Alamaine wrote:
> """For millions of oppressed people all over the world, its famous symbol -
> Liberty lighting the world - still represents a powerful message of hope and
> the promise of a better life."""
> >>> This is the key to the whole thing.  It's fairly obvious that the U.S.
> 'invented' globalism BECAUSE of the above statement.  Whereas other nations
> have made their attempts at retaining their peculiar identities, the U.S. acts
> as a big sponge, absorbing other cultures and putting its own twist -- an
> American identity -- on what survives.  The U.S. invented golobalism because
> almost all of its citizens came from somewhere else ...

I beg to differ. There were globalists a long time ago.

The Phoenicians - invented global trade.
The Jews invented a universal god.
The Catholic ( universal ) Church institutionalized global religion and
The first Corporate Charters began doing international business, including
starting and owning the American colonies and their labor.

> and fairly recently in
> the context of the historical calendar.  Four or five hundred years is not a
> long time given the length of time the French, the Germans, the Italians, and,
> well, okay, even the Britlanders (just to name a few, not neglecting the
> Asians, Africans, Islanders, or anyone else) have been trotting around their
> portions of the Earth.  WE ARE GLOBAL by definition.  Almost everyone here is
> related to someone "over there".  What we export is a synthesis of everything
> we've ever imported.  Just let your fingers do the walking through the 'phone
> book and in one alphabetical listing, you'll find how many 'Old World' names?
> Or, walk down the street and how many similarly derived names will you find?
> The 'problem' is the 'Old World' may be balkin' at importing our export of
> multicultural cooperation (does 'balkin' ' come from 'Balkans', thinking of a
> great example?).  The U.S. seems to do well with the great melting pot,

The melting pot is a myth. Just as American democracy is a myth. The melting
pot has always been a pressure cooker. I cite the Elian/Cuban Americans, the
American Blacks from Africa, the Jews up until the 1970's, the Irish in the
1800s, the Chinese who were forbidden to marry in this great land of freedom,
the Arabs who are portrayed as perennial terrorists, the Proto-American Indians
who simply had to go, the new Asian Immigrants who better learn how to drive
or we'll ship them back to where ever the hell they came from, and to really
make the point,  I cite La Raza and the Mexican/Mexican American situation
today in the the Southwestern USA.


> something the Euros (to cite one) resist through their ethnic and lingual
> purity standards; just remember the efforts the 'right' wingers of Europe are
> up to with their immigration policies ("Sure you Balkaniacs (e.g.) can come to
> visit but when your visa's up, back to your hovels [please excuse the mass
> bombing of the past year] !!!").
> The solution to counter U.S. hegemony is to keep their people at home; that way
> the emigres will be less likely to want to give something back to the Father-,
> Mother-, Sister-, Brother-, Uncle-, Aunt-lands.
> Yet, I wax nostalgic for the times when there were cut and dried French or
> German or whatever societies.  Of course, then they made wars and we came and
> then they came and then everything got not mixed up nor confused, just blurred.
> A<>E<>R <<<

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