09:27 PM ET 04/20/00

Coffee Enema Doctor Sentenced

Associated Press Writer=
       NEW YORK (AP) _ A doctor who received network television
attention for unusual cancer treatments that include coffee enemas
was told by a jury Thursday to pay the husband of a dead patient
       The jury found Dr. Nicholas J. Gonzalez negligent for telling
Hollace Schafer, a college music professor, that by testing her
hair he could diagnose the state of her cancer and prescribe
appropriate treatment. Schafer died in 1995.
       The verdict was the second against the 51-year-old Gonzalez. In
1997, a jury ordered him to pay the family of Julianne Charell, 64,
more than $2 million because of his unorthodox treatment of her
uterine cancer.
       The jury in the Schafer case found Gonzalez negligent for not
arranging proper testing to determine her condition, and they found
that this contributed to her death from Hodgkin's disease _ cancer
of the lymph system.
       Schafer's husband, Jack C. Gray, sued Gonzalez in 1996, charging
that he used ``quackery'' instead of proven medical regimens to
treat his wife with vitamins, dietary manipulation, purges, animal
tissue extracts, and enzymes.
       Gray's lawyer, Maria del Pilar Ocasio, said Gonzalez's cancer
treatment also called for four to 10 coffee enemas a day to
``detoxify'' Schafer's gastrointestinal system. Ocasio said the
doctor ``brainwashed'' Schafer to make her believe this would work.
       Schafer, 40 when she died in 1995, was first diagnosed with
cancer in 1977, Ocasio said. Twice she had been treated with
chemotherapy and twice her cancer had gone into remission. When the
cancer appeared a third time, she decided to try alternative
       The jury found Schafer, an assistant professor at the College of
the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., 51 percent liable for her own
death, while Gonzalez was ruled 49 percent liable.
       The apportioning of liability showed the jury believed the
defense argument that Schafer, a Ph.D. in musicology, was an
intelligent woman who researched her treatment options and chose
       Gonzalez's cancer treatment was the topic of an ABC news special
and a segment on CBS's ''48 Hours.''

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