Dear Dick and Eileen,
A wonderful web site;  use if often to express my opinion on the various important issues of the day.
I have a suggestion for your consideration:
Using the results of major votes cast in the Senate and House I would like to see a 'rating survey' for each member incorporated into your web site,
A composite of their votes could be achieved which will let us know if the member is a Liberal or a Conservative.
Many members are outright 'pinkos', while others are Moderate, and others are true defenders of the Constitution.
This would be very helpful come the election to know which member should be returned to Sin City.
Using a scale of '0' to '100', where '0' is an outright violator of the Constitution, and '100' is a defender of the Constitution, e.g. Barney Frank would have a "0', while Ron Paul would have a '100'.  Those who wind up with a '50' being the 'fence sitters' appeasing all sorts of special interests.  Presentation would be broken down into two sections, i.e. one for the Senate and one for the House.
I recognize your site is based on issues of the day, but the inclusion of something which I'm suggesting would manifest the extreme differences between reality (your site-user votes) and treason (the votes of the many thugs in the Senate and the House.
Archibald Bard
Downey, The Peoples Democratic Socialist Republic of California
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