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Morman Splinter Group Preparing For The End

Hundreds of members of a polygamous Mormon splinter group have pulled
their children out of the public schools along the Utah-Arizona state line
preparing, perhaps, for the end of the world.  Members of the church also
reportedly were told to cut themselves off from other members of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Last year, some 1,400 of the church's member children enrolled in the four
public schools serving Colorado City, Arizona and Hilldale, Utah;  that
number is down to 340 this year. Dozens of teachers belonging to the
Fundamentalist Morman church have also quit.

Church members have reportedly acted at the direction of Warren Jeffs, who
speaks on behalf of his aged father, Rulon Jeffs, the church's prophet. In
mid-July, Warren Jeffs ordered followers to take their children out of
school and cut off contact with former church members.  Former members say
that Jeffs' followers are preparing for the apocalypse their leaders say
is at hand.

"DeLoy Bateman, a former church member and a science teacher at the
Colorado City high  school, said church leaders are preaching that the
towns will be lifted into heaven with the  second coming of Jesus Christ,"
rumored to be occurring in a few days, or a few months.

The Fundamentalist Church's Salt Lake City attorney denied the group was
positioning itself for the End Times. "The Fundamentalist Church and its
officers have not made any predictions in regard to the exact date of the
Second Coming. It has long been the teaching of the church that no man
knows the hour or the date of that event," the attorney said on behalf of
Jeffs.  Other church leaders took the school action merely to home-school
their children and take education into their own hands.

Church leaders are said to have prophesied several dates for the Second
Coming, only to see them come and go. In 1993, Rulon Jeffs told high
school graduates not to attend college since the world would end before
they could finish.

Utah assistant attorney general Mike King said that more than 6,000 of
Rulon Jeffs' followers live in Colorado City and Hildale. An estimated
2,000 to 6,000 more are scattered around the western United States and
Canada.   From Sally Suddock -

Arthur C. Clarke Demands Cold Fusion Rethink

The author and visionary Sir Arthur C Clarke says society has made a huge
mistake in rejecting out of hand the idea that cold fusion may be
possible.  And he mocked editors and journalists at the British
Association's Festival of Science for not giving the technology serious

He said the age of fossil fuels was coming to an end and society needed to
find new sources of energy. Cold fusion or other  "anomalous sources of
energy" might just turn out to be the answer, he said.

Cold fusion first hit the headlines in 1989 when researchers Martin
Fleishmann and Stanley Pons suggested it was possible to generate heat
through the fusion of atoms at normal temperatures.  But when leading
scientists failed to reproduce  their results and Fleishmann and Pons
retracted some of their early claims, cold Fusion was dismissed as

However, the research has gone on, with little funding and largely
underground, and Sir Arthur said the results coming out of some labs
demanded attention.

"Over the last decade there have been literally hundreds of reports from
all over the world from highly qualified people and distinguished
institutions of anomalous sources of energy,"  he said in a recorded video
address to the festival.

"They may or may not be cold fusion and in some cases have nothing to do
with nuclear power. Although there are lots of crooks, cranks and cowboys
in this field, I believe there is now enough published evidence to prove
that something strange is going on."

He urged journalists to do serious investigation so that they could "start
to see the future".  Sir Arthur also said he believed we were  entering
the Carbon Age. He prophesied that the discovery of molecules like C60 -
the soccer ball-shaped cage of carbon atoms - would lead to extraordinary
new materials.

"We will soon have materials a hundred times stronger than any metal and
perhaps weighing no more than ordinary plastics," he said.   "Their impact
on every aspect of life will be enormous: buildings that are kilometres
high,  and land, sea and air vehicles that are only a fraction of their
present weight."

US Military EMF Pulses  May Have Caused Recent  Air Crashes

Electromagnetic pulses from military craft may have been responsible for
several civilian airline disasters in the past four  years. If the theory
is proved correct, it  suggests navy ships and air force planes pose a
lethal threat to passenger flights.

Crash investigators have been startled by similarities between several
tragedies. In particular, they have uncovered common features in two
crashes: Swissair 111, on September 2, 1998, and TWA 800, on July 17,
1996. Both planes took off from the same  airport, New York's JFK, on the
same day, a  Wednesday, at the same minute, 8.19pm.  Both followed the
same route over Long Island. Both reported trouble in the same region of
airspace, and both suffered catastrophic electrical malfunctions.

And on both occasions the planes were flying at a time when extensive
military exercises - involving submarines and US Navy P3 fighter planes -
were being conducted. These factors - outlined by  Elaine Scarry in the
forthcoming issue of the New York Review of Books - suggest to many
investigators that a routine weekly event, probably involving the
generation of strong electromagnetic pulses by military personnel, may
have triggered short-circuits in the two planes. In the case of the TWA
800 flight, this could have caused a spark to set off a fire in its fuel

Alternatively, a pulse could have knocked  out instruments, causing the
Boeing 747 to spin out of control, making metal parts tear and produce
sparks. In the case of the Swissair 111, a fire was reported in the cabin
and the plane plunged into the sea off  the coast of Nova Scotia.

Abductions of Children & Traffic in Organs - Submitted by PARA
By Maité Pinero

A rumor has spread through Latin America that causes fear in the slums and
rural areas: that children have been abducted, or bought, from poor
families to be used as donors of organs. In March 1994, in San Luis
Potosi, Mexico, the secretary general of the provincial government,
Librado Ricavar Ribera, announced the opening of an investigation on the
traffic in organs. He disclosed that children in the Altiplano area and
the suburbs of San Luis have been disappearing, and are then returned to
their families several weeks later with one kidney missing.

Mr. Ricavar Ribera stated that the children had been taken to clinics near
the U.S. frontier. He added that the same traffic was going on in the
neighbouring province of Taumilipas, which is on the U.S. border. Several
thousand dollars buy the silence of poor families. It is the neighbors who
make the accusations. One week later, after a brief search, the director
of the department of health, Dr. Salazar Martinez, closed the

The reason he gave for doing so was that such a network 11 would require
an extremely sophisticated hospital organization." Although the secretary
of the provincial government had stated that the operations were not being
carried out locally, but at the frontier, the department of health refuted
his allegations on the grounds that there is no hospital in San Luis
Potosi that
does organ transplants.

When investigators  met him, Dr. Salazar Martinez limited the interview to
two minutes. According to him, the provincial official who sounded the
alarm "demonstrated light-headed conduct," but nevertheless an
investigation had been carried out. The doctor did not have time to give
us any details. When asked whether he knew that a similar investigation
had been ordered two years earlier, he no longer found time to continue
the discussion.

As for Librado Ricavar Ribera, he has become an invisible man. It is
impossible to meet him, or to reach him by phone. This is not surprising.
All of those who have denounced the traffic in organs - ministers, high
officials, judges - have been removed from office or otherwise silenced.

This scenario began at San Pedro Sula in Honduras. It was there that the
police discovered several clandestine nurseries" at the end of 1986; casas
de engorde" as they were called locally, or houses in which children are
made fat. The children were then illegally exported out of the country
"for adoption."

In January 1987, after an investigation of several weeks, there was a
dramatic disclosure. The secretary of the National Department of Social
Services, Leonardo Villeda Bermudez, revealed that the children had been
used as donors of organs. He added that charitable institutions that care
for the physically or mentally handicapped had been deceived by criminals,
who presented themselves as generous benefactors.

In interviews with the newspaper La Tribuna and with Radio America,
Leonardo Villeda Bermudez, described the investigation in detail. His
conclusion was: "We have proof that the children, who had been bought or
stolen from poor families, were sold for a minimum of ten thousand dollars
each to organizations in the United States, to be used as donors of organs

On January 9th, the President of Honduras denied these allegations, and
fired Bermudez from his job. One month later, a similar scandal broke out
in Guatemala, as the police arrested members of an organisation that was
exporting children to the United States and Israel. Among those arrested
was Mrs. Ofelia Rosal de Gama, sister-in-law of former general and
dictator Mejia Victores.

The chief public relations officer of the police, Baudilio Hichos Lopez,
stated, "We know that children sent to the United States, supposedly to be
adopted, were in fact used as organ donors."

In this same country, in January 1988, the scandal erupted again. The
police arrested two "dealers in children" of Israel nationality, Michal
and Luis Rotman. The director of the drug enforcement agency, Miguel
Aguirre, announced that "the prisoners have confessed that they exported
the children to Israel and the United States. The children were sold for
seventy-five thousand dollars each.

A violent controversy broke out. The embassy of Israel protested against,
"the monstrous accusation" based on, "irresponsible declarations by an
official" specifying that, 1t is unthinkable that such crimes could be
committed in Israel," where the removal of organs is forbidden by law, and
where the only authorized transplants, "occur under strict conditions of

When the embassy of the United States demanded that the newspaper E1
Grafico publish a retraction, the newspaper replied that it had merely
repeated the statement made by the director of the drug enforcement
agency. The minister of health put an end to the affair by announcing that
the information published in E1 Grafico was false.

In Mexico, the accusations continue to accumulate. On June 24, 1989, the
correspondent at Puebla for the newspaper EI Universal denounced the
abductions of three children, specifying, "In a village on the banks of
the Cuichol River, a child was kidnaped. He was found several weeks later
at Tlatlauquitipec, about 50 kilometres from his home. He had been
operated upon, and had one kidney missing. He is in the hospital at
Puebla." The journalist adds: "The lack of names is caused by the panic
which strikes the families. People have refused to give me more precise
information because they are afraid of reprisals ."

In May 1990, the assistant District Attorney for the federal district of
Mexico, Gustavo Bareta Rangel, declared that the disappearance of
children, "could be related to the traffic in organs, which is going on at
the northern frontier of this country."

In October, the commission for Population Development of the Chamber of
Deputies created a committee to investigate. The president of the
department of health, education and social services for the federal
district, Hector Ramirez Cuellar, specified that his committee would go to
the frontier where between Tijuana and Rosarito, the existence of
clandestine clinics is suspected. He added that the abducted children
could be "used to fulfil the needs of numerous foreigners who arrive there
in expectation of a transplant."

Part of this circumstantial evidence is the proliferation of illegal
adoption networks, the colossal amounts of money raised by them, and the
enormous demand which causes waves of abductions in Latin America. A real
slave trade in children, going from the South to the North, has been
established, which can not be satisfactorily explained in terms of
adoption networks catering to sexual deviates.

The Latin American bishops at the Franciscan missionary centre in Bonn are
also astonished by the extent of the phenomenon. Mgr. Nicola de Jesus
Lopez Rodriguez, Archbishop of Saint Domingo and President of the Latin
American Episcopal Council, has declared that the Church is going to
"follow up on all complaints concerning the sale of children for illegal
adoptions or organ transplants."

American lawyer Patrick Gagel was arrested in Peru, after having exported
a total of three thousand children in thirty months to the United States
and Italy. What became of these children? How come Patrick Gagel was
almost immediately released from prison, as have others arrested for this
crime? Won't any government formally demand intervention by Interpol,
since this is the required condition for a real international
investigation? Must we wait for more horrifying discoveries before we dare
to admit the awful truth? Or, are these allegations simply a case of
rumors and "urban legends" run amok? Only time will tell.

Two Strange Creatures Spotted in Shennongjia by Eight Travelers

At 07:45 on Sept.6,  travelers spotted  two strange creatures in
Shennongjia  National Nature Preserve in Hubei  province. The two strange
creatures were 150 to 160 cm tall and covered with brown-dark hair. The
creatures  walked upright, but had hunched backs. Each carried a basket on
its back.

The witnesses believe the two strange creatures are savages. The eight
travelers were from Shiyan Telecommunications Company also located in
Hubei province. The first to discover the strange   creatures was Han

The two strange creatures escaped but left 32 cm long footprints behind. -
(Wenhui News Shanghai, 9-8-2000)

UFO Spotted in Harbin

On August 21, during Flight CCA1623, flying southwest of Harbin in
China's northeast Heilongjiang province, a pilot reportedly witnessed a
silverish white UFO approximately ten meters in diameter. After 30 seconds
the UFO disappeared. (Yangcheng Evening News, 8/25/00)

Pakistan Sends Major Nuclear Warning To India

The Father of  Pakistan's nuclear bomb warned India Wednesday his country
had enough nuclear bombs to destroy major Indian cities several times

"India should not underestimate Pakistan. We have enough bombs and
missiles to destroy major Indian cities thrice," said Dr. Abdul Quadeer
Khan, the man who is credited as the pioneer of Islamabad's  nuclear

According to the Pakistani newspapers,  Khan made the remarks while
addressing an award distribution ceremony for local  scientists in the
Pakistani capital.

Made amid  mounting tensions between India and Pakistan, Khan's remarks
received prominent coverage on the front pages of  the Urdu language
newspapers. About a dozen English language newspapers, which  generally
advocate better relations between the two rival nations, down-played the

Otherwise prohibited by his government to make such statements, Khan's
speech is seen as diplomatic observers in Islamabad as a calculated
warning to India.

Simmering tensions in the Himalayan valley of Kashmir, divided between the
two and claimed by both, have stirred fears of another war between India
and Pakistan. They have already fought three wars since their independence
from Britain in 1947, two of them over Kashmir.

More than 35,000 people have died in  Kashmir in clashes between Indian
troops and Kashmiri militants since 1989 when the current separatist
campaign began.

Pakistanis fear that to control the separatist movement, Indian troops may
cross over into the Pakistani one-fourth of Kashmir, hence the warming.

Pakistan conducted nuclear weapons tests in May 1998 in a matching
response to earlier tests by India. The two countries have also developed
an array of missiles.

Khan said the nuclear capability had given the nation self-confidence and
ability to defend itself against any aggression.

Sixth Century UK Tree Rings Show Terrible Worldwide Cometary Impact

Scientists are on the trail of a terrible moment in history, recorded only
in the annual growth rings of trees around the world.  Chronologies from
oaks and other trees from Ireland to Poland, from Finland to Siberia, from
North America and even southern South America, all point to the same
moment in AD540, when some worldwide event affected growth.

It could, according to Mike Baillie, a palaeoecologist from Queen's
University in Belfast, be evidence of a cosmic catastrophe that plunged
Europe into the real dark ages.  And it could be a key to the world
painted in the legends of King Arthur and the  Round Table.

Prof Baillie told the British Association's science festival that the tree
rings were an accurate record of conditions from the past.  The
coincidence of low growth in annual rings from around AD540 were evidence
of  darkened skies and chilly summers, of  successive failed harvests and
widespread famine. In a succession of upheavals, up to a third of the
people of Europe perished.

Even in recent times, he said, failed harvests  and epidemics had
coincided with stunted tree growth. But stunted growth in three continents
in the same year was highly unusual.

"Just how unusual it is can be conveyed by the fact that these
chronologies quantify the 540 event as the worst or the second worst or
one of the four worst events in the last 1,500 years," he said.

He argued that the story told by the oaks - both living and those
extracted from bogs and old buildings - could be evidence of the earth's
bombardment by a swarm of comet fragments. There was little evidence in
written history, except for a 13th century reference to a comet in Gaul
"so vast that the whole sky seemed on fire" in either 540 or 541.

But he said other kinds of story might provide another clue: the dates for
the death of the mythical King Arthur were variously 537, 539 and 542, and
the legend was  centered on the story of a wasteland, an ailing king and
failed fertility.

"I've even gone to extreme of looking at some mythology, which is normally
taboo for scientists," he said. "The bottom line is,  in my view we had
some sort of interaction with a comet, a cometary bombardment, not a
full-blown comet because we wouldn't be here if we had that, but probably
bits of a comet." Three British astronomers had in 1990 calculated that
the earth had been at risk of cometary bombardment between AD400 and

New York Warned on Bottled Water After Poisoning

Officials are warning New Yorkers to check  bottled water for tampering or
contamination before drinking after three people drank water poisoned with
ammonia or lye in the past six weeks.

The FBI said on Thursday it was helping New York City police investigate
the incidents, none of which were fatal. In one case an 18-month-old boy
was hospitalized after drinking bottled water tainted with ammonia,
officials said.

"We are working with the NYPD on these incidents," FBI spokesman Joe
Valiquette said. "On three different occasions, people have been injured
drinking three different brands." The  injuries were limited to mouth and
throat burns.

A possible fourth case was reported in the Bronx on Thursday when a man
said his throat burned after he drank from a bottle of Aquafina water.
That water was being checked for contaminants, authorities said.

All of the other cases occurred in Manhattan.

On Aug. 3, a woman felt a burning sensation in her mouth after drinking
Perrier at a restaurant, and her mouth began to bleed. She was treated and
released from a local hospital. Police said a lye-type agent, similar to
those found in household cleaners, was the culprit.

A man who bought a bottle of Aquafina water on Aug. 27 from a midtown
delicatessen also felt burning in his mouth, and was treated at a
hospital. Ammonia was found in that water.

The most recent confirmed case on Sept. 6 involved the toddler who took a
sip of Poland Springs water his mother bought at a Manhattan market. He
was hospitalized and that water also contained ammonia, officials said.

Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and others urged New Yorkers to check bottled water
for signs of tampering, such as a broken seal on the cap, and to smell
water before drinking it. Ammonia has an easily detectable odor.

"We don't have any link between the three," said police commissioner
Bernard Kerik. "The investigation is continuing."

Giuliani said there was no reason to start removing bottled water from
store shelves. "Let's not get people more excited than they have to be,"
he told reporters.

Perrier Group, a unit of Nestle, pledged to "do everything we can to help
the authorities get to the bottom of this situation."

In a statement, Perrier Group President Kim Jeffrey said the company had
examined manufacturing and delivery processes "and found no evidence to
suggest that the contamination occurred in our processes. ... We will
continue to monitor our facilities and cooperate fully with the city and
FBI investigation."

The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) said the incidents
"appear to be local and isolated criminal actions involving products sold
in New York City alone."

"There is nothing to indicate that the contamination originated in the
manufacturing or distribution chain," Stephen Kay, IBWA vice president of
communications, said in a statement.

In 1999, 4.6 billion gallons of bottled water were sold in the United
States, according to the New York-based Beverage Marketing Corporation, an
industry group.

Total revenue for the industry was about $5.2 billion last year. New York
ranks as the fourth-largest market for bottled water in the United States
behind California, Texas and Florida, a corporation spokesman said.

Perrier sells both Perrier and Poland Springs. PepsiCo Inc. sells
Aquafina. In 1990 Perrier was forced to recall 160 million of its famed
green bottles when it discovered the accidental contamination of its water
with benzene.

In the most prominent case of product tampering, seven people died in 1982
when they took  Tylenol pain reliever that had been tainted with cyanide.
The incidents led to a revolution in product packaging, with companies
developing tamper-resistant techniques.

Yowie Expert Not Sold On Footage

Brisbane: Australia's No.1 yowie hunter isn't convinced a mystery creature
filmed by an amateur cameraman near Canberra is actually the elusive
mythical creature.

Australian Hominid Research Director Dean Harrison said recently he
remained skeptical after viewing footage by Steve Piper of a creature
which Mr Piper claims could be Australia's own version of the North
American Big Foot.  The limping figure was caught on film while Mr Piper
was in the Brindabella ranges, south of Canberra.

Mr Harrison, who has led a number of expeditions in search for the yowie,
said the region has been a known yowie hotspot for many years.

"Gosh it's pretty hard to call," Mr Harrison said after viewing the
footage.  "It's either the real thing - a yowie - or a hoax.  It's very
exciting if it's real but it could be a bunch of uni students pulling a
hoax.  I'm going to have to fence-sit this one."

Mr Piper said he was filming what he thought was a large kangaroo in a
gully, when he realized it was far too big.

"I zoomed in and couldn't believe my eyes: this massive creature was
trampling through the undergrowth, it looked like it had a limp," Mr Piper

The bewildered cameraman delivered the footage to a research group
investigating possible yowie sightings.  The footage has been touted as
the best of its kind since a claimed Big Foot sighting at Bluff Creek in
the United States in 1968.

Mr Harrison said the footage was similar but not shot as close as the
American film of the mythical creature.

"It's from a distance. You can clearly see the whole thing quite clearly
but the limp bothers me and details of the yowie such as eyes and fingers
aren't clear," he said.  "It's a very brief clip and not good enough to
draw a black or white opinion."

However a researcher, who asked to be known only as Tim the Yowie Man,
said the footage was the best ever.

"It is the most conclusive evidence to date that a Bigfoot creature may be
roaming the Australian wilderness," he said.

Further investigations will be undertaken in the Brindabellas, where two
sightings have been reported in the past century.
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