-Caveat Lector-


I don't think this group has anything to do with the "Sakari"(sp)
that I recently mentioned to you in private email (I think it is
pronounced: sack-ar-rye), but I could be wrong.

I think the group you are writing of here is the same group that
assassinated that "big gun" scientist...the one that was helping
Saddam build his "super gun," as well as COUNTLESS other "hits"
over the last 60-100 years.

The secret ancient Hebrew assassins I was referring to are the
same ones described in biblical texts, and the same ones I WOULD
THINK may be working for the "Evilarchy" today, i.e., they may have
once been TOTALLY "righteous Son's of The Light," but I get the
impression that they TODAY (IF they indeed still exist) work for
the "REAL World Order," i.e., the 200 EVIL Jewish MO-FO families
that have run the world for at least 2 K years.

I don't have my copy of "The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception," by
Michael Baigent, et al., with me [ISBN: 0552138789, available at
www.half.com USED for half of the amazon.com price of $14....BTW,
never buy a book without comparing prices and delivery times at
www.bestbookbuys.com], but that is where I first learned of the
the Sakari (sp?).  They were supposedly running around with their
assassination daggers, trying frantically to assassinate Paul
when he was going all over the place trying to turn all the
different Hebrew factions against each other, as well as
generally inciting riot among ALL of the different races,
political groups, and religious groups in-and-around the holy
land, circa 30 A.D.  It seems to Baigent, et al., that Paul's
secret Roman plain-clothed body guards were ALWAYS a step up on
the Sakari, et al., whisking him away from the crowds he was
inciting, OFTEN TIMES, according to the above ref, "SECONDS

Just before Paul "vanished" from sight [and texts] forever,
according to "The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception" (and most of the
other ex-students and NON-secular biblical scholars that studied
under Prof. Robert Eisenman), it is thought that Paul's life
wasn't worth a shit any more...that his constant attempts to
incite rioting via lying and saying ANYTHING to piss-off ANY
crowds that would listen to him (ALL other inciting of rioting in
the Roman Empire was met with a swift crucifixion!), finally
made him a marked man ALL OVER THE HOLY LAND, not just among the
Jews.  Despite his secret Roman body-guards that ALWAYS
surrounded him, it was to the point that he was no longer safe,

[Btw, these "implements of death" that the Sakari carried, were
referred to in the bible by the same name, "sakari(sp?)"...In
fact, the group may have gotten its name FROM THE NAME OF THE
KNIFE THEY USED?  These daggers were SMALL, easily concealable,
and CASE-HARDENED STEAL...and remember, the line towed by
mainstream "science" STILL TODAY was that heat-treated steal was
500 years more advanced than what Rome, the most advanced war
machine on the planet, had at the beginning of the Common Era
(artifacts of these 2 K year old metallurgical feats are supposedly
possessed by the Vatican and "The Evilarchy").  According to
Baigent, et al., the FACT that certain Hebrew sects DID INDEED
POSSESS knowledge of tempering steal was CONCLUSIVELY evidenced by
the THREE MILITARY FORGES that were found by the Vatican's
"International Group of [so-called] Scientists/Archeologists" in
1926 at Qumran (the Vatican has always LIED, holding that what
they found were NOT military forges, that these forges were just
to make cooking and farm implements.  What's more, the Vatican
has ALWAYS claimed that the walls of Qumran were only a ft. or two
thick, less than the individual dwellings' wall thicknesses
within, whereas, IN FACT, the walls of Qumran (and other secret
thus the ONLY reason for the "current paradigm" regarding the
REAL state-of-the-art of metallurgy at that time).  For the last
10 years, I have PERSONALLY suspected that, JUST MAYBE, this
ADVANCED "science" of heat-treating STEAL was REALLY part of the
"REAL Sacred Sciences," as may very well have REALLY been
supplied to the Essenes, Sakari, et al., by God/s?]

It seems, from biblical and historical accounts of what happened
following his "disappearance," that Paul's REAL JOB was to give
the Roman Gov't justification to eliminate Jesus' and Jame's
Essenes (as well as the other militant Hebrew groups).  It seems
that the Roman Citizenry were always affectionate to the
"harmless, yet odd, Hebrews," thus the reason for Paul and his
Roman Gov't trying to FABRICATE reason FOR THE ROMAN PUBLIC to
justify persecution/death of the Jews).  OBVIOUSLY, Paul did his
job WELL!.  When he had finally succeeded in getting ALL groups
[including the Roman citizenry!) to hate him and wish him dead
(most of whom would have GLADLY done away with him themselves if
they ever got a chance), it is believed that his secret Roman
body guards whisked him up one last time, almost failing this
last time to save him from the crowd AND THE SAKARI, i.e., the
crowd of MANY types of ppl beat the absolute hell out of him,
almost killing him.  It was from this time forward that he was
FOREVER lost to public scrutiny, and never seen again in
historical or religious texts, probably to live out his life in
luxury, the life style of Roman Royalty that he was born into (I
guess this is still the same today with secret agents, e.g.,
Benedict Arnold right on through to Ollie North, retired CIA,
military leaders, et al.).

In other words, the Sakari was [IS?] a well established
multitribunal Hebrew assassination squad, and Paul was MOST
probably a secret Roman "agent provocateur," and as such, he had
ALL of the resources of the Roman Gov't at his
beck-and-call....an ancient evil version of James Bond.

So, Bill, all, whaddaya think of all the above Eisenman/Baigent,
et al., contentions?  I'll tell ya what...after 10 years of
looking into these things [with an obsession!], I gotta say that,
imo, they are ALL, most likely, TRUE (with the possible exception
of "The Sacred Sciences" actually being provided to humans by way
of what I define as our "REAL God/s").

Warm regards, my friend,


On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, William Shannon wrote:

> Mideast Region Erupts Into All Out Warfare
> http://www.spotlight.org/10_16_00/Warfare/warfare.html
> A group of Palestinians who captured and killed two Israeli
> military hit men is just the tip of the iceberg in a region
> spiraling out of control.
> Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT
> By Martin Mann
> Three of the four Israeli soldiers in civilian clothes and an
> unmarked car, who were stopped by Palestinian police in the
> Arab city of Ramallah on Oct. 12, were put to death by an
> irate crowd which assumed them to be members of an undercover
> Is raeli assassination unit. Known as Sayaret Matkal, the
> killer squad has murdered do zens of suspected Islamic
> freedom fighters, intellectuals and activists in recent
> years.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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