Faces of the Visitors
A Survey of "Alien" Contact

Copyright (c) 1998 by Michael Lindemann
All rights reserved in all media

The modern era of UFO encounters, dating roughly from the end of World War
II, contained from its inception an implicit argument over the character and
motives of "the visitors." The earliest military studies of UFOs, undertaken
in secret, were driven in part by a genuine fear of hostile invasion from
space. That fear exploded into popular culture in the early fifties,
epitomized by such films as "War of the Worlds" and "Invasion of the Body
Snatchers." At the same time, while the first generation of serious civilian
ufologists fixated on distant objects in the sky, an odd assortment of
so-called contactees began attracting hordes of followers, some merely
curious but many entranced and adoring, to hear their stories of benevolent,
godlike beings from other worlds.
The gross dichotomy between hostile invaders and benevolent space brothers
might have been expected to fade as decades of research advanced our
understanding of UFO phenomena. But exactly the opposite has happened
instead. Today, the argument over the character and motives of "the
visitors" is more starkly drawn than ever.

It must of course be acknowledged at the outset that a more fundamental
question overlays the questions of visitor character and motives -- and that
is the question concerning whether or not UFO phenomena and alleged "alien
visitation" represent anything otherworldly at all. But for purposes of this
special report, that question will be set aside. Here we will assume that
"the visitors" are real, in order to examine the deeply divided opinions
about who "they" are and what they may be doing on our planet.

Part One: The Beginning of the End?
Among the current generation of serious researchers, Temple University
history professor David M. Jacobs, Ph.D., stands out both as a scholar of
the phenomena and as a proponent of the darkest scenario of alien invasion.
Jacobs' concept of the invasion bears no resemblance to the popular six-gun
mythology of films like "Independence Day," where grotesquely tentacled
aliens stand in for Saddam Hussein and heroic American flyboys kick them
back to the stone age. The "real" invasion -- and for Jacobs it is
absolutely real -- is more terrifying than that, because it is utterly
surreptitious yet unstoppable. We are doomed as a species, Jacobs believes,
and we didn't even see it coming.
"The aliens have fooled us," he writes in his disturbing new book, "The
Threat: What the Aliens Really Want, and How They Plan to Get It" (Simon &
Schuster, 1998). "They lulled us into an attitude of disbelief, and hence
complacency, at the very beginning of our awareness of their presence. Thus,
we were unable to understand the dimensions of the threat they pose and act
to intervene. Now it may be too late. My own complacency is gone, replaced
by a sense of profound apprehension and even dread.... Now I fear for the
future of my own children."

Jacobs is hardly alone in his forebodings. Budd Hopkins, arguably the most
influential abduction researcher on earth, shares Jacobs' view that alien
intruders are quietly engineering a huge population of hybrid beings, mixing
human and alien genetic material toward the end goal of supplanting
present-day humanity with an "improved" race answerable to the aliens'
designs for planet earth.

As Jacobs sees it, "It is now possible to discern at least four specific
programs that the aliens have put into effect to achieve their goal:

"1) The Abduction Program: The aliens initially selected human victims
around the world and instituted procedures to take these humans and their
progeny from their environments without detection.

"2) The Breeding Program: The aliens collect human sperm and eggs,
genetically alter the fertilized embryo, incubate fetuses in human hosts,
and make humans mentally and physically interact with the offspring for
proper hybrid development.

"3) The Hybridization Program: The aliens refine the hybrids by continual
alteration and breeding with humans over the generations to become more
human while retaining crucial alien characteristics. Perhaps humans are also
altered over time and acquire alien characteristics.

"4) The Integration Program: The aliens prepare the abductees for future
events. Eventually, the hybrids or the aliens themselves integrate into
human society and assume control."

Jacobs believes we are well into the end-game in this grand and malevolent
strategy. While unsure of the exact timing of the takeover, he reports:

"Many abductees feel that 'something is going to happen' soon and that the
aliens have their goal within sight.... The indications are that this could
mean from within the next five years to within the next two generations."

And, lest one harbor any hope for fair treatment under the new regime,
Jacobs spells out the likely fate of the majority non-abductee population of
earthlings. Among abductees he has personally worked with, Jacobs says, some
are told "that nonabductees will be kept as a small breeding population in
case the hybridization program has unforeseen problems. [Others are] led to
believe that nonabductees are expendable. The evidence seems to suggest that
the future will be played out primarily with aliens, hybrids and abductees.
The nonabductees will have an inferior role, if any at all. The new order
will be insectlike aliens in control, followed by other aliens, hybrids,
abductees, and finally, nonabductees."

By "insectlike aliens," Jacobs refers to tall "greys" with mantis-like
features, as have been often described in abduction literature. In "The
Threat," Jacobs refers to other types of aliens as well, including smaller
greys, grey-type beings with differing skin tones, "Nordics" and
"reptilians." He suspects that the often-reported Nordic or distinctly
human-looking aliens are actually hybrids created by the tall greys. He
admits some uncertainty regarding reptilians and other exotic,
less-frequently reported types. But he leaves no doubt that the insectlike
tall greys are in charge of the changes underway on earth.

Though Jacobs' research is meticulous and passionately reported, his
conclusions are disputed by many other voices in the UFO community.

Jim Marrs, author of the recent book "Alien Agenda," concedes that human
evolution may have been manipulated by aliens more than once, but he doesn't
believe in a malevolent invasion.

"I take a more positive attitude," he told CNI News in a recent interview.
"If there were alien races out there who wanted to come and somehow enslave
this world, particularly in an overt fashion, I think they would have done
it long before now. The historical record shows that this alien presence has
been here since before the recorded history of mankind. Surely they wouldn't
have waited until we've got the capability of going off planet, laser
weaponry and so forth. I don't see any reason to get overly fearful at this

Hollywood special effects artist Steve Neill, a life-long abductee whose
graphic depictions of grey aliens and abduction scenarios have been featured
in numerous television shows, says he can understand Jacobs' point of view
but thinks something more gradual and positive may be taking place. Speaking
with CNI News, Neill admitted that he's experienced big "mood swings" about
his encounters, from deep fear and anger on one hand to a kind of giddy
euphoria on the other. Now, he says, he's found a middle position that he's
happy with. In his view, the visitors are certainly manipulating the human
race -- but they are simply part of the grand pattern of nature.

"The swings I've been through kind of encapsulate what this is all about --
going from one extreme to the next, and then arriving at the middle," he
says. "That's something that everything in the universe tries to do, reach a
balance no matter what. In the end, I don't really view this as good or bad.
I view it as part of what I'm part of, this amazing mechanism of the
universe that makes nature function as it does. Every creature is caught up
in some aspect of it, no matter where you go."

Asked about Jacobs' view that aliens might be engineering the end of
humanity as we know it, Neill suggested that our current situation may be
comparable to an earlier period of human genetic advancement.

"In a way, Jacobs is right," Neill said. "Consider that Neanderthals no
longer exist. That was an extinction. But I'm not in the position to decide
if it's something that should be viewed as evil -- one species developing or
being engineered into another. I think Cro Magnon was an improvement on the
Neanderthal. And I'm starting to believe that what we're looking for as
'hybrid' human beings has already existed for a very long time. There are
numbers of hybrids in our society today, in fact more than we can possibly
imagine. The people who are having these experiences themselves, I feel, may
be sorts of hybrids who have been genetically engineered and altered, going
back generation after generation in their families. I am starting to see
children in this world who are so incredibly brilliant, and have this light
[inside] like no other children I've seen. I've met some of these kids. If
it's what I think it is, it's brilliant, because it will be slipped in so
smoothly, and these kids are so powerful, that they are bound to change the

Not everyone, of course, can be sanguine about a situation in which
everything we now regard as human is being gradually manipulated into
something else -- even if that something else is "better" on some cosmic
scale of value.

Other researchers and experiencers hold views greatly different from Jacobs,
Hopkins and even Neill. For these people -- Jacobs refers to them as
"Positives" -- visitors to earth are unambiguously benevolent and have our
physical well-being and spiritual advancement foremost in mind.

Notable among this group is Dr. Steven Greer, founder of CSETI (Center for
the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence ) and a leading proponent of
human-initiated close encounters or CE-5s. Also noted for such views are
psychologist Richard Boylan, author of "Close Extraterrestrial Encounters:
Positive Experiences with Mysterious Visitors"; and Lyssa Royal, author of
"Visitors From Within" and "Preparing for Contact," whose writings are
primarily the product of channeling. Such articulators of the "Positive"
outlook generally agree that extraterrestrial intelligence is widespread,
diverse, highly organized (in the sense of a Galactic Federation or similar
cosmic government) and benevolently active on the earth for the express
purpose of assisting humanity through a time of turmoil and transformation.
For the most part, though not unanimously, they argue that the fearful and
negative views of abduction put forward by David Jacobs and his allies are
products of human misunderstanding, not alien misbehavior. Even the term
"abduction" is generally dismissed by them as wholly unfair and misleading.

Less well known than Greer or Boylan, but equally representative of this
"Positive" position, is Nancy Malacaria, a New England resident who, with
her husband Jack, claims to have had numerous communications with ET
representatives of a highly organized, earth-based enterprise known simply
as The Project.

Nancy and Jack are the parents of five children, run a successful
rug-cleaning business out of their home, and by all outward appearances are
normal, solid citizens of Norwood, Massachusetts. But on May 12, 1990, their
lives suddenly changed when Jack had an unexpected experience in the garage
of their home. It was the middle of his work day, and he was busy washing a
rug. Nancy described what happened in a recent interview with CNI News:

"Jack kept seeing a bright flash of light. It looked like a mirror
reflection of the sun flashing in through the window. He kept looking up,
thinking that somebody was stepping up to the door. Then there was another
bright flash of light, and this time it stayed lit up. There was a doorway
of light, standing up like a hologram in the middle of the floor -- like
you're in a dark room, and you have a closet light on and you open the
closet door and all you can see is the light, not the frame. It opened, and
there was a figure standing in the doorway, a silhouette. It looked sort of
like a man. Of course, my husband was very afraid. It was between him and
the only way out of the garage. In his mind he heard a man's voice saying to
him, 'This image is scaring you, so I'm going to make it disappear, but I'm
still going to talk to you.' Then the doorway closed up again, just the way
it opened.

"As soon as it shut, my husband left the garage. He was very afraid. It was
the only logical thing to do. So he came into the house -- I wasn't home --
and he thought about what happened. His mind was reeling. In about 20
minutes, he went back outside again, because he had left all his equipment
on and he had to finish his work. He peeked in the garage. Everything looked
normal. He realized that all the equipment was still on. He didn't know what
to think -- he wasn't calm enough to think about it. So he finished working.

"And while he was working, this voice kept talking to him. It was telepathy.
The voice told him, basically, that there are 30 other worlds visiting earth
that are concerned for the ecological state of our planet, and that they
were not going to let man destroy our planet. This was the very first
message. It really is not the whole purpose of their being here, but that
was a very straightforward introduction."

>From that unlikely beginning, Nancy told CNI News, she and her husband found
themselves engaged in a "furious" series of telepathic, and sometimes
physical, contacts with a wide assortment of beings.

"There were about 100 point blank encounters in the first 18 months, and
then about 100 more in the next two years," Nancy says. "We've met many
different people... aliens of different races. We've learned a lot about
their abilities. We've learned why aliens visit us, why they don't let
people see them, how it is that people assume they've been abducted."

In time, Nancy says, she and her husband were told of no less than 170
different alien groups currently represented on earth. Most of these groups,
though not all, are formally associated with a highly organized, earth-based
enterprise known as The Project.

"There's one Project for earth. There are other projects, but they're for
other worlds," Nancy says. "The Project is the organization of all the
visiting life for that planet. That occurs when the beings on that planet
reach a point in their evolution where they can start to understand other

Among the many alien groups that Nancy claims to have met are several that
answer to the description and behavior of the so-called greys. She offers a
novel variation on the widely-held idea that the greys are principally
responsible for human abductions, and that they behave as if indifferent to
human rights.

"The greys are working with genetics, and they are creating races. Their
methods are not as advanced as some of the other aliens that visit us. Not
all of our visiting life is working with genetics, but two particular [grey]
races that I know about are. As their technology improves, so will their
methods. In the meantime, their methods prevent them from being able to join
the Project. But some of the Project beings are working with them to help
them improve communications and improve their methods, and they will
eventually join the Project."

Needless to say, one might wonder how Nancy Malacaria can speak so
matter-of-factly about such outlandish things and expect to be taken
seriously. Yet, Steve Neill speaks with similar self-assurance about aliens
he has met; and although David Jacobs inserts an occasional self-deprecating
admission that his ideas sound absurd, he is just as committed to his dark
views as Nancy is to her own.

Nancy Malacaria -- much like Steven Greer, Richard Boylan and Lyssa Royal,
among others -- believes that "the biggest reason there is so much human
negativity about our visiting life is human nature. It's the way we think
and assume. Where there's very little understanding, we automatically assume
the worst.

"There's really no sensitive way to say this, but [ufology] attracts people
who really don't understand what they're saying, and don't understand the
reputation they're giving our visiting life," she declares. "That's one of
the biggest reasons why the aliens don't let people see them, because
everybody would just believe everything they've ever heard, and none of it
is accurate."

If Nancy Malacaria can be believed, "The Project" is intended to assist
humankind through its present time of planetary turmoil and bring earth to a
point of readiness to join a wider galactic community. It is a view widely
shared by the "Positives," and diametrically opposed to the apocalyptic
visions of David Jacobs, Budd Hopkins and their sympathizers.

"As much as I want to be optimistic, I find little to fuel hope for the
future," writes David Jacobs. "In a way, I wish I could be like the
Positives, existing in a naive but happy dreamland, awaiting the coming of
the Benevolent Ones who will engulf us all in love and protection... [but] I
must go where the evidence leads me. I have come to view the alien abduction
phenomenon and its purpose as an asteroid hurtling toward the Earth --
discovered too late for intervention. We can track its progress and yet be
utterly incapable of preventing the collision."

If alien visitors are really here, do they portend the beginning of the end,
or the beginning of something much grander than humans have ever known
before? Or are both these views too extreme, too dogmatic and too
implausible? What about the great in-between, reported by many experiencers,
where diverse visitors display behavior and motives spanning the entire
moral spectrum? And what about the possibility that the visitors -- some of
them, at least -- are not extraterrestrials at all, but something even

Part Two: Stranger Than Fiction
Phillip H. Krapf worked for 30 years in the newspaper business as a
reporter, photographer and editor. He spent 25 years as a copy editor for
the Los Angeles Times metro division, sharing in a Pulitzer Prize the Times
won for its coverage of the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Krapf took early
retirement in 1993 and was enjoying an eminently ordinary and leisurely life
in Ventura, California until the evening of June 10, 1997. That night, he
says, he got abducted by aliens.
Krapf tells his remarkable story in a new book from Hay House called "The
Contact Has Begun." In the book, Krapf says he was teleported right out of
his bedroom by a blue beam and taken aboard a huge mothership that orbits in
the vicinity of the moon.

The ship is piloted by beings he calls Verdants. They originate on a planet
in another galaxy. Their spacecraft are so advanced that they can travel
anywhere in the universe. They are by no means the only extraterrestrials
out there -- there are thousands of other intelligent races, they say -- but
the Verdants are currently the most numerous.

Krapf says he remained conscious throughout three full days on board the
Verdant ship, except for normal periods of sleep. In this respect, he says,
he was treated very differently from scores of other humans he saw the very
moment he arrived. These people were laid out on row upon row of tables in a
huge gymnasium-sized room, all unconscious and attended to by one or more
Verdants. Krapf says it was explained to him that the Verdants had been
engaged for many years in the process that has come to be called abduction.
These people on the tables -- ordinary abductees -- were being inspected
medically. None of them were ever harmed. Most of them would remember
nothing. Moreover, Krapf was told, the time for this kind of abduction is at
an end. Very soon, it will stop completely.

Abduction was never about procreation or the making of hybrids, the Verdants
told Krapf. It was simply about studying the human species in every possible
way. Now the Verdants know everything there is to know about humans --
vastly more than humans know about themselves -- so there's no more need for

Instead, it is now time to prepare the human race for admission into the
Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. Krapf was told he was
abducted wide awake because the Verdants wanted to give him a detailed
briefing and a modest assignment in the overall program of preparation. His
book, "The Contact Has Begun," is the fulfillment of his assignment, he

According to Krapf, the Verdants don't have huge black eyes like the
better-known "Greys," though in general build and stature they sound fairly
similar. But the Verdants talk out loud (Greys are generally described as
employing telepathy); they eat and enjoy food in human fashion (Greys are
usually said to lack a human-type digestive system); and they engage in sex
for pleasure and bear children like humans (Greys are said to have lost the
ability to procreate).

In an interview with CNI News on March 3, 1998, Krapf insisted that his
story is completely true to the best of his understanding. No one, he says,
could be more surprised than himself. He professes to have had no prior
knowledge of, nor interest in, the abduction phenomenon. He says he had been
indifferent to UFO stories his whole life and had happily accepted the
prevailing wisdom at the Los Angeles Times that people who see UFOs are
either insane or lying. Moreover, he had always been a religious agnostic,
tending toward atheism. Suddenly, in June 1997, all that changed.

With no prior exposure to abduction claims other than the little he
haphazardly saw on late night TV, Phillip Krapf apparently does not know how
his story compares with tales told by other abductees and contactees. He
claims to have been so impressed by the qualities of the Verdants --
including patience, kindness, vast knowledge and spiritual wisdom, as well
as superlative technical achievements -- that it never occurred to him to
doubt the literal truth of everything he experienced and was told. Some of
that was quite startling.

Of all the things Krapf learned during his three day adventure, however,
nothing could compare with the revelation that the human soul is real, human
life is eternal and God exists. Krapf, the agnostic/atheist, says the
assurances given him by the Verdants on these realities left him utterly
dumfounded. But he says he believes them completely.

To any person familiar with other renderings of the abduction/contact
experience, one of the most peculiar features of Phillip Krapf's account is
its absolute physicality. Everything about the Verdants, their ship and
their mission seems material and three-dimensional. So physical is their
universe of experience that even heaven is described as a physical location.
They have been there, the Verdants tell Krapf. Why, you can plot it on a

Temple University historian David Jacobs, in his recent book "The Threat,"
paints a picture of contact with aliens that is horrifyingly bleak compared
with Krapf's cheerful tale. But Jacobs' aliens are also described as
physical creatures. They are apparently bonafide extraterrestrials from
other planets in our galaxy, he says. His reports from over 100 abduction
subjects include a wide diversity of strange details, but these can be
attributed, he says, either to very advanced technology (indistinguishable
from magic, in Arthur C. Clarke's terms) or to manipulation of the
abductee's mind.

Jacobs' aliens do practice telepathy, though. By whatever means, they do
walk though walls. They are considerably stranger, by human standards, than
Krapf's Verdants.

Jacques Vallee is the most influential UFO researcher in America to insist
that the idea of merely physical ETs from other planets is patently absurd.
He has suggested instead that UFOs and their occupants might be
inter-dimensional entities. He has also observed that UFOs seem to function
in the role of a "control system," having a profound but always inscrutable
and subliminal influence upon the development of human consciousness and
culture throughout history.

Despite this theoretical control function, however, Vallee regards the idea
that aliens in UFOs repeatedly abduct thousands or millions of people to do
medical procedures as simply hilarious. Needless to say, Vallee was
criticized for this heresy by leading abduction researchers, especially Budd
Hopkins -- so much so, in fact, that Vallee finally withdrew from ufology
altogether, after darkly warning that UFO research seems doomed to perpetual
irrelevance by its inherent silliness and lack of intellectual rigor.

Vallee did not, however, deny that abductions take place. He recognizes that
they really do, although perhaps less often than popularly believed. It is
the mechanism of abduction that other researchers have wrong, Vallee says.
Real abduction is perpetrated by humans, not aliens. It is probably part of
some terrible and desperate political agenda, employing a grotesque
caricature of real UFO contact to instill a useful brand of fear in average,
dull-witted humans.

Meanwhile, Vallee says, the real aliens are far stranger than we can even
imagine -- not ETs at all, but interdimensional chimeras, forever unknowable
and out of reach.

UFO investigator Bob Pratt feels quite comfortable with Vallee's thesis, and
Vallee rewarded Pratt's good judgment by writing a glowing foreword to
Pratt's 1996 book, "UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil" (Horus
House Press). "This is field research as it should be done," Vallee said,
"and we can only deplore the fact that [Pratt's] work has not been repeated
in other parts of the world."

But if Pratt's UFOs are interdimensional, as he says in the end, they
certainly have a startling way of intruding into the physical plane on
earth. For Pratt's book, as its title implies, is a positively numbing
litany of horrors, meticulously researched by himself and a host of
Brazilian colleagues over a period of some fifteen years. Pratt's subjects
are mostly poor rural Brazilians -- fishermen, farmers, subsistance
laborers. These are people who watch little or no TV; many cannot read. But
these people tell stories of intruders who rain down terror from the sky.

Pratt tells of people being paralyzed and lifted off the ground by beams of
light; of having their health instantly destroyed by a chance encounter in
the woods or along a rural road; of being stalked, repeatedly assaulted and
sometimes killed by UFOs. There are dozens of cases, many with multiple
witnesses. None have a happy ending, and none make any discernible sense.
Why are these people brutally attacked, and by whom? There is no answer. But
the terror and the broken bodies say there is truth in the accounts.

Dr. Stephen Greer, founding director of CSETI, has theorized like Vallee
that abduction cases, if they really occur, are perpetrated by humans intent
on giving aliens a bad name. At the same time, Greer speaks of genuine
extraterrestrials -- people from other planets -- who are coming here to
make contact with right-minded humans. It's part of a grand process of
global transformation, Greer says. Extraterrestrials stand ready to assist
human society in rising to a higher spiritual level conducive to wider and
more open contact with other intelligent races.

In that belief, Greer is hardly alone. Phillip Krapf agrees completely. So,
in effect, does Nancy Malacaria, who says that some 170 different
extraterrestrial races are currently assisting humanity through a time of
turmoil and transformation -- even if that assistance sometimes looks like

A more subtle, complex -- but ultimately positive -- outlook is expressed by
one of America's most famous abductees, Betty Andreasson-Luca, whose life
has been meticulously chronicled by researcher and author Raymond Fowler for
over twenty years.

When Fowler first wrote about Betty's case in the mid-1970s in "The
Andreasson Affair," he described a classic alien abduction scenario in terms
that have since been repeated countless times by other researchers. But in
the intervening years, Fowler's own views have evolved enormously, along
with Betty's.

In the fifth and final volume of his Andreasson study, "The Andreasson
Legacy" (Marlowe, 1997), Fowler emphasizes repeatedly that abduction is a
"paraphysical phenomenon." Its UFO component is physical in that it leaves
ground traces, shows up on film, disrupts electrical systems. Its contact
component is physical in the sense that abductees are (sometimes) physically
missing during an abduction event, and often come back with body scars such
as scoop marks related to physical procedures. Fowler surmises that some
abductees probably have physical alien implants.

But abduction is simultaneously paranormal or metaphysical in the sense that
it can occur as an out of body experience and often includes psychical
elements such as telepathy, teleportation and time distortion. It is very
definitely concerned with human reproduction and the creation of hybrid
creatures; but it is just as definitely concerned with the human soul and
the ultimately spiritual nature of humanity and reality. It is the furthest
thing from absurd or disorderly. It is undeniably and definitely purposeful.

And there is teaching involved, Fowler insists. Abductees are given urgent
messages about the perilous state of our world and the changes ahead for

David Jacobs has heard all that from his abductees, too. He agrees that they
are given powerful images and messages about the environmental crisis on
earth, or the peril of nuclear war, or terrible changes to come. But Jacobs
thinks the aliens don't really care about any of that. They are not
interested in preserving the earth for humanity's sake. They're intent on
taking over.

Katharina Wilson, another lifelong abductee who has written eloquently of
her own experiences in "The Alien Jigsaw" (Puzzle Publishing, 1993), has
heard it all too, first-hand.

In a recent interview with hypnotherapist Deborah Lindemann, Katharina
Wilson said that she, like Jacobs, thinks the aliens can induce powerful
images in the human mind for purposes of deception or manipulation.

"My experiences and visions I'm shown with aliens, even the ones that appear
very human-like, seem to involve a level of manipulation. The aliens are
interested in how we react to the information in the vision, or they use the
vision for distraction or screen memory purposes."

Wilson has had her share of alien sexual procedures and similar horrors. She
doesn't trust alien motives at all.

But Wilson also makes an important distinction between alien abductors and
other entities that she calls "super-conscious beings." These beings have
shown her powerful images too, but the experience seemed entirely different.

"I just remembered everything consciously the next morning. It was just so
unbelievably intense," she told Deborah Lindemann. "What they were showing
me was that thoughts are things and that what you think and believe, you
will create. They took me through my neighborhood and showed me, using
visual imagery. I saw them come down out of the sky on this golden rope; it
was like a little swing. There were four of them. They were the most
beautiful feminine little angels. They were... super intelligences. A piece
of the golden rope touched me, and just touching that strand of rope was
like I was sitting in the lap of God. It was the most unbelievable positive
experience, just to touch it. But they wanted to get on with what they had
come to teach me and show me."

Though Wilson uses the term "angel," she's not sure if that's appropriate.
"I'm cautious about how I categorize these experiences, because I have a
responsibility as a reporter of this phenomenon. If these SCBs (super
conscious beings) really are just another form of aliens, I don't want to
mislead people," she says.

Asked by Deborah Lindemann how the experience of SCBs differs from her alien
encounters, Wilson said, "They don't experiment on me or treat me like a lab
animal. I don't get the feeling they are manipulating me. I realize they
show me visions of the future and I know the aliens do this too. But I sense
a caring and a deep love and concern that is totally different than my
experiences with the aliens. I realize that the aliens can look into your
eyes and make you feel a whole array of wonderful things. But these SCB's
don't look into my eyes or force their will on me like the other beings do."

Given the incredible -- one might even say absurd -- diversity of reported
human experiences with our alleged visitors, is it possible to say who or
what we are dealing with? Perhaps the closest we can get to the truth is an
idea that confounds and infuriates literalists everywhere: the visitors are
finally and forever in the eye of the beholder. They are real, but their
perceived character is dependent upon the conscious level of our perception.

Dr. John Mack, Harvard University psychiatrist, is one researcher who seems
to have arrived at this conclusion. Perhaps for this reason, he is regarded
with suspicion or disdain by those who insist upon a hard-edged, literal
interpretation of the visitor experience.

Mack responded to an inquiry from CNI News by sending a summary of his
viewpoint, distilled from the scores of abduction cases he has personally

Mack agrees with David Jacobs that "the human/alien sexual and reproductive
process, which the abductees with whom I work report in excruciating detail,
appears to result in the creation of a hybrid race that will some day come
'down' to earth. For experiencers, this hybrid 'project' is altogether real
and does not appear to me to be the product of delusion or other mental

That said, however, Mack points out problems with the "literalist, entirely
material, interpretation" of alien encounter. "Most obvious is the absence
of solid evidence of actual pregnancy, genetic changes or the physical
existence of the hybrids themselves.

"But that is only the beginning," he says. "Some abductees perceive this
process as occurring in another realm or dimension with different space/time
qualities and possessing what they often describe as a higher vibrational
frequency. Sometimes they themselves notice that they are in a different
state of consciousness, as if between sleeping and waking, and that the
images and events around them seem 'fuzzy.'

"One may argue that it is a matter of research, of collecting more or better
evidence to document the physical reality of all this, and that the main
obstacle is that the aliens are so deceptive, subtle or furtive. But it may
not be simply a matter of physical evidence," Mack says. "The fundamental
difficulty may be more one of philosophy, consciousness and method. The
matter may be more mysterious than we appreciate, requiring different ways
of knowing or thinking about it.

"For instance, the hybrid project might be thought of as a reflection not so
much of biological procreation or colonization [as] of an evolution of
consciousness. But in order to consider this, we would need to put aside or
overcome the radical split between mind or spirit and matter, or between the
visible and invisible worlds, that have dominated both Judeo-Christian
tradition and Western science. If we could allow the possibility of an
interpenetration of consciousness and matter, or even that physical images
or the physical world itself could be a manifestation of consciousness or
spirit, then the apparent and sometimes real physicality of the alien-human
sexual and reproductive process could be seen as the expression in concrete,
physical form of what may be a cosmic energy or intelligence, responding to
a problem -- in this case, the evident threat to earth's life forms that is
the result of human blindness and destructiveness.

"This is not to say that the aliens or hybrids are not entirely real.
Rather, I would argue that the process might be occurring largely in another
realm, one with a different vibrational frequency, a kind of in-between
domain -- neither pure formless spirit nor dense matter -- which, under
certain circumstances, can penetrate our world, and be perceived with such
vividness as to bring intense experiential conviction and even subtle
physical manifestations for abductees.

"If we think of the phenomenon this way, and not simply in terms of whether
it is good or bad for the human species, we may see it as less threatening.
We might then learn from it about our evolving relationship to the earth, to
the unseen intelligence or intelligences of our cosmos, and, ultimately,
about our own evolving psychological and spiritual existence and identity,"
Mack concludes.

Without doubt, for some experiencers and researchers, the subtleties of
Mack's view are beside the point, because to them it already seems clear
that the earth is being invaded by alien forces who can bring an end to
human life. Yet, others insist that the visitors bring benevolent warnings,
offers of spiritual counsel, even invitations to membership in a cosmic
Federation. Meanwhile, for some, the visitor experience is as physical as
driving in a car; while for others, the experience resides in a realm of
dreams and shadows, speaking less to the body than to the soul, less to time
than to eternity.

Can "an answer" be distilled from all these diverse and passionate
impressions? Very likely not -- at least, not yet. Says John Mack: "At the
very least, we should admit that we do not ultimately know what [alien
encounter] means or whence it comes, and that we are only beginning to
penetrate its depths."

[Dr. David Jacobs can be emailed at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Katharina
Wilson's web site is http://www.alienjigsaw.com. Phillip Krapf's email is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Nancy Malacaria's web site is
http://members.aol.com/earthsistr/2.index.html. The CNI News website is
http://www.cninews.com. Deborah Lindemann can be emailed at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Michael Lindemann can be emailed at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dr.
John Mack's next book on further research into the alien abduction
phenomenon will be published by Crown Publishing in Spring 1999.]

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