In a message dated 4/24/00 9:08:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> I hope you're not believing
>  > the #$%& polls the Big Networks are putting out about 2 out of 3 people
>  > America supporting the Clinton/Reno/Castro commando raid against the
>  > family. What #$$% -- and how come so FEW of the long time conspiracy
> sleuths
>  > on this list seem to be upset by such OVERT lies by the Ruling Elite? As
>  > said, Party on, Dudes! Jim Condit Jr.
>  Perhaps you live your life in a "Wayne's World" fantasy, but the rest of us
>  don't....
>  No, we don't rely on the media...we talk to the people we know, coworkers,
> etc...
>  and by and large, everyone supports Elian being returned to his father --
>  that sticks in your craw.
>  The only equivocation one hears from the Jane and John Does in the street
>  that perhaps the MANNER in which Elian was taken was flawed, but even then
> most
>  people admit that the Miami relatives were at fault, and had created a
> situation
>  where no other course of action was possible.

Two members of the Miami family were criminals, and had involvement with
weapons. Had Reno allowed her people to go in unarmed, she would have
derelict in her duties.
The severity of the methods was brought on by the family itself.

I discussions around town I have yet to find a single person who
thought the kid should stay with the family (about 30 people) (of course the
results might be different in a Latin area)

The family, I think, was trying an "adoption by press" process since there is
NO way they could legally adopt this kid, even if the real father was dead
too.  I say no legal process, because any court that had the kid's real
interests at heart would have yanked him out of there real fast. But, there
was a shot of winning the public opinion.

It's sad that so many people are using the Press and manipulating it to their
own ends.

It may have backfired here.

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