Please read: and then, read the forwarded
message from Patricia Mougey- survivor of classified unconsensual

If unclassified mind technology exists, it's evident "classified" tech is
being used against civilians and covered up for "national security reasons."

Who's hearing these people?

Dr. Nick Begich's book, "Earth Rising-The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years
of Peace" is available from "Earthpulse Press"-

This book covers a number of separate areas with extensive documentation from
government, academic and major media reports including:

* The revolution in military affairs and its impact on freedom.

* Mind control and the manipulation of human health through the use of drugs,
electromagnetic weapons and other means.


* Environmental and weather control.

* New Technologies which will virtually eliminate privacy from the world

* Militarization of law enforcement around the country.

* The HAARP story is updated, showing additional evidence of the military's
plans to manipulate the environment.

(Alexis Rodriguez (Puerto Rico-USA) - unconsensual classified experimental
subject; "non-lethal technologies"; neuro-electromagnetic mind control) and
This was just sent to various media representatives, including my local

In the past you've heard many things about the topic "Mind Control".
Some facts seem so unbelievable or science-fiction related that most
people inside and outside of the media  label them as ridiculous,
any people who claim to be 'targets' are immediately branded as
'crazy' or psychotic and in need of mental health assistance.

Take a real look, and to help you is a series of articles written by
Arlene Tyner for "Probe" magazine. The first article in the
March-April, 2000 issue is "Mind-Control part 1: Canadian and U.S.
Survivors Seek Justice". You will find, among other things,  evidence
that CIA involvement is real and the covert nature not contested, via
the Orlikow versus United States legal case (l988).

You'll be reminded of "The Sleep Room" a TV docu-drama produced for
broadcast and cable television.  Only stations in Canada would run
it....none in the United States would touch it at the time. (The
fact that the United States ignores the topic of mind control and/or
human beings used as non-consenting guinea pigs is NOT
unusual....remember the "Human Subject Research Experiment Act" bill by
John Glenn?  It went to sleep in the committee room and never woke up.

But, other nations are NOT ignoring the fact that non-lethal
devices are now available to anyone with money. Adding some technical
knowledge to it then gives them the silent 'right' to  terrorize one
person or an entire area, in secret, successfully.)

I'm digressing....To return to the magazine series.... you will get
a background on MKULtra, its connection to the CIA in the United
States and Canada.

 The second article in the May-June, 200 issue (Volume 7, No.4) is
titled "Mind-Control Part 2: From Implants to Microwaves: A Case
Study".... includes a proposed demonstration to deliberately set up a
state of artifically induced dual personality a private room of
any hospital under the guise of medical treatment."....This by one of
the most well known hypnotists working with the CIA and U.S. Armed
Services, Mr. George Estabrooks.

All references for the material put together by Miss Arlene Tyner
listed for easy reference.

Would you be willing to look at a video tape produced by ACHES,
showing the Congressional testimony of two victims? They speak clearly
of their terrorism here in the United States, by U.S. citizens. Blanche
Chavoustie, the person mentioned in the second article in Probe is one
of the persons responsible for the ACHES web site, and the production
this video tape. (

Question to the Editor & Publisher. If these things do not exist why
are targeted individuals networking together to present their cause?
It's for attention, yes!  But, attention that will open your eyes as
well as the eyes of others and urge investigations to address the

  This attention will back up material in the book "Earth Rising" by
Dr. Nick Begich. He cites information/patents/government documents,
etc...relating directly to some of the equipment these 'targets'
complain of today...which includes directed energy well as
what is planned for tomorrow. Most of it unknown to you and the public.

Is this 'not knowing' intentional on your part, or just an honest
mistake in overlooking the subject because you want to believe 'it
couldn't happen here in America?"  Only you can answer that.

 Some public meetings to bring this silent terrorism out in the open
have been held. Others are planned for the future.

Mind Control Conferences.......

l. May 6, 2000 - Philadephia, PA.   May l3, 2000 in North Brunswick
- , sponsored by the Legal Defense and Research Fund.

2. Talks were presented at a seminar recently sponsored by the New
Freedom Foundation by Barbara Hartwell and Steve Delano. (His EMail
address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

3.The Third Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind
Control Conference" will be held on August 5 and 6, 2000 at the
DoubleTree Hotel near Bradley International Airport (between
CT and Springfield, MA). The purpose of the conference will be to
survivors of ritual abuse and to help stop future occurrences of
abuse and mind control.

For information write  S.M.A.R.T., P. O Box
1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
conference  information is at:

4. A July 23rd, 2000 rally will be held in California...(See the
enclosed URL for pictures from an earlier one held in April, 2000.

"Rally against mind control weapons on Sunday July 23rd 2000 in
front of
the Sacramento Capitol Building from11:00A-5:00P.M-contact Tim at
(916)684-3821  or roberto at (915)833-4602

They will have media coverage for the meeting.

Eric Olson will be speaking if funds can be raised for his plane
He was featured in the January 2000 issue of GQ magazine.

5. Dr. Eldon Byrd is speaking at the U.S. Psychotronic Association
conference this July on the topic of non-lethal devices.   One part
of Dr. Byrd's  resume' shows he worked with the U.S. Navy. Today he's
alarmed about the degree to which many claim these devices are used.

Are these devices in use here in Ohio and Toledo?  Yes.

Thank you.

Patricia F. Mougey
1927 Perth St., Toledo, Ohio 43607  419 535 1873

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