Washington Weekly


                      A LOOK INTO THE ABYSS
               What Elian Tells Us About Ourselves

By Edward Zehr

  "They have become, in the fullest sense of the  term,  Weimar

Oh no, the reader thinks upon seeing the subtitle of this  piece,
not  another  article about Elian. But this series of articles is
only incidentally about Elian -- it's really about us and what is
happening  to us. The Elian affair is like a mirror that reflects
our hidden face, the one we never identify with ourselves because
we always imagine that it belongs to somebody else.

For example, I get e-mail from people who have  chanced  to  read
one  or  more of these articles and drop me a cordial line or two
just to let me know what a numbskull I am. After all, the  way  I
tell  the  story is not the way they have heard it. If my version
were  correct  it  would  mean  that  they  have   been   grossly
misinformed,  and  the  implications  of that are too terrible to

It would mean that in order to be properly  informed  they  would
have  to  stop  skating over the surface of issues such as these,
letting the anchor people do all the  heavy  lifting,  and  start
doing  their own thinking. But thinking can be kind of like work.
Besides, a lot of people just don't quite have the  hang  of  it.
The  raw  material  required to do one's own thinking consists of
facts gathered from a wide variety of sources, not just  the  one
that happens to materialize when the TV set is switched on.

The "facts" presented by the mass media are typically folded into
a  smarmy  batter  of  tendentious fiction calculated to elicit a
response from the viewer that will be  useful  in  advancing  the
hidden  agenda  which  the  presstitutes are paid to promote. The
viewer,  who  does  not  comprehend  that  he  or  she  is  being
manipulated responds emotionally, as though watching a soap opera
or a TV series. After all, most people have a lot more experience
responding  emotionally  to  TV  plots than they have at thinking
critically and analytically. The script  writer  manipulates  the
emotions  of  the  audience who respond in a predictable fashion.
The viewers are being conditioned to react in a certain way.  The
leap  from  the  semi-conscious  emotional  response evoked by TV
"entertainment" to  the  conditioned  response  elicited  by  the
politically    motivated    propaganda   inserted   into   "news"
presentations is a short one.


The   black-shirted,    brown-shirted    and    red-banner-waving
totalitarians  of  the  twentieth  century  missed the point on a
grand scale. All  that  rough  stuff  is  really  unnecessary  in
building  a totalitarian state. In fact, if overdone, it tends to
give the game away. Goebbels was the one who had  it  right,  not
Himmler.   Concentration  camps  are a drain on the economy. That
doesn't mean  that  you  cannot  turn  the  occasional  group  of
retrograde  religious  fundies into crispy critters if they offer
sufficient provocation.  (It adds to the entertainment  value  of
the spectacle if you torment the kiddies with noxious gas for, oh
say five or six hours  prior  to  lighting  the  bonfire  --  the
imperial  Romans  knew  about  these  things).  After  the flames
subside it will all be seen as  the  fault  of  the  fundies,  of
course.  That  sinister,  shadowy  countenance we sometimes catch
sight of, however fleetingly, in the mirror is never our own.

Not that the knock on the door in the  middle  of  the  night  is
completely  passe.  In  fact,  it  can  prove quite useful if the
courts insist upon being tedious about due process and  all  that
nausea, and balk at issuing the legal paperwork necessary to drag
away the designated victim in strict conformance with the law. No
matter,  hardly  anyone  understands the law, and who is going to
tell them -- the press? They  are  far  too  preoccupied  writing
puff-pieces  about  Janet  Reno  to shed any tears over the late,
great Fourth Amendment.  Mind you, the original Gestapo were such
sticklers  for  observing regulations they actually used to knock
before entering. (Germans tend to be polite almost to a fault  --
they would never dream of using the familiar form of the personal
pronoun with a stranger, even if they were bashing his head  in).
Our  own  ski-masked,  ninja-clad  mili-cops  do  their nocturnal
knocking with a battering ram.  Small wonder  Europeans  consider
us to be somewhat gauche.

One of the most disconcerting aspects of the Elian affair is  the
public's  response  to  Reno's  Raid on the Miami family of Elian
Gonzalez, in which the boy was illegally seized and whisked  away
to a secluded stronghold where, according to some accounts, he is
being drugged and indoctrinated by his Cuban  communist  keepers.
Ah!  smirk the Clinton/Castro apologists, you don't know that the
kid is being drugged and indoctrinated. But the evidence for this
is   already   considerable  and  is  accumulating  rapidly.  The
troubling thing is that the apologists do not know that  the  kid
is  NOT  being  drugged and indoctrinated, and what's worse, they
don't even seem to care. What this amounts to is a desecration of
everything   this   country   is   supposed  to  stand  for.  The
indifference of the public to such an obscene spectacle bodes ill
for the survival of liberty.

The  online  news  site   NewsMax.com   recently   reported   the
observations   of   Robert  K.  Ressler,  who  has  been  in  law
enforcement for more than 40 years, half of that  time  with  the
FBI.  Ressler  said  that  his  contacts  within  the Bureau have
indicated that the FBI was  opposed  to  the  raid  and  declined
Reno's  invitation to participate in it. The former FBI agent was
particularly critical of what he considers to  be  the  excessive
use  of force. He believes that the feds were determined to "make
a statement" to the Cuban-American community in  Miami,  but  the
risks involved were out of proportion to the ends achieved.

"The Cuban-Americans  showed  great  constraint,"  said  Ressler.
"Considering  what the federal government did, you could have had
a disaster with many people killed."

Of course, it would not have  been  the  first  time  Janet  Reno
precipitated  a  disaster  through  her  impetuous  use  of  poor
judgement (if that's  what  it  was).  Ressler  mentioned  Reno's
mishandling  of the Waco siege which resulted in the deaths of 86
people, two dozen of  them  children.  And  then  there  was  her
department's   slovenly,  botched  oversight  of  the  ham-handed
attempt to frame Richard Jewell, and its bungled investigation of
the  Ruby Ridge case. The attempted framing of White House Travel
Office chief Billy Dale is in keeping with this trend. The former
G-man  might  also have mentioned Reno's record as a witch-hunter
while serving as a prosecutor in Florida. Janet  made  her  bones
there  by  trying people for "child abuse" and often succeeded in
sending innocent people to prison for that offense. This was,  at
the  time,  a  fashionable  cause  to shrieking demagogues in the
mainstream media, although they have since lowered  their  voices
on the subject after it became obvious that numerous miscarriages
of justice had resulted from  their  rabid,  politically  correct
hysteria.  Needless to say, this is cold comfort to those who are
still rotting away in prison for trumped-up offenses they did not
commit.  The  big question that comes to mind is why Bill Clinton
wanted a witch-hunter to be his attorney general.

Ressler ticked off the list of blunders committed by Reno, who he
says  violated  virtually every major rule for handling a crisis.
First the negotiations were cut short. Reno has  yet  to  explain
her  pressing  need  to  risk  the  lives of everyone involved by
resorting to force before  the  possibilities  for  a  negotiated
settlement  had  been  exhausted.  She made the same "mistake" at
Waco with tragic results.

By violating her word that she would not use force to resolve the
situation  while  negotiations were ongoing, Reno set a dangerous
precedent, says Ressler. "In the  future,  if  there  is  a  real
hostage  situation  involving  Cuban-Americans in the Miami area,
they will not believe the government during negotiations, and his
could lead to disaster."

The excessive use of force in order to make a statement  entailed
unnecessary  risks,  says  Ressler.  More than 130 federal agents
were involved in Reno's raid.  How  would  he  have  handled  it?
Ressler  was quoted by NewsMax as saying, "I would have sent just
two marshals wearing suits, with briefcases,  and  maybe  with  a
social  worker  to  collect  the  child. If that effort failed or
resistance was met, only then should the have been escalated."

The point being glossed over here is that the federal  government
did  not have the requisite legal authority to seize Elian, but I
suppose Ressler does not consider that to be his department. What
does  seem to concern him is the reckless and unnecessary risk to
life and limb taken by the Clinton administration and the Justice
Department  just  to  make the point that their every whim is our
command. He ridiculed the Justice Department's  claim  that  some
people in nearby dwellings might have had guns, pointing out that
this is going to be true in any crisis  situation  and  does  not
provide a valid excuse for the abuse of the government's power.

Ressler summed up his impressions, saying:

  "The photo [of the agent seizing the boy  at  gunpoint]  said
  everything.  It's  amazing  to  me  that  this  can happen in
  America, to have civilian rights trampled on, and for no  one
  in  the  media  or Congress wanting to hold Reno accountable.
  Its very frightening to me."


A more recent development is the emergence  of  anti-Cuban  hate-
mongers  who  gather  in Miami on weekends with signs and banners
that proclaim "Cubans go home," "one down, 800,000  to  go,"  and
similar  sentiments.  The rallies are organized by a man referred
to by the Miami Herald as  "a  self-described  redneck"  who  has
spent nearly a year in jail after being convicted on three counts
of "sex offenses against a child."

A local attorney  who  describes  himself  as  a  "blonde,  third
generation  American  of Irish, German and Greek descent, who was
born and grew up in Miami," took out a full-page ad in the  Miami
Herald last week to convey a message that reads in part:

  "The disturbing irony is that  these  "pro-USA"  hate-mongers
  are  condemning  people who have struggled to uphold the very
  values  of  liberty  and  justice  that  the  American   flag
  symbolizes,  and  which  Cuban  Americans  have sacrificed to
  uphold.  Cuban-Americans  have  proven  their  dedication  to
  American   values  in  many  ways.  First,  by  rejecting  an
  oppressive, totalitarian communist dictator,  and  giving  up
  everything  they  once  had to live in freedom and democracy.
  Then, more recently, by trying to save a little boy from that
  same  political  oppression  after his courageous mother died
  tragically in her own search for freedom. Sadly,  most  Anglo
  Americans  do not fully appreciate this fact, because most of
  us have  been  fortunate  enough  not  to  have  lived  under
  political oppression."

Of course, not everybody in Miami agrees with  these  sentiments.
Carl  Hiaasen  writing  in  the May 14 Miami Herald took Rep. Tom
Delay (R-TX) and Sen. Bob Smith (R-NH), whom he characterized  as
"arch-conservatives",  to  task  for "ham-handedly" attempting to
use "the custody clash to try to advance  a  hardline  agenda  in
Congress."   Hiaasen  comments  that  Joe  McCarthy, whom he in a
surfeit of charity and compassion has consigned to "the bowels of
hell," must be "grinning from ear to ear."

Demonstrating that anti-anti-communists have very  long  memories
indeed.  McCarthy  was  a  lot of things, including a world-class
drunk and a close friend of Joseph P. Kennedy, the father of JFK.
He  also  made  a hash of investigating communist infiltration of
the U.S.  government during the 1950s, but  what  did  he  do  to
deserve  damnation?  It  hardly  seems to matter that information
which came to light subsequent to  the  collapse  of  the  Soviet
Union  indicates  that,  if  anything,  McCarthy  understated the
extent of communist infiltration of our government at the time.

The pertinent facts in the case are these: the media  jackal-pack
were  in  full-cry against McCarthy, his chief investigator was a
homosexual, the Washington crowd were scared to death of him, and
the  senator,  who was not all that photogenic, had a personality
about as smooth as sandpaper. As if that were not enough, he  was
brash  enough  to  take  on  the Eisenhower administration in the
immediate wake of a landslide election  victory,  having  already
alienated the Democrats to the limit of possibility. McCarthy had
a death-wish -- it's as simple as that. His reason for taking  on
the  Washington establishment was the same as that of his pal Joe
Kennedy. It  was  only  incidentally  about  communists  and  had
everything  to do with the WASP mentality that prevailed in those
days: no Irish need apply.

Then as now, the mainstream press functioned as  puppets  of  the
power-elite  --  that  is  why they went after McCarthy with such
feline ferocity. Of  course  there  was  also  their  ideological
commitment  to  the  milque-toast  left in vogue at the time, but
they were able to keep that in check so long as  it  seemed  that
McCarthy had the upper hand. One of the most telling slips by the
establishment press of that era is an article  that  appeared  in
Time  magazine  which conceded that, for all his crudity and ill-
mannered lack of decorum, the senator had some solid achievements
to  his credit. On the following week the Army-McCarthy imbroglio
erupted, which was to doom McCarthy's political  career.  What  a
faux  pas.  How  could  Time  be guilty of such a faulty sense of

DeLay and Smith are making a big mistake -- they are out of  step
with  the Washington crowd and that is not permitted in this land
of the free. If I seem  to  digress  it  is  because  one  cannot
understand  the  present  political  dynamic,  particularly as it
involves the mainstream press, without knowing something  of  the
McCarthy  era.  It  was  a  defining  moment  in our history that
signaled the emergence of the anti-anti-communist left  from  the
closet  to  dominate  the  front page of the elite newspapers, as
well as their  editorials,  and  commandeer  the  burgeoning  new
medium  of  television.  Then,  as  now,  the  conservatives were
relegated to radio -- voices such  as  Fulton  Lewis,  Jr.,  were
heard for a few minutes in the evening. Walter Winchell, a gossip
columnist who had been lavish  and  tireless  in  his  praise  of
Franklin D. Roosevelt, had become a national institution with his
Sunday night radio broadcasts. Oddly, Winchell defended  McCarthy
to the bitter end. It was he who coined the term "presstitute."

For  all  his  character  flaws,  self-destructive  impulses  and
weakness  for  alcohol,  McCarthy performed a lasting service for
the country.  No, it wasn't exposing communist influence  in  the
government,  which  even  then  had become screamingly obvious to
anyone with so much as half  a  brain.  The  all-consuming  self-
hatred  of  our  degenerate  ruling  class,  with  which they are
inculcated during the course of their expensive and exclusive ivy
league  educations  and  which  they so lavishly project upon the
rest of us, became all too apparent during the  Vietnam  War  and
their subsequent flirtation with communist governments in Central
America. Their present crush on Castro is merely an extension  of
this  dementia.  By  depth-bombing  the  Washington establishment
McCarthy forced this cabal to the surface, defining it forever in
the  minds  of  conservatives, even if most of this went over the
heads of the general public.

It hardly matters that McCarthy was hunted down and destroyed  by
the  Washington  jackal-pack.  He  had already marked himself for
destruction and died a few years  later  from  cirrhoses  of  the
liver,  a  quixotic and tragi-comic figure. Curiously, McCarthy's
real crusade -- the one against the  WASPs  --  triumphed  a  few
years  later  with the accession to power of John F. Kennedy, the
son of the senator's old buddy, and nobody seemed to  notice;  or
at  least they didn't let on. Stranger still was JFK's embrace of
the anti-communist cause that was supposedly anathema to so  many
of  his  liberal  admirers. Granted, he was even more inept at it
than McCarthy had been -- it was Kennedy who gave us the  Bay  of
Pigs,  after  all  (without  the air cover). JFK's Keepers of the
Flame have labored mightily to shift the blame for  that  one  to
the previous administration, but come on -- he WAS the president.
He could have  just  said  no.  Kennedy's  problem  was  that  he
woefully lacked experience and depended too much on his advisers,
and they, in  turn,  were  reluctant  to  go  against  what  they
perceived  to  be  his  intent. After the debacle he settled down
with grim determination to have Castro  assassinated  --  by  the
Mafia  yet.  Although  full details of the denouement are not yet
known to the public, and probably never will be, it would  appear
that  the  Mafia  bumped  off  Kennedy instead. He, or rather his
younger brother, the  attorney  general,  represented  a  greater
threat to them than did Castro.

Did  the  Washington  jackal-pack  really   live   through   such
extraordinarily  interesting  times  without understanding any of
it?  This seems inconceivable, yet if they really  do  understand
why  do  they  behave so strangely? The answer has to be found in
their psychology. These people  have  courage  only  in  numbers.
There  isn't  a  real  individual in a carload of such creatures.
They were born to lick boots, even if they came along just a  bit
late  to  get  in  on  the real action. What excellent Nazis they
would have made -- what splendid little agitprop phonies, singing
praise  to Father Stalin, one of the most prolific mass murderers
of all time, while stealthily nudging reports of  his  atrocities
under  the  carpet.  Lest you think that I exaggerate, a New York
Times  correspondent,  Walter  Duranty,  actually  performed  the
latter  function  for  kindly,  twinkly-eyed,  old "Uncle Joe." I
quote the French journalist Jean-Francois  Revel  from  his  book
"The Flight From Truth":

  "During a tour of the Ukraine in 1933 Duranty could  joyfully
  inform  his  transatlantic readers that he had seen enough to
  be able to assert  categorically  that  all  rumors  about  a
  famine  in  that  region  were  ridiculous. Four years later,
  during the Moscow trials, the famous  correspondent  informed
  his  readers  no  less  categorically that it was unthinkable
  that Stalin, Voroshilov, and the Military Tribunal  had  been
  able to condemn their friends to death without crushing proof
  of their guilt."

What was Duranty's reward for licking Stalin's boots? He won  the
Pulitzer Prize, of course. It is still prominently displayed in a
place of honor at the New York Times. Although  they  have  since
acknowledged that the reports by this Gulag-denier were a pack of
lies, the brahmins at the Times  have  not  had  the  decency  to
scrape  the plaque proclaiming Duranty's excellence as a reporter
off their wall.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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