Media Mr. Magoos blind to Clinton pattern Paul Sperry

© 2000

WASHINGTON -- "The incident at Los Alamos is just the latest in a
series of security problems that have plagued the government
recently," the New York Times reported.

The government? Please, Americans aren't blind. Unlike the Mr.
Magoos in the mainstream media, they can see a pattern has
developed over the past seven-and-a-half years of the Clinton

Security breaches have spread to every federal agency dealing
with national security secrets, from Commerce to Energy's nuclear
weapons labs to the Pentagon to State and to even the CIA.

Yet they are all brushed off by Clinton officials as isolated
incidents. And the trumpeting strumpets in the prestige press go
right along with the melody, suspending their trademark

But make no mistake: These aren't accidents. Career officials in
the U.S. intelligence community say privately that the Clinton
administration came in and ordered a wholesale stand-down of
national security safeguards in every agency that counts.

The Clinton administration, not "the government," has turned our
national security complex into a sieve. And the holes just keep
getting bigger -- and the espionage apparently bolder.

Witness the latest "embarrassment" at Los Alamos.

Somehow, two shirt-pocket-sized hard-drive tapes loaded with
top-secret nuclear bomb data just magically and innocently
vanished from locked compartments inside a locked bag in a vault
with motion and infrared sensors in the supposedly super-secret X
Division where physicists with the highest security clearance
design nuclear weapons.

But it wasn't an inside job, administration officials say; no
spies here! Must have been "misplaced" or "destroyed."

Yeah, an absent-minded scientist left them on his dashboard along
with his Blockbuster rentals and wants to avoid the lab fine of
returning melted tapes. Give me a break.

Such mind-numbing excuses are typical of an administration that
thinks we're all a bunch of Hottentots ready to be colonized.
What's shocking is that the establishment East Coast media keep
chugging the swill.

How much more vital U.S. military intelligence must the media see
take wing? How many more laptops, hard drives, CIA briefing
books, nuclear-bomb legacy codes and other classified information
must they see lost?

How many more "accidents" before the dialogue and tone of
reporting changes?

Some more-curious media types are starting to wonder, finally,
who's minding the store. But they're still pulling up short. They
should be asking if the store isn't being minded on purpose.

Then, they might find that explanations quickly shift from
"bureaucratic snafus" to "willful disregard." Blame shifts from
the generic -- "government" -- to the specific -- "White House."
And adjectives shift from "embarrassing" to even "treasonous."

If the old media gatekeepers ever regained the jaundiced eye they
had under Republican administrations, they might ask why the lab
took so long to report the heist, er, disappearance of the nuke
data. Was it to put distance in the public's mind between the
fed-set fire and the theft, er, loss?

And then they might pin the Energy secretary and the Los Alamos
lab director down on exactly how they've "tightened security."

"To have this happen after all that we have done to improve
security," lamented Los Alamos director John Browne.

Boy, I feel safe. All that you've done? Like what? Los Alamos
contractors tell me that Energy still hasn't replaced controls on
foreign visitors.

In 1998 alone, the labs hosted more than 1,100 foreign visitors
from Russia and 918 from China, the only country with long-range
nuclear-tipped missiles pointed at U.S. cities (13 under target,
to be exact).

Who rolled out the Red carpet? Browne.

That's right, as I first reported in a June 28, 1999, Investor's
Business Daily editorial, Browne refuses to turn away such
visitors, even though he acknowledges they "represent a challenge
in protecting classified and sensitive information."

"At first glance, the exclusion of foreign nationals may look
like an attractively simple solution," he reasoned in a May 18,
1999, internal lab paper. "But it would not solve the broader
security problems that the world faces."

The world? Huh? Time to start worrying about the security
problems in your own country, Mr. Director.

But don't bet on the media asking such questions. They can't even
report why security had to be tightened in the first place.

Few, if any, mainstream stories on the latest Los Alamos leak so
far have mentioned the findings of the bipartisan Cox Commission
report. Just a year ago, it documented how China's People's
Liberation Army stole from Los Alamos and other labs secrets to
every warhead deployed in the U.S. arsenal.

And the massive Chinese espionage has bunched up hard on
Clinton's watch. Eight of the 11 cases cited in the Cox report
took place during the Clinton years, as I first reported in a
June 9, 1999, IBD story (which was later excerpted by L. Brent
Bozell III in the Wall Street Journal). And 10 of the 11 leaks
were first discovered then. (I gleaned this from just the
872-page declassified version of the Cox report. An additional
375 or so pages were censored by the White House. No telling what
horrors lurk in there.)

Nor has the media bothered to add that "Taiwanese American
scientist Wen Ho Lee" -- who's in jail now for downloading Los
Alamos nuke codes on 10 portable tapes (seven of which are
missing) -- has traveled extensively in China in recent years,
giving lectures (and who knows what else) to PLA nuclear

By reporting all this parade of security lapses in fits and
starts and not putting them into any broader context, the media
is doing a disservice to the American people.

Reporting each new leak without any linkage has the effect
(perhaps desired) of desensitizing, rather than shocking, us. You
can just hear the breakfast banter, as families open up their
newspapers: "Oh, more nuclear warhead data are missing from Los
Alamos ... ho-hum. ... Hey, honey, did you hear about that cute,
two-faced kitten?"

But we should be shocked. And angry.

Ronald Reagan once said something that's stuck with me. When he
was staring down the Soviet bear, he said, "Don't be afraid to
see what you see." He was referring to communists trying to gain
footholds in our hemisphere, in Nicaragua and Grenada, and

In other words, don't bury your head in the sand. If you see
enough evidence of a threat, you mustn't wish it away. But you
must do something about it. It was good advice, and it worked for

American patriots must unite and take back their country, their
security and their sovereignty on Nov. 7.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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