Nurev Ind Research wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Joseph Lieberman holds Israelie Citizenship
> andUSACitizenship.
> Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 10:15:33 -0700
> From: "Damian B. Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 07:26 PM 8/10/00 -0400, Nurev Ind Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  wrote:
> >8/10/00
> >
> >
> - - - snip - - -
> >
> >The reason the DemocRATS chose a Jew was not only to out-Liberal
> >the Republicans, but to GET HILLARY ELECTED IN NEW YORK. I am
> >fairly sure that the DemocRATS know they are going to lose the
> >Oval Office.
> Whether Gore-Lieberman wins or loses, Jewish political interests are advanced.

So what's the problem?
> If Gore wins, Jews will have gained complete and total access to the
> central power of
> the U.S. government.

You mean like Protestants have had all this time?

> Everything that occurs in the Oval office will be
> known to and
> subject to manipulation by the New
> York Times, the ADL, the World Jewish Congress, Mossad, . . .

How do you know this? Have you seen Mossad plans? Do you ever read the NYT?

> If Gore loses, it will be portrayed as being ONLY because Lieberman was a Jew,
> and the defeat of Gore-Lieberman CONFIRMS that "anti-Semitism" is still rampant
> in American society.

Well sure. It's full of people like you.

> America will then be challenged at every turn, on
> every issue
> to "demonstrate that it can overcome its anti-Semitism" by acceding to every
> wish and demand that Jews put forward.

I asked for a big screen TV. The government never gave it to me under this
Jew dominated White House. I need some guilt ridden WASPs back in office so
I can get my damn TV. VOTE BUSH!!!

> Jewish power in America and in Western Society is fundamentally based on
> the psychology of passive-agression.  "You hate me, and YOU have to do
> something
> for ME to PROOVE that YOU are not a bigot".  This is particularly effective
> in the
> largely Christian societies of Western Europe and North America, which are
> significantly
> influended by the Christian ethic of "love they neighbor"

AAAAHHHHHH, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. That's a good one. I'll have to tell that
one at the next Elders of Zion meeting. " Love thy neighbor," really funny.
I enjoy religious humor. Got any more?

 (to include
> Jews), and of
> atonement for "sin".

Poor Christians. They have suffered so at the hands of Indians, Africans,
Gypsies, and Jews who forced them to commit genocide on every inhabited
continent. Why? Because they love their neighbors to pieces.

> The Jewish establishment will make this work to their advantage if
> Lieberman loses.

Unless I'm mistaken the last few presidents were Protestant Christians.
Based on their records of undermining the Constitution, the political
system, the economy, and at least one case of outright treason, I would
strongly recommend banning all protestants from positions of power for
about 240 years.

We loyal Americans who are not WASPs need to protect our
country from this evil conniving religious sect. They are sneaky, evil,
violent thieves who only want to dominate the world. They are the vast
majority of ' International Bankers ' and think nothing of holding dual
citizenship with countries like Britain, Switzerland, and several tiny
but tax free Caribbean countries invented just for them.


Caveat Votor!


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