So Jewish law calls for execution for certain acts of sodomy - check it
out June.   Orthodox Jews do more than just frown in holy land, however
the homosexual jews in America it seems this is their land of
opportunity ....

So consider the grand Gay Experiment and see the end result of sodomy -
and you wonder why I want the children of Americana protected from these
predators lying in wait>

Ever wonder why Clinton was distributing HIV and AIDS infected blood?
Read here about Greenwich Village and consider that it was the English
who held rule in South Africa - not the Nazis - but the monarchs who
live by God's rule - why the little Princess of Wales could not even
marry her Egyptian lover (and always remember the USS Liberty)

Ever wonder why Hitler exterminated the
Masons and Jehovah  Witnessses?


The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot
By Alan Cantwell Jr., M.D.
 Is AIDS a covert genocide program? Could American gays be victims of
a government-sponsored, Nazi-like extermination program?
How did the Holocaust succeed in wiping out almost the entire Jewish
population of Europe? The decision to liquidate European Jewry was
secretly authorized at the highest levels of the German government.
Through sophisticated propaganda techniques the natural resistance of
the general population to genocide was neutralized so that massive
killings could proceed without interference.
In The Genocidal Mentality, Robert Jay Lipton and Eric Markusen
investigate the psychological mechanisms underlying the Nazi atrocities.
"Genocide requires well-educated professionals. They are necessary for
its technology, its organization, and its rationale. In the Nazi case,
members of all the professions--physicians, scientists, engineers,
military leaders, lawyers, clergy, university professors, and school
teachers--were all effectively mobilized to the ideological project."
The authors add, "A nation carrying out genocide must create new
institutions and alter existing ones."
The Nazi perpetrators were carefully chosen for their obedience and
loyalty. The Jews never fully realized that the Germans were serious in
their avowal to exterminate all of them as enemies of the Third Reich.
The Jews preferred psychological denial to the incomprehensible thought
that every single one of them was doomed.
To those perceptive enough to discern it, the mass deaths of homosexuals
from AIDS was similar to the mass deaths of Jews in the Holocaust. The
scientists blamed the green monkeys and African Blacks; the public
blamed the homosexual lifestyle; the gays blamed themselves; and the
U.S. government did as little as possible to stem the rising toll of gay
AIDS deaths. During his first term of office as president, Ronald Reagan
never once mentioned the word AIDS in public.
In their genocide program the Nazis, under the leadership of Adolf
Hitler, first secured the cooperation of the German physicians. Almost
half were members of the Nazi party. These doctors were the original
architects and perpetrators of Hitler's prewar forced euthanasia "T-4"
program that led to the murder of one hundred thousand mentally and
physically disabled people in an attempt to "purify" the German people.
Hitler then turned to the masses to support him in his mission.
Political rallies were transformed into vast public spectacles of a
grandeur not seen since the days of ancient Rome. The Germans were
hypnotized into believing they were a nation of demi-gods. Those who
were not susceptible to the propaganda of racial superiority were
subjected to innuendo, lies, fear, intimidation, coercion, incarceration
and finally, elimination. Thus did Hitler lead his people into a frenzy
of mass murder against their enemies, real and imagined.
As they had been labeled for two thousand years, the Jews were again
branded as killers of Christ. They were Communists determined to destroy
the German nation, moneyed parasites that sucked the blood of the German
people. The Jews were a cancer that needed to be cut out of a diseased
Germany. Jews were microbes that had to be purged from the body of
Hitler's mission to rid Germany of its Jews became messianic. In Mein
Kampf he wrote: "The Jew today is the great agitator for the complete
destruction of Germany." He did not want to see Germany fall victim to
the "Jewish doctrine of Marxism." In his view, Germany could only
survive the Russian-Jewish-Communist threat by becoming a community of
physically and psychically homogenous creatures. In this community the
Jew, with his foreign ways and his racial and religious identity, had no
place. He concluded, "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the
will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am
fighting for the work of the Lord."
Along with the Jews, other enemies had to be eliminated: Gypsies,
homosexuals, prostitutes, drunkards, beggars, vagabonds, Jehovah's
Witnesses, Freemasons, criminal elements and other genetically and
politically-incorrect individuals that fouled the purity of the Third
In the 1970s, large numbers of white gay men came out of the closet.
Bigots, racists and white supremacists responded by adding "faggots" to
the top of their hate list. When the hepatitis B experiment began in
1978, gays were arguably the most hated minority in America, more
despised than Blacks and Jews.
A gay Black physician once told me that white gay men did not fully
understand the social and political consequences of coming out. When
white men identified themselves as queer, they lost all the privileges
and the protection provided to white heterosexual men in American
society. By publicly relinquishing their heterosexuality, the doctor
believed that gays placed themselves in a very dangerous situation. He
predicted the government would treat gays badly. White gays would soon
find out what it was like to be a Black man in America. He thought it
might even be worse for gays because it was still socially acceptable
for everyone, including Blacks and Jews, to hate gays.
When the closet doors opened, the government was startled by the
political strength and the social demands of the new gay and lesbian
civil rights movement. After centuries of oppression, thousands of gays
were becoming more secure in their sexuality. They felt good about
themselves as human beings; they wanted equal status with heterosexuals.
Many straight Americans disliked the brazen sexuality of this new breed
of homosexual. Gay and lesbian demands for social reform especially
infuriated the religious right.
For a century homosexuals had been erroneously classified as
psychologically deranged. Under pressure from gay activists, the
American Psychiatric Association finally took homosexuals off their list
of mentally ill people in the early 1970s. However, the World Health
Organization (WHO) still classifies homosexuality as a mental illness.
Soon after their mental status was clarified, American gays faced
another serious health problem. The physical health of homosexual men
now came to the attention of the medical authorities. According to
public health statistics provided by government epidemiologists, the gay
community was infested with venereal disease. The most shocking rates of
infection were for hepatitis B.
It was Nazi doctors who first proved that hepatitis was infectious. In
their experiments, physicians forced concentration camp prisoners to eat
material scraped out of the stomachs of people who had turned yellow
from liver disease. When the prisoners subsequently sickened with yellow
jaundice, the Nazi doctors determined that hepatitis was most likely
caused by an infectious agent, probably a virus.
During World War II, thousands of American GIs became accidentally
infected with hepatitis following compulsory vaccinations. The cause of
the hepatitis epidemic was traced back to contaminated batches of yellow
fever vaccine. The vaccine was manufactured, in part, from human blood
serum contaminated with the infectious agent of hepatitis. After
injection with yellow fever vaccine, the soldiers became infected with
serum hepatitis.
When hepatitis B was also proven to be a sexually transmitted disease,
it was discovered that half the gay population was infected with
hepatitis B virus. The epidemiologists determined that homosexual men
were a potential public health menace not only to themselves, but to the
larger public as well.
During the 1970s promiscuous behavior became widespread not only among
gays, but also among straights. It became fashionable for gay physicians
to talk about the "special" diseases that affected their homosexual
The new buzz word was "anal sex." It seemed to be involved in many of
the venereal diseases common in gays: gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes,
warts, intestinal parasites, and especially hepatitis. New illnesses
like "the gay bowel syndrome" began to appear in the medical literature.
A new philosophy was promoted emphasizing that the medical needs of gays
were different from straights. As a result, gay community leaders put
pressure on the government to provide better health care for
Because of this new medical attitude, civic- and healthminded homosexual
volunteers responded in large numbers to test a new experimental
vaccine, which offered the hope of eradicating hepatitis B from the gay
The groundwork for the experiment began in 1973 when The Gay Men's
Health Project in Manhattan provided blood samples for hepatitis B
testing at The New York City Blood Center. The results were astonishing!
One out of every two gay blood samples were positive. By contrast, only
5% of the blood samples from straights were positive.
Developed at the Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research at West Point,
Pennsylvania, the first crude experimental vaccine was tested in
chimpanzees, the only animal susceptible to the human hepatitis B virus.
Later, the vaccine was tried on a small group of retarded children.
When the experimental vaccine was ready to be more widely tested in
humans, several "high risk" groups were considered. These included male
homosexuals, drug addicts, mentally deficient adults, Chinese-Americans,
indigenous Alaskans, and patients and medical staff of kidney dialysis
centers. After much debate, the epidemiologists decided that young
promiscuous gay men would be the best group to test the efficiency of
the vaccine.
Wolf Szmuness, a Polish physician trained in the Soviet Union, was
placed in charge of the hepatitis B vaccine trial to be conducted at the
New York City Blood Center. Sketchy details of his life appear
posthumously in an article written by Aaron Kellner, a colleague at the
Szmuness, a Jew born in Poland in 1919, was a young medical student in
eastern Poland when the Nazis invaded the country in the summer of 1939.
When Poland was partitioned by Germany and Russia, Szmuness was sent to
Siberia as a political prisoner. His entire family in western Poland was
murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust. His years in exile in Siberia
were "a long dark period that he was most reluctant to talk about."
June Goodfield in Quest for the Killers, the definitive account of the
gay hepatitis experiment, provides information on Szmuness' painful
years in Siberia. During confinement he was repeatedly interrogated and
beaten by the Russian KGB for refusing to cooperate in spy activities.
When he could not be broken, they warned him: "Say nothing of this to
anyone, but remember. We will reach you anywhere in the world. No matter
where you go, no matter where you try to hide, you will never be out of
our grasp."
After release from detention in 1946 he was allowed to finish his
medical education in Tomsk in central Russia. While a student, he
married a Russian woman. He specialized in epidemiology, and when his
wife contracted a nearly fatal case of hepatitis, Szmuness decided to
dedicate his life to the study of this liver disease.
In 1959 the Soviets allowed Szmuness, and his wife and daughter, to
return to Poland where he worked as an epidemiologist in the health
department. Szmuness told Aaron Kellner a story about this period when
he was exhausted due to the stresses of his job. He applied to the
authorities for a vacation at a rest home. While recuperating, Szmuness
shared a room with a young Catholic priest. A remarkable friendship
developed and the two men corresponded for a long time thereafter. The
Polish priest eventually became the first Polish pope in Catholic
history: the current anti-Communist and anti-gay Pope John Paul II.
There are conflicting reports of how Szmuness came to America. According
to Kellner, the Communists allowed Szmuness and his family to attend a
scientific meeting in Italy in 1969. While there, they defected to the
West. This account is at odds with Allan Chase's account in Magic Shots.
Chase claims Szmuness was driven out of Poland in a 1968 Communist purge
of the few remaining Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. June Goodfield
also writes that Polish anti-Semitism cost Szmuness his job, resulting
in his applying for a visa which eventually enabled him to get out of
Poland legally. From Rome the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society arranged for
the family to come to the U.S.
Szmuness arrived in Manhattan with $15 in his pocket. Through the
intervention of Walsh McDermott, Professor of Public Health at New York
Hospital, Szmuness was fortunate enough to secure a position as a lab
technician at the New York City Blood Center. Within a few years he was
given his own lab, and a separate department of epidemiology at the
Center was created for him. In record time he was appointed Professor at
the Columbia School of Public Health.
By the mid-1970s he was a world authority on hepatitis and transfusion
medicine. In another startling occurrence, Szmuness was invited back to
Moscow in 1975 to give a scientific presentation. As a defector he was
terrified to set foot in the Soviet Union, and memories of KGB torture
and interrogation still plagued him. However, his colleagues assured him
he would have the full protection of the U.S. State Department. His
return to Russia was a scientific triumph.
By the late 1970s he had been awarded millions of dollars in grant money
and was phenomenally successful in his hepatitis work. Now he was fully
prepared to undertake the most important mission of his life: the
hepatitis B vaccine experiment.
First, Szmuness became acquainted with the gay community, and added
homosexual physicians and activists to his staff. He was taken into the
gay ghetto where he viewed the baths and the bars and the discos.
Promiscuous homosexuals were perfect guinea pigs. They would prove,
beyond doubt, that Szmuness could wipe hepatitis B off the face of the
In the late 1970s a bloodmobile began canvassing the gay neighborhood in
the Greenwich Village section of Manhattan, looking for homosexual
volunteers. Over ten thousand men signed up and donated blood samples
for Szmuness' upcoming experiment.
Szmuness was highly selective in the men he chose as finalists. He
required that the men be highly promiscuous. In fact, the more
promiscuous the better. He was testing a vaccine against a
sexually-transmitted virus. Therefore, he didn't want any monogamous
men, or men with lovers, in his experiment. He also wanted men who were
healthy, young, responsible, intelligent, and preferably white.
Promiscuous bisexuals were acceptable, but heterosexual men were
excluded from the experiment. The men had to have an address and a phone
number, and be willing to provide blood samples over a long period of
The hepatitis experiment was a costly one, and Szmuness didn't want any
uncooperative or hard-to-find gays messing up his experiment. There was
too much money at stake. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the
National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases, were all involved in the study, as well
as big pharmaceutical companies, such as Merck, Sharp & Dohme Inc., and
Abbott Laboratories.
In preliminary experiments, Szmuness first tested his vaccine in
chimpanzees. He then tested two hundred human volunteers, presumably gay
men, by inoculating them with the vaccine. In the months before the
official beginning of the experiment there had been no problem with the
chimps or the volunteers. Szmuness was now ready to set the date for the
final experiment--an experiment which would decimate the gay community
in New York City.
The first group of gay men was inoculated in November 1978 at the New
York City Blood Center. The experiment continued until October 1979.
Over one thousand men from Manhattan were injected with Szmuness'
In January 1979, a few months after Wolf Szmuness began his experiment,
purple skin lesions began to appear on the bodies of young white gay men
in the Village. The doctors were not sure exactly what was wrong with
these men. During the next thirty months, Manhattan physicians
encountered dozens of cases of a new disease characterized by
immunodeficiency, Kaposi's sarcoma, and a rapidly fatal lung disease,
known as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. All the men were young and gay
and promiscuous. Almost all were white. All died horribly.
Within a few years, AIDS would become the leading cause of death of
young men and young women living in New York City. The Big Apple would
be designated the epicenter of the new plague with the highest number of
AIDS cases in the country.
Wolf Szmuness was thrilled with the tremendous success of his hepatitis
experiment. In March 1980 the CDC supervised additional gay experiments
in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, St. Louis and Chicago. In the
fall of 1980 the first West Coast case of AIDS appeared in a young man
from San Francisco.
Six months later, in June 1981, the AIDS epidemic became "official." The
epidemiologists and health experts could not understand why large
numbers of young, white, previously healthy homosexual men were dying
mysteriously in Manhattan, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.
By the beginning of the 1980s, Szmuness was awarded millions of dollars
for his research, and his hugely successful hepatitis vaccine was hailed
as having tremendous global implications. He collaborated with the most
powerful medical institutions in the nation: the NIH, the National
Cancer Institute (NCI), the FDA, the WHO, and the Cornell, Yale and
Harvard Schools of Public Health and the Russian Academy of Medical
Science. Other global connections included the International Agency for
Research on Cancer in Lyons, France, and close associations with third
world African countries. Even the services of the Sengalese Army were
employed to secure blood specimens in one of Szmuness' many African

In June 1982 Wolf Szmuness suddenly died of lung cancer. I could find no
obituaries of his death in any of the medical journals, except for Aaron
Kellner's account.

In closing his posthumous account of Szmuness and his scientific
achievements, Aaron Kellner wrote: "He was the quintessential doctor's
doctor. Most physicians in their professional careers influence the
lives of a few hundred or a few thousand people. Some fortunate ones can
influence the lives of a few million. It is the rare physician who, like
Wolf Szmuness, is given the grace to touch the lives of billions of
people--those living on this planet and generations yet unborn."

Szmuness' seminal work at the Blood Center continues to affect
continents. Alfred Prince now coordinates the Center's programs with the
WHO, with IARC in France, and with The Organization of African Unity.
The Center has determined that all Black African babies are at "high
risk" for hepatitis; all the babies require immunization. A 1983 report,
published after Szmuness' death, details a new experimental hepatitis B
vaccine program in Kangwane, using Black South African infants as

Most people are unaware of the gay experiments that preceded the mass
deaths in the gay ghettos. But the details of the vaccine trials, and
their effects on the health of homosexual men, are recorded for
posterity in the annals of medical science.

Although Szmuness' death received no fanfare,
he was remembered and honored by a small coterie of distinguished
scientists--the national and international medical power brokers who run
medical science, and who represent the media darlings. Those who paid
tribute to Szmuness include the top government scientists in AIDS and
cancer, the two discoverers of the AIDS virus, the most well-known
researchers in animal experimentation, the heads of the most prestigious
biomedical establishments in the nation, and the chief executives of
drug companies tied to genetic engineering, vaccine
production, and biological warfare research.

On May 11, 1984, a landmark meeting took place in the nation's capitol
to honor Wolf Szmuness. One of the most distinguished attendees was Dr.
Robert Gallo, who had announced the discovery of the AIDS virus three
weeks earlier.

Looking over the list of contributors and participants at this
remarkable symposium sponsored by the American Red Cross, I wondered
what had really brought all these powerful people together to pay homage
to Wolf Szmuness. I had lived long enough to recognize the truth
contained in the adage, "Birds of a feather do indeed flock together."

There was a strange and ominous connection between cancer and AIDS,
between animal experimentation and genetic engineering of viruses,
between biological warfare technology and drug companies, between gay
experiments and AIDS, between vaccine programs and the contamination of
the nation's blood supply. Why else would all these people from diverse
areas of science be attending this high level government conference?

Despite the denial of the medical authorities, there was a connection
between Szmuness' gay experiment and the outbreak of AIDS in American
cities. It wasn't my imagination. And it wasn't a coincidence.

The more I studied the hepatitis B experiment, the more the connections
to biological warfare and genocide became apparent.

(Exerpted from QUEER BLOOD: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot by Alan
Cantwell, Jr. M.D., published by ARIES Rising Press, P.O. Box 29532, Los
Angeles, California 90029 $12.95 Phone: 213-462-6458) 061697he.htm
All Rights Reserved. For reprint permission: eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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