[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>'ve seen that number (or something close to it) for Castro bumping around

>a few years now. Not sure where it ultimately came from.

So many lies have been told about this man that the truth is extremely
hard to discern. I highly recommend you read Jon Elliston's excellent new
book: PsyWar on Cuba: The Declassified History of U.S. Anti-Castro
Propaganda,  ISBN 1-876175-09-5. It'll open your eyes.

Of course, just because he's lied about by  known villians doesn't in and
of itself mean he's a nice guy. All it means is he has enemies.
Personally, I'm loath to believe anything anybody says about their
enemies. I'm sure that in real life Castro has both faults and virtues. We
all do. Personally, I don't like the guy and I don't like Bolshevism. But
I'm not Cuban, so it's none of my business. If they want to live like
that, let 'em. Just don't try to drag me into it. I wont go.

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