Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date:  11 July 2000
Federalist #00-28.brf

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about social and political issues of our age, has redesigned its Web
site! The Federalist  editors never miss an edition of this
outstanding publication and recommend it highly to all our readers.

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"A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define
a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people." --Thomas
Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence, on King George


"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and
the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he
who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."
(Matthew 7:7-8)


"This latest decision [by the Supreme Court] banning God from the
public square can evoke many emotions in Christians, but surprise
shouldn't be one of them. Making students unwilling agents of the
secular state started back in 1962, when the Court banned God from the
classroom. If God is not allowed there -- at the epicenter of
intellectual life -- then surely He doesn't belong at other school
events." --Chuck Colson

"Some cases are lost. But memory is not lost. Hope is not lost. And as
long as people hold on to such things, freedom is not lost. As long as
Elian is remembered, neither he nor all the other tempest-tossed are
lost. This is not the end of the drama, but only of the second act, as
night falls. Some of us still believe in third acts, and morning. Some
of us think of freedom as essential to human development, not as one
more legal consideration to be weighed against others, like the
over-arching claim of a bureaucracy. And certainly not as a bargaining
chip in international relations. We think this case is about certain
unalienable rights, rather than, as the court in Atlanta put it, 'the
President's conduct of our nation's international affairs.'  We think,
we believe, that no president, no court, no bureaucracy can forever
ignore those rights. That is the great advantage those of us who
believe in freedom have over those who just want to get this case over
with. We remember. We will remember Elian, and all the other Elians.
We won't give up on this captive boy anymore than we gave up on the
captive nations. And one day The Wall will fall again." --Paul


"By the standards applied to everyone, Mr. Clinton deserves
disbarment.  His dishonesty has been chronic and egregious.  But the
fact Mr. Clinton is no ordinary lawyer only enhances the argument for
disbarment.  This is what mothers call a teachable moment.  Bill
Clinton is now the most famous liar and perjurer in the whole world --
maybe the most famous liar in history.  Through disbarment, the
Arkansas courts can demonstrate that some people and institutions
still uphold ordinary virtues like probity." --Mona Charen


"The idea behind popular government (whether a democracy or a
republic) is that the political process, mainly but not solely the
electoral process, is the way government gets its marching orders. The
people, by electing representatives, lobbying, marching,
demonstrating, writing letters and in a thousand other ways, try to
tell the government what they want done. The process may be indirect
and diffused, but the idea is that the people are the bosses, the
government apparatus the servants. If you believe any version of this
theory, there's just no excuse for placing limitations (beyond those
that involve actual harm or fraud, which can be handled through fairly
simple, already existing laws) on this necessarily unruly and often
messy process. If you want to place tight limitations on the political
process, to be enforced by bureaucrats who cannot be removed from
office because they weren't put there by the electoral process in the
first place, then you obviously don't believe in popular government.
Instead, you believe in some kind of facade of free elections, but one
that is tightly controlled by those who already hold power. You
believe in removing the connection between office holders and
legitimate economic interests among the citizenry, instead making
office holders beholden to and controlled by the permanent
government." --Alan W. Bock


"This is what has become of latter-day liberalism. The political left
has abandoned traditional standards on grounds that they're
'intolerant' and 'harsh.' Votaries of political correctness have
replaced customary norms with a code of etiquette that punishes
wayward speech savagely, while trying to ease the penalties assessed
to such crimes as murder." --Tony Snow


"Here's what the 1936 government pamphlet on Social Security said:
'After the first 3 years you will pay, and your employer will pay, 1.5
cents for each dollar you earn, up to $3,000 a year'." --Walter

(NOTE: For our subscribers with WWW access, if the URL line breaks,
please select, copy and paste the entire link address into your
browser's target address field.)

Making Sure the Surplus Revenue is Used to Reduce the National Debt

Lessons From Tennessee's Failed Health Care Reform

Court Delivers Blow to Religious Liberty

A Real Patriot's Banner


"Speaking of legal defenses: A fascinating one is ... a police report
.. saying that a motorist who had been stopped on suspicion of
drunken driving 'attempted to thwart the arresting officer by covering
his ears and saying, "I cannot hear you, la la la la la".' Incredibly,
this legal defense did not work, even though it is almost identical to
the one used successfully by President Clinton during his impeachment
trial on charges of extreme mentoring." --Dave Barry


This Week's "Two Cents" issue:

Recently, Independent Women's Forum President Anita Blair translated a
few words from "feminese," the vernacular of liberal feminists:

Equal: proportional outcome, not freedom of opportunity.
Family: any group of people who call themselves a family.
Economic justice: redistribution of wealth.
Comparable worth: government dictation of wages and salaries.
Violence: suffered by women, not men.
Peacemaking: appeasement.
Empowerment for women: political domination by radical feminist

This Week's "Two Cents" Question:

What are your favorite feminese translations?

Add your "Two Cents" response to this issue at --

Suggest a future "Two Cents" topic or question at --

This Week's Clintoons:
(T- 192 days until eviction and delousing!)

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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