Here's a democrat for President! Nader's slugging it out with the party

by Jim Hightower

As most of us know by now, the Republicrat two-party duopoly is squeezing
the life out of our democratic system. The majority no longer has a
political home, and the choices are so dismal that there are more people in
America today who bowl than vote in presi dential elections.

Both national parties now exist as wholly-owned subsidiaries of corporate
America, selling two brands of the same corporate agenda: Bud Light-Miller
Lite/George Bush-Al Gore, take your choice. Mighty small beer. But wait,
this is America! We don't have to take what the Powers That Be give to us.
We can create a new politics, just as others before us have had to do: the
revolu tionaries of 1776, the abolitionists, the suf fragists, the
populists, the A.F.L, the Wobblies, the C.I.O., the civil rights move ment,
the antiwar protesters . . . and, today, the democracy agitators who are in
rebellion against global corporate rule.

In every case, ordinary citizens have had to do the extraordinary, going
right into the face of entrenched political and economic power, clobbering
the system, getting clob bered in return, yet persevering, pushing . . . and
eventually widening the possibilities of democratic participation. And, in
every case, these democratizing movements have had to create their own
political channels. Now comes Ralph Nader-he's serious, he's ready, he's
running. Forging a blue-green, labor-environmental alliance and articulating
(as only he can do) a powerful, unifying message of citizen democracy over
global corporate plutocracy, he's offering himself and his Green Party
presidential candidacy as an or ganizing tool for building a new political
channel around the corporate-controlled two-party duopoly that's blocking
America's majority from democratic participation in power.

Unlike 1992, when he merely allowed his name to be on the ballot, and 1996
when he chose not to fund-raise or campaign aggres sively, Nader is going
all out in 2000: He's working on the campaign full time; he's traversing
America, going to all 50 states, launching petition drives that will put him
on the ballot in at least 40 states; he's raising at least $5 million to
finance his grassroots or ganization; he has assembled a top-notch staff
(headed by longtime citizen activist Theresa Amato of Chicago) that includes
ex perienced people to handle everything from fund-raising and field
organizing to press and the website (www.votenader.com); and he has enlisted
the respected campaign vet eran Steve Cobble to serve as political
strategist. With Native-American activist Winona LaDuke as his running mate,
Ralph not only is committed to providing a real choice in November and
building a Green Party infrastructure, but he also seems to be enjoying it!
I think Nader is the right person, running for the right reasons, at the
right time.

The right person

Americans are yearning for a simple quality that's rare in politics these
days: Integrity. This was the core appeal of Sen. John McCain, whose
candidacy even attracted liberals willing to overlook his right-wing record
because he "had integrity." Susan DeMarco and I hear this yearning daily in
our conversations with callers on our "Chat & Chew" radio talk show
(www.jimhightower.com, M-F, noon-2 EST) where a common refrain is the desire
for candidates who are not bought by anyone, who stand squarely on basic
principles of fairness and justice for all, and who are un afraid to fight
the corporate and governmen tal elites running roughshod over us.

Who today really fits this standard? Ralph Nader. He needs no gaggle of spin
meisters, no policy puffers to concoct a record of in tegrity for him as
Gore and Bush must have-he is integrity. In a time when the phrase "shallow
politics" has become a redundancy, Nader's reform agenda of civic democracy
is not a political position-it's his life!

For 35 years, he has sustained one of the most effective citizen's movements
in our history. For example, thanks to his initiatives, cars have seat
belts, water is cleaner, chil dren's pajamas don't burst into flame, there's
no smoking on airlines, there are right-to-know laws about polluting
factories, and our air is less toxic-the guy has saved more lives than
Mother Teresa. Among other fights, he's been on the front lines against
abusive HMOs, the autocratic Federal Reserve, NAFTA and the WTO, corporate
crime, union busters, Pentagon follies, and the corruption of our government
by big money.

When George W. Bush was wasting his twenties and thirties as a party animal,
when Al Gore Jr. was carefully plotting his climb up the ladder of
corporate-financed politics, when Pat Buchanan was a Nixon hatchet man,
Ralph Nader was with the folks, bat tling for both political and economic
democ racy. Ralph has done more for people as a private citizen than Bush,
Gore, Bradley, McCain, and all the other presidential con tenders combined
have done from their po sitions of governmental power. Nader has the
credibility, the conscientiousness, the cojones, and, yes, even the
celebrity to make a serious run.

The right reasons

Ralph doesn't need this. His legacy is well-earned and secure (unlike Bill
Clinton who's still rattling around the White House mum bling, "Where's my
legacy?"). Yet, he's out there right now, going from state to state,
neighborhood to neighborhood in an earnest, energetic run for the
presidency. Why? "I have a personal distaste for the trappings of modern
politics," he says, "but I can no longer stomach the systemic political
decay that has weakened our democracy. . . . It is necessary to launch a
sustained effort to wrest control of our democracy from the corporate
government and restore it to the political government under the control of

Ralph's "deep democracy campaign," as he calls it, serves as a rallying cry
to get all of us running. He asks, "Why are campaigns just for candidates?"
The campaign itself has to belong to you and me-we have to do the heavy
lifting along with him, using his candi dacy as leverage for building a new,
national, populist party with an organized grassroots base.

His commitment is to the long haul of party building. Hence, his campaign
appearances are with local activists, highlighting the work of those who are
already engaged in chal lenging corporate power where they live; money he
raises locally stays with the local campaign; not a dime of the $5 million
he's raising nationally is going for pollsters, con sultants, or media
hype-rather, it's going into grassroots organizing; as he runs, he's
sup porting Greens and other progressives who're running for state and local
offices; in addition to fund-raisers, he's holding time-raisers, asking
people to contribute a spe cific amount of volunteer time, which trans lates
into millions of dollars worth of work that GoreBush have to spend their
corporate loot to get; and the lists of supporters and donors generated by
all of these efforts are provided to local campaigns for future or ganizing.

The strategy here is straightforward-even if Ralph doesn't make it to the
White House this time, the campaign itself will advance the cause by
strengthening the grassroots base, electing other people to office,
devel oping campaign talent, and qualifying the Greens for national ballot
status. If Nader crosses the threshold of getting even 5% of the November
vote, this will entitle the Green Party to some $13 million in F.E.C.
funding for party-building work in the future. As strategist Steve Cobble
puts it, "This is the baseline for a real party, and we're al ready beyond
that" (see box above).

Ralph is running not only to force the issues of America's populist majority
(see last mon th's Lowdown) into this year's presidential debate, but also
to make the progressive movement stronger on November 8th-the day after the
election. The right time What if Ralph actually won? I know you'll think
I've been smoking loco weed even to suggest such a thing, and Nader himself
sure isn't wasting any time on Oval Office daydreams, but don't rule out the
possibility that he will at least do much better than the cognescenti now
imagines. Why?

He's already doing better. Before anyone knows he's actually running, before
they've heard him turn on a crowd and rip apart the milque toast candidates
of the status quo, April's Zogby Poll finds Ralph to be the big surprise,
running at nearly 6% nationwide, ahead of Buchanan's 3.6%, and running even
stronger among young people, Independents, the poor and working class,
African-Americans, small-city dwellers, and people in the west. The poll
understates Nader's strength, since it tallies only people already planning
to vote. Nader will appeal to disaffected non-voters who will be lured back
to the voting booth when they learn he's on the ballot. People really are
fed up. As the months wear on, GoreBush will only intensify the disgust and
embarrassment people already feel about either of these two corrupted
weaklings sitting in America's big chair. They want integrity; they get two
whores of the corporate order. They plan to tune out, not vote . . . then
they find Ralph.

Realignment. Republicans and Democrats are re-running the '96 campaign, with
Bush stressing tax cuts and laissez-faire govern ment, while Gore stresses
"prosperity" and social issues. They are running right-to-left campaigns,
which entirely miss the real-life concerns of the majority of people, who
are thinking top-to-bottom-issues like the downsizing of the middle class
and the WTO/IMF/NAFTA globaloney. These issues-as well as integrity-don't
fit on the right-to-left spectrum, and by focusing on them, Ralph will draw
many people who think of themselves as "conservatives." The only other one
even talking to this disgruntled majority is Pat Buchanan, and his
xenopho bic, brown-shirted populism makes Ralph's run even more
imperative-progressives can not leave this turf to Buchanan.

The Kids. The Seattle Tea Party (see The Lowdown, January 2000) and last
month's citizen uprising in D.C. against the IMF and World Bank were driven
by the idealism and outrage of the young. Go to a campus today and you'll
find Students Against Sweatshops, Students Against Hunger and Homelessness,
The Dirty Job Boycott, and much more. Young folks are on the move again . .
. and Ralph is someone who can get them excited and get them involved in
electoral politics. If so, his campaign will become a crusade.

This is a four-way race. Gore, Bush, Nader, Buchanan-26% of the vote could
get you there, and it damn sure could make pro gressive populists real
players again in na tional policy. Remember that Abraham Lincoln, candidate
of the Republican Party that then was only six years old, won in 1860 in a
four-way race, getting 39% of the vote. Turnout. The conventional hogwash is
that Ralph will only draw votes from Gore. Aside from the fact that Gore's
plight is his own damn fault, Nader's run is not drawing from hardcore
Democrats, but from indepen dents, mavericks, non-voters, and
nonofthe abovers. He will increase the turnout of pro gressives in November,
which not only will advance his cause, but also will add to the votes of
Democrats in some close congres sional races-people who vote for Nader at
the top of the ballot will find some Democrats to support on down the line.

The debates. What if Nader gets in the de bates? He'll eat Gore and Bush
like they were a couple of hors d'oeuvres at a corpo rate fund-raiser, and
Americans will see that there really is a choice. He has top notch le gal
talent at work on getting him in, and he has a citizen campaign underway to
call, fax and e-mail the TV networks demanding that they open the process to
him. In addition, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. has a bill to let any one who
scores above 5% in the polls partic ipate in the debates. As Jesse Ventura
showed in Minnesota, getting a third-party candidate into the debates can be
the dif ference between being a protest candidate and a victor.

Who's going Green?

Of course, where there's a will, there are a thousand won'ts, and too many
leaders of Washington-based progressive organizations have been looking for
reasons to be Nader naysayers, even to snicker at Ralph's run. Some don't
think the Greens are the "right" party-too many kooks.

Please. Have you been to a Democratic or Republican party convention? Have
you seen Congress? Jesse Helms is sane? Bob Barr's not a kook? The Greens
are a maturing party, and Ralph's broad-based, blue-green agenda is not only
welcome there, but will refine and extend the party's message.

Ralph and the Greens will work with all pro gressive parties-the Labor
Party, insurgent Democrats, the New Party, progressive Reform Party
chapters, etc. Supporting Nader doesn't mean you're wedded to the Green
Party, and it doesn't preclude anyone from working at the same time inside
other parties. We can debate the "right" party forever, but finally someone
has to do some thing. Ralph has. I say, let's join him. I'll be giving him a
helping hand, as will such others as Barbara Ehrenreich, Michael Moore,
Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, Ani Di Franco, and Willie Nelson. This is
bigger than a party . . . bigger than Ralph. It's us seizing our own
political and economic destiny, building a politics we're for, rather than
settling for the evil of the two lessers (as Dave Dellinger used to call
it). Why not act on our ideals and democratic values? It's a politics that's
worthy of you, and ultimately, it's the only way to win.

Besides, it's fun! Ralph is looser, funnier, sharper than I've ever seen
him. Kermit the Frog is famous for saying, "It's not easy being green." But
with Ralph Nader out there, it is easy.



I met Nader. I like Nader. I think that Nader would be a more valuable
candidate than President. The problems we face are systemic and Nader
is, after all is said and done, a Liberal. Liberals are only capable of
tweaking the system not fundamentally changing or exchanging it as is
required in these times. While he would certainly be a breath of fresh
clean honest air, he is the wrong tool for the job.

The best we can do is hope that Buchanan and Nader can join the process.
Buchanan would be more effective at damaging the Globalists should he
get the office. Nader is not an anticapitalist nor an antiglobalist.
This will not hurt the duopoly. Anything that hurts and weakens the
Duopoly, helps citizen democracy.

Don't get your hopes up about a Nader run.

If Bush and Gore wind up on the ticket and there are no other options,


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