-Caveat Lector-

<<<Have very firm views on this but I do find most homosexuals are not
politically inclined when it comes to making demands - they want to live in
peace and like anybody else, be left alone.>>>

This no doubt is true, Aleisha. But let those very same homosexuals who do
not want to be represented by the militant gays go out themselves and
campaign to get the homosexual propaganda out of the skools and campaign to
get these ridiculous "hate crime" laws off the books. THEN I will believe
these "peace-loving" homosexuals.

So, I'm glad you liked those articles. Whoever wrote them is very insightful
indeed and is able to see the "greater picture" in Truth.

But, as you say, Kris and the others can dish it out, but can't take it. So
terribly, terribly liberal of them. So, let them have their way...and
kontinue to dwell on their conspiracy theories...and their New World Order.

I'll just sit back and read the posts for awhile and kontinue to find it all
so terribly amusing :)


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