Homosexuals Already Have Rights
© 1999 Mark E. Howerter
"The Other Side of the News"
November 8, 1999
Tony Franklin seems hell-bent on bringing up the subject of "sexual orientation  discrimination" all over again. The Galesburg City Council put the issue to bed two years ago, but Mr. Franklin won't let it rest.
To try and give a group special rights based on sexual orientation is ludicrous, but that is what homosexuals want. Why Mr. Franklin wants it I do not know.
Homosexuals already have civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution. To grant them the special rights they want would force churches, day care centers, Boy and Girl Scouts and other groups which are responsible for the welfare of children to hire them as caretakers. Talk about hiring the fox to guard the hen house!
The U.S. Supreme Court has established a three point test to determine who is truly  a minority deserving special status. A group must meet all three requirements to qualify. #1 is immutable characteristics (can you change?) #2 is economic discrimination #3 is lack of political influence.
Homosexuals choose their lifestyle and can change. Thousands of homosexuals have been delivered from their perversion and have successfully returned to a normal life according to Dr. D. James Kennedy. Sexual preference is just that, preference.
Homosexuals are no more a true minority than those who prefer the lights on when they make love! When it comes to economic discrimination homosexuals certainly do not qualify. 47.7% of homosexual men own their own home. ("Overlooked Opinion," A Chicago based market research firm, 1/1/92) The average household income for gays is $55,430 while the national average is $32,286 and is only $12,166 for blacks. ("Wall Street Journal" 7/18/91)
Homosexuals are certainly not without political influence either. There are at least 22 avowed homosexuals and/or lesbians who have been appointed to the Clinton White House. (Associated Press Nov. 3, 1993) There are over 100 members of Congress who are in favor of and support homosexual legislation on a regular basis. There are at least two avowed homosexual Representatives in the House.
Homosexuals do not meet any one of the three qualifications for minority status yet people liken homosexuals to early 1960's blacks in the South. This is exactly the way homosexuals want to be thought of, as a special minority with the special rights thereof. They have been extremely successful with this agenda.
Many blacks are outraged that homosexuals want minority status. One black leader called it an, "affront to black leaders an offense to black America." They speak of what the homosexuals are doing as "hijacking the Civil Rights Act."
In one of their own strategy books, "The Overhauling of Straight America," homosexuals teach that the imagery of sex should be downplayed and the idea of gay rights lifted up. They even talk about the camel's nose under the tent strategy. They want John Q. American Citizen to think about who they are and not about what they do. This is specifically written in their own literature.
It does matter whether homosexuality is accepted as normal by the masses or not. Homosexuals have a radical agenda and they want to force their lifestyle and the acceptance of it on others.
If what was done behind closed doors really stayed behind closed doors there would  not be such a problem with homosexuals. The "coming out of the closet" by homosexuals who now demand special rights IS a problem.
The reason that homosexuals should not be accorded minority status is very simple. They are not a true minority any more than people who choose to drive Volvos. Volvo owners are not a majority in America. The percent of the population who drive Volvos might be about 1%-- perhaps about the same percentage as those who choose homosexuality. Volvo owners are not screaming on every late night talk show for special rights. They are content to drive their chosen brand of car and not worry about the fact that the rest of America chooses to drive something else. Homosexuals do not need special rights any more than Volvo owners do.
The reason blacks are outraged by homosexuals, "hijacking the Civil Rights Act of 1960" is unmistakable. Black people and homosexuals share nothing in common. Blacks were treated as less than human, bought and sold like animals. Blacks had no rights as citizens or as human beings. Blacks were thought to not even have a soul. Blacks did not choose to be black. To try and draw a parallel between homosexuals and the black race is ludicrous.
The laws we already have on the books protect homosexuals just like they do any other group. We don't need any more, Mr. Franklin
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No more homo sex education...... http://www.massnews.com/maygsa.htm
 Kids Get Graphic Instruction In Homosexual Sex


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