Inside Cover

Wednesday May 17, 2000; 9:06 AM EDT

Elian Dressed in Communist Uniform at Wye: Photos

The latest photographs from Maryland's Wye River Plantation show
six-year-old Elian Gonzalez dressed in the uniform of the
Pioneers, Cuba's communist youth league, prompting concerns that
the boy's political reprogramming has begun on American soil.

A series of pictures that appeared Tuesday on the website of
Cuba's state run news service Granma show Gonzalez in a white
shirt emblazoned with the image of Cuban patriot Jose Marti, with
the Pioneer trademark blue scarf around his neck.

Several other children, clad in identical communist youth league
garb, are visible in other pictures released by Granma. Greg
Craig, the lawyer for Elian's father and source for most of the
Elian photos released since the boy was taken to Wye, chose not
make these pictures public.

Reaction in Miami's Cuban-American community was swift.

"They did not even wait until he got to Cuba to start
reconditioning him,"  Gladys Chong told The Miami Herald. "It
seems communism has penetrated the United States," added her
husband Ramon.

In Cuba, first graders are expected to join the Pioneers and wear
the uniform to school. If they don't their parents are
ostracized, labeled counterrevolutionaries and are denied
promotions at work, according to Jaime Suchlicki, director of the
Cuban-American studies program at the University of Miami.

Pioneers are also trained to spy on their parents and report any
comments they might overhear against the Castro government; a
practice that might put Elian in an emotional bind since his own
mother died trying to defect.

Reacting to the stunning photos Kendall Coffey, a lawyer for
Elian's Miami relatives, told the Herald, "He's being paraded as
a trophy in the garb of the Communist Party. It's happening more
rapidly than even our worst expectations."

But INS spokeswoman Maria Cardona was unconcerned. "It's not the
INS's business what Elian wears on a daily basis. Those issues
are up to his father."

Justice Department spokeswoman Carole Florman tried to distance
the agency from Granma's shocking Elian pictorial, telling the
Herald, "That's not something we're involved in. I don't think
it's an area under our control."

View Granma's photos of <A
href=</A>>Elian in
his Pioneers Uniform</a>.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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