Also, Al's narcoresearch email list is highly recommended. Some very good
information from Latin American journalists. He has asked that members not
fwd messages from that list. Narconews is his "announcement only" list so I
will be fwd those as they come by.


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September 27, 2000:

Start the drumroll...

The envelope please...

The Narco News Bulletin announces the Narco-of-the-Month
for September 2000:

Carlos Castaño Gil
Leader of the Colombian Paramilitary Death Squads
War Criminal and High-Level Drug Trafficker

"Those who know Castaño know that any statement
that places in doubt his claim of a distance from
drug trafficking can provoke attacks of rage."

-- El Nuevo Herald (9/25)

Links to facts and documents that prove that Castaño
is not just any narco, but one protected by the US
government as he commits massacres, political assassinations,
torture, displaces peasant farmers and takes their land
to expand his narco-empire.

Some recent press reports -- NY Times, Miami Herald,
CNN, Colombia Journalism Review -- have recently
participated in a campaign to wash the blood off
Castaño's media image.

We say "¡Ya Basta! -- Enough Already! -- with false
journalism that protects a war criminal.

¡Democracia! ¡Libertad! ¡Justicia! ¡Periodismo Autentico!

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin
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