-Caveat Lector-

SEATTLE, Sept. 26 /U.S. Newswire/ -- A report titled "Good
Science, Bad Science: Teaching Evolution in the States," just
released by the Thomas Fordham Foundation, fails to point out
that biology students are being "systematically misled about the
scientific evidence," say Dr. Jay Richards and Dr. Jonathan
Wells, both Senior Fellows of Seattle's Discovery Institute,
"thereby encouraging precisely the sort of bad science it
pretends to criticize."

Authored by Lawrence Lerner, the report criticizes the
"disgraceful" treatment of evolution in nineteen states, giving
many of them a grade of "F." "But the really serious issue in
science education", says Wells, a Berkeley-trained biologist, "is
the systematic misrepresentation of evidence for Darwinism in
biology textbooks."

For example, most textbooks have pictures of light and dark
peppered moths resting on tree trunks. This textbook example of
Darwinian natural selection supposedly shows that dark moths are
better camouflaged on pollution-darkened tree bark, and thus less
likely to be eaten by predatory birds. But since the 1980s
scientists have known that the moths do not normally rest on the
tree trunks. "The story is deeply flawed," says Wells, "and
students deserve to learn that the pictures in their textbooks
were staged--often with dead moths."

Drawings of similar embryos of fish and humans, supposedly
demonstrating their common ancestry, are another example of how
students are misled about the evidence for evolution. "The
drawings have been repeatedly exposed as fakes since they were
produced over a century ago," says Wells, "yet most biology
textbooks still carry them."

The Lerner report faults several states for not teaching enough
about evolution, but it completely ignores these and other
falsehoods. "The report thereby implicitly condones scientific
misconduct," according to Richards, "not the sort of truth and
accuracy that we have a right to expect in science education."

Richards emphasizes that biology students need to learn about
evolution, but insists that the subject be taught with due regard
for the evidence. "The Fordham Foundation normally does fine work
on educational reform. But in this case, they are getting
terrible advice."

Wells discusses the moths and embryos and other textbook
misrepresentations in a new book, Icons of Evolution (Regnery,

For more information Dr. Jonathan Wells and his work visit
http://www.iconsofevolution.com. For media inquiries or to
schedule an interview with Dr. Wells, call Mark Edwards at
206-292-0401 ext. 107, or send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Discovery Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan, public policy
think tank headquartered in Seattle and dealing with national and
international affairs. For more information, browse Discovery's Web
site at: http://www.discovery.org.

 <A HREF="http://www.usnewswire.com/topnews/Current_Releases/0926-153.html">
Click here: Discovery Institute Reports on Evolution</A>

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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