[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arkansans Against Hillary!)

June 12, 2000

Dear Friend,

It is my pleasure to announce to you the formation of Arkansans Against
Hillary! (or "AAGH!" for short), and pass along to you our first news
coverage, hot off the press from U.S. News and World Report (see below).

While we intend to run a tasteful, even humorous, campaign against Mrs.
Clinton, there is an overwhelming need to run that campaign.  Were Hillary
Clinton in the Senate, she would quickly replace even Teddy Kennedy as the
leading light of the American Left.  Her agenda of socialized medicine,
federally-controlled schools, ever-growing taxes and regulation and an
ever-weakening defense would be immeasurably strengthened.  It is this we
aim to nip in the bud.

Moreover, Arkansans Against Hillary! is vital for these reasons:

=80 Our mere existence is an embarrassing reminder that Hillary is a
carpetbagger, simply using New York to advance her career and causes.

=80 Our uniqueness -- both in geography and in a number of our planned
projects -- guarantees us a level of earned media that no ad budget could

=80 Our timing, just after Mayor Giuliani's exit from the race, gives a
crucial added boost to the cause.  However strong Congressman Lazio looks i=
the polls, Hillary has a year on him in both organization and fundraising.
He needs our help.

Shortly, we will be launching a large-scale internet campaign, and later on=
we intend to run ads in New York.  We also plan to conduct a number of
grass-roots projects you're going to love.  We can make an enormous

We've already been in U.S. News and we just started this week!  Our
potential is obvious.  But it takes money to beat a well-oiled machine like
Hillary's.  Not just anybody's money, either:  your money and mine.  And I
promise to do my part if you'll do yours.

We can take contributions of up to $1,000.  Make out your checks to AAGH!,
or email, fax or mail us your credit card number (Visa, MasterCard and
Discover; contact information below).  We have less than five months:  don'=
take your time.

And if you happen to live out of state, don't worry about it:  if Hillary
Clinton can be a New Yorker, you can darn sure be from Arkansas.

For the Cause,

Rod D. Martin
National Chairman



Arkansans Against Hillary!
2511 North University
Little Rock, Arkansas 72207-3609


Rod Martin, (501) 603-9200

June 12, 2000
LITTLE ROCK =AD Rod D. Martin, National Chairman of VanguardPAC, today
announced the formation of "Arkansans Against Hillary!" (AAGH!).

The group was featured today in the June 19, 2000 issue of "U.S. News and
World Report."

According to Martin, "Arkansans have a unique duty and opportunity to point
out the obvious:  that Hillary Clinton, however personable she may be, is a=
extremist, is hopelessly out of touch, and isn't even from New York.

"However appealing it might be to have an Arkansan representing a bunch of
Yankees, we'd just as soon pass on this one," Martin grinned.

The group intends to run ads in New York, as well as campaign over the
internet.  AAGH! is an independent expenditure project of VanguardPAC, whic=
promotes conservative proposals such as Medical Savings Accounts, school
choice, Social Security privatization and a strong defense.

Martin said the campaign isn't personal.  "Mrs. Clinton stands against
everything we believe in, and for some really terrible ideas like socialize=
medicine.  Many of us have known her for twenty years or more, and like her
personally.  But we simply can't abide her views at all."

When asked whether AAGH! would take out-of-state contributions, Executive
Director Hank Jones responded, "Why not?  If Hillary can be a New Yorker, I
reckon anybody can be from Arkansas."


U.S. News & World Report
June 19, 2000
Washington Whispers


It might be time to dust off our "Don't Pillory Hillary" buttons. Another
group of Hillary haters, Arkansans Against Hillary, or AAGH, is forming to
try to ruin the first lady's chances of being the next senator from New
York. Their plan: raise money and run negative TV ads in N.Y. "We are going
to be a one-stop-shopping source on Hillary," says AAGH Chairman Rod Martin=
a Little Rock attorney and former aide to Republican Arkansas Gov. Mike
Huckabee. Martin says his group will go outside Arkansas to raise money. "I=
Hillary can be a New Yorker, anyone can be an Arkansan."

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