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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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From: "redflag" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Cheney a Good Choice for Capitalism
Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 11:22 PM

VOL. 110 NO. 6



Why was Dick Cheney selected to be George W. Bush's running
mate? He is not just a close, trusted friend of the Bush clan, a
loyal Republican or a recycled secretary of defense. Cheney has
served a broad cross section of capitalist interests in
government and industry.

According to the Center for Public Integrity (CPI), Cheney is on
the boards of several major corporations having extensive
international business ties. Most significant among these is his
position as "CEO of Halliburton Co., a $9 billion oil services
firm based in Dallas," which does "business in at least 100
countries." Most of that business is in oil and construction

As secretary of defense during the Bush administration, Cheney
led the charge in defense of American oil interests in the 1991
Persian Gulf War. However, his service to U.S. capitalism and
its political state did not end when he left office in 1992. As
CEO of Halliburton since 1995, Cheney has made himself useful to
the Democratic Clinton-Gore administration's war and
"peacekeeping" effort in the Balkans. According to the company
Web site, for example, its subsidiary Brown & Root Services has
had major Pentagon contracts for "base camp construction" and
other military projects in "Bosnia, Macedonia, Hungary, Kosovo,
Albania, Croatia, Greece and Italy."

Another bipartisan capitalist cause that Cheney has championed
is U.S. oil interests in the Caspian Sea region. He has
cultivated close relations with governments and investors in
Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, which are the gatekeepers to many of
the multibillion-dollar Caspian petroleum-related contracts. The
CPI reported that "along with the heads of Chevron and Texaco
Inc., Cheney sits on Kazakhstan's Oil Advisory Board" to
Kazakhstan's president.

In addition, Cheney reportedly "lobbied in favor of a U.S.
Export-Import Bank loan to Tyumen Oil," a Russian company that
"hired Halliburton to upgrade the giant Samotlor field in the
Caspian region."

These international political and economic connections will win
the Bush-Cheney ticket support among American capitalists who
are concerned about protecting their holdings in Russia and

The Republican Bush-Cheney team has promised a new
administration free of scandal. In this regard, Cheney brings
some risks to the ticket. Under Cheney's leadership, for
example, Halliburton has had commercial dealings with Iraq and
Libya designed to circumvent U.S.-imposed embargoes against
these two "rogue states" or "states of concern."

According to Colum Lynch, Halliburton had "a major stake in
Dresser-Rand and Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Co., two American
players in the reconstruction of Iraq's oil industry." (THE
WASHINGTON POST, Feb. 20) As the United States and Britain
continue their bombing of Iraq's northern and southern "no fly"
zones, U.S. firms such as Halliburton continue to profit off
Saddam's regime.

In Libya, Halliburton has managed to get around a U.S. embargo
on exports to that North African country by using its British
subsidiary, Brown & Root North Africa. According to Tom Buerkle
of the INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, this company, other
contractors and the Libyan government claim that one project
they are involved in is just a water pipeline. The pipeline runs
1,800 miles "from deep in the Sahara Desert to Libyan cities
along the Mediterranean." However, "some Western security
analysts" claim that this vast pipeline complex could "hold
vehicles" and "several underground caverns" for clandestine
Libyan military operations. The contractors have also attempted
to account for the American construction equipment in use on the
project by saying that it was purchased before l986 when the
embargo banning U.S. exports to Libya took effect.

Cheney has called for an end to sanctions against Libya, Iran
and Nigeria that try to limit U.S. petroleum and construction
investments in those countries.

The direct link of Cheney as vice president to shady deals with
"rogue regimes" would make "plausible deniability" nearly
impossible. Whether his Iraqi and Libyan connections are swept
under the rug as minor infractions or erupt into an Iran-Contra-
type scandal remains to be seen.

In any event, the promise of a new "ethical" administration is a
joke. The name of the game is to uphold U.S. capitalist
interests by hook or by crook. For this task, Cheney is more
than qualified to be vice president of U.S. capitalism's
political state.

 "Nowadays, atheism is itself *culpa levis*, as compared
 with criticism of existing property relations."

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