotics aid package for Colombia making its way
through the U.S. Congress, there is increased scrutiny over whether U.S.
military assistance has been or could be turned against Colombian civilians
in that country’s decades-long civil war.

In November 1997, Congress enacted the “Leahy amendment,” prohibiting
assistance to any foreign military unit if there is “credible evidence that
such unit has committed gross violations of human rights.”

Four months earlier, 49 residents of Mapiripán, a village in the coca-growing
region of southeastern Colombia, were killed over a five-day period by
suspected paramilitary forces allegedly operating under the direction of
Colombian Army Col. Lino Sánchez and Carlos Castaño, leader of Colombia’s
right-wing paramilitary forces. Colombian prosecutors have formally accused
Sánchez and Castaño of being the “intellectual authors” of the massacre.

Sánchez and two other Colombian army officers are in prison, awaiting trial
on charges in connection with the massacre. Castaño, Colombia’s most
notorious rightist paramilitary leader accused of numerous civilian
atrocities and drug trafficking, remains at large.

A Pentagon official, speaking on condition that he not be identified,
confirmed that Sánchez was commander of the 2nd Mobile Brigade, which
received training by U.S. Special Forces at a river base about 80 kilometers
from Mapiripán. The Defense Department has said it is investigating further
to determine whether Sánchez himself was trained by U.S. Special Forces.

The Bogotá daily El Espectador reported on Feb. 27 that Sánchez’s 2nd Mobile
Brigade received U.S. Special Forces training in June 1997 while he was
planning the Mapiripán massacre. The newspaper said the goal of the attack
was to turn over control of the guerrilla-held Mapiripán, in a region that
produces about 30 percent of the world’s coca, to paramilitary forces, which
have ties to the Colombian army.

'Teach Guerillas a Lesson'

A report by Colombia’s Counternarcotics Police Intelligence Office, cited by
the newspaper, said Sánchez first engineered a plan on June 21 to introduce
paramilitary forces into the region, using U.S. spraying of coca crops as a
cover, in order to “teach the guerrillas a lesson.”

The El Espectador investigation was based on a review of 4,500 pages of
Colombian government documents on the Mapiripán massacre by reporter Ignacio
Gómez, who is also a member of the International Consortium of Investigative
Journalists. It has prompted inquiries on Capitol Hill, where Congress is
debating an aid package that would train and equip Colombian army
counternarcotics battalions and provide money for more than 60 helicopters
for army and police forces.

Human rights groups are worried that the military aid might be used against
Colombian civilians. Robert E. White, former U.S. ambassador to El Salvador
and Paraguay and president of the Center for International Policy, warned in
a Feb. 8 commentary in The Washington Post that the aid package “puts us in
league with a Colombian military that has longstanding ties to the
drug-dealing, barbaric paramilitaries that commit more than 75 percent of the
human rights violations” in Colombia.

“Obviously our people do not teach torture. They do not teach massacres. They
teach human rights in every single class,” Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Special Operations Brian Sheridan told the House Appropriations Subcommittee
on Foreign Operations two days after the El Espectador report. “As to the
massacre, or alleged massacre and its proximity to or juxtapositioning to the
training activity, that is something that we will have to look at very

Nine Training Exercise

In a Dec. 22, 1999, letter to Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., a member of the
Senate’s Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee and author of the
Leahy amendment, Sheridan listed nine training exercises between U.S. and
Colombian soldiers between June and August 1997. Specifically, he said, U.S.
soldiers from the 7th Special Forces Group, based at Fort Bragg, N.C.,
trained Colombian troops at the Barrancón river base from May 14 to June 23,
1997. Barrancón, an island in the Guaviare River, is a U.S. Special Forces
training site that is a 10-minute drive from a Colombian army base and
airfield at San José del Guaviare, from which U.S. government and contract
personnel conduct counternarcotics operations. According to El Espectador,
the paramilitaries were allowed to land at that airbase in mid-July en route
to Mapiripán.

Sheridan said the “Green Berets” finished their training of Colombian troops
at “the Barrancón Special Forces School” on June 23, 1997. Pentagon officials
say they do not know whether Sánchez’s 2nd Mobile Brigade participated in
that training, and Clyde Howard, an official in Sheridan’s office, said the
Pentagon was under no obligation to investigate because the Leahy amendment
was not law at the time of the massacre.

Sheridan confirmed that Sánchez’s 2nd Mobile Brigade received “riverine
interdiction and land warfare” training one month after the massacre – from
Aug. 18 to Sept. 18, 1997.

U.S. Special Forces from Fort Bragg were in Colombia from May 22 to July 22,
1997, according to a 1998 Defense Department report. But Sheridan’s office
said only the two exercises specified in the Leahy letter involved training
at Barrancón.

“There are discrepancies about what our military trainers were doing at
Barrancón, and whether they were there at the time of the Mapiripán massacre
nearby. These discrepancies need to be clarified,” Leahy said in a statement
to Gómez.

Documents reviewed by El Espectador indicate that American military personnel
were at Barrancón for a graduation ceremony for U.S.-trained Colombian forces
on July 20-22, 1997. A prosecutor from Colombia’s Attorney General’s office,
who investigated the Mapiripán massacre two days after it ended, was denied a
helicopter to reach the village on July 22 because it was being used to
transport military personnel based at the U.S. Embassy in Bogota, the
documents show.

Acknowledge Unusual Activity

U.S. officials have acknowledged seeing unusual military activity in and
around the San José airfield near Barrancón before the massacre. Barbara
Larkin, the State Department's assistant secretary for legislative affairs,
said in a March 30, 1998, letter to Leahy that Colombian army troops from the
2nd Mobile Brigade and the 7th Brigade were present in the area at the time.
The State Department told Leahy “that U.S. personnel involved in
counternarcotics programs at San Jose [del Guaviare] remember seeing an
unusual number of Army personnel at the airport on the day in question.”

The investigation by the Colombian federal prosecutor’s office showed that on
July 12, two civilian airplanes, an Antonov and a DC-3, landed at the San
José del Guaviare airfield near Barrancón, where Sánchez had an office, El
Espectador reported. The planes carried 15 paramilitary operatives loyal to
Castaño, armed with machetes and knives, several tons of supplies, and
leaflets addressed “To the People of the Guaviare,” warning them to cease
their cooperation with the guerrillas.

The Castaño paramilitaries were joined by others, and the force totaled about
100 men by the time it reached Mapiripán, about a two-hour drive to the
northeast. El Espectador, citing the prosecutor’s report, said two
paramilitary soldiers also crossed the Guaviare River in stolen boats past a
Colombian marine infantry base checkpoint attached to the Barrancón facility.
U.S. Navy Seabees built the marine base in 1994, and the U.S. Navy continues
to train Colombian forces there. The boats then met up with the rest of the
paramilitary force across the river from Mapiripán. At no time did Colombian
civilian or military authorities challenge the paramilitary forces, the
newspaper said, even though such groups are illegal in Colombia.

At dawn on July 15, 1997, the paramilitary forces surrounded Mapiripán, and
their siege of terror and torture lasted until July 20, when the
International Committee of the Red Cross dispatched a plane to the village.

Today, Mapiripán is a virtual ghost town.

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