In a message dated 4/28/00 11:02:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> First of all, they must have been expecting something, in spite of
>  the ongoing negotiations. And secondly, Prudy, in her press
>  conference, Maryelsis (sp?) did show that the intruding agents had
>  broken Elian's bed, which did seem to be a youth bed with an
>  added automotive motif.
The floor diagrams of the house seem to indicate that there was only one bed
in each of the bedrooms. Those floor diagrams were in either Time or Newsweek
(I threw them both out) but I found it strange when I first saw it, that a
six year old was apparently sharing a bed with a 21-year old girl. I don't
think there's a sexual connection there, but I do wonder if the two were
mutually dependent...Elian might have been having nightmares, etc, and the
cousin developing maternal/protective feelings for the child. I would be more
concerned about the fisherman who seems even stranger in behavior than
Marysleises (sp?)

I'm still pissed that the IRS is after me to pay more taxes, but these
people, who received over $200,000 in cash, gifts, and services, go off
scott-free from paying $60,000 in taxes because they are protected by a large
voting bloc in south Florida. And make no mistake, every politician down
there is afraid of the Cuban vote (one-third of the population, and probably
critical in any election outcome since they seem to vote as  a block).

Having lived down there, I feel (but could never prove) that most Miami
Cubans are afraid to speak out against the supposed Cuban "leaders" there.
Miami has turned into as big a crime mess as any city in the US...there's the
Russian mob now ensconced in great numbers, and a lot of Colombians too.
Drugs are pretty widely available, and gang warfare is not uncommon. Yes,
it's become an interesting metropolis, but the underbelly is sure ugly.

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