-Caveat Lector-

"M. A. Johnson" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Bastiat
>      Property is prior to law; the sole function of the law
>      is to safeguard the right to property wherever it exists,
>      wherever it is formed, in whatever manner the worker
>      produces it, whether individually or in association,
>      provided that he respects the rights of others.
> Joshua
>      Property is NOT prior to law. Only wishful thinking of
>      greedy oinkers would like to make it so. Property will
>      be revised DOWN in importance as time goes on
>      because the world sees quite clearly what happens
>      when property is worshipped above life.
> MJ
> One has PROPERTY in their LIFE ...

Gee that's deep Johnson. That's like the chemical company
who's ads say " without chemicals, there would be no life."

> ... But then you prefer SLAVERY ... being the epitomy of 'greedy'.

Yes, that's right. I'm greedy and you're not. I want everyone to be
a slave my family, my kids, you.

You are a greedy shit. And you went to all this trouble to
dig up the philosophies of other greedy shits like you to
rationalize being a greedy little shit.

Why don't you just liberate your innermost self and ' come out'.

" I'M A GREEDY LITTLE SHIT AND I'M PROUD."  You'll feel better.


> Regard$,
> --MJ
> The only fence against the world is a thorough knowledge
> of it. -- John Locke

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