-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find two articles on csa and psychogenic amnesia.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be triggering for survivors.

>  << "Overall, the relationship [between CSA and psychiatric disorders]
>  was robust," Dr. Kendler said. "I was a bit surprised how strong the
>  relationship remained and the strength of the evidence -- always
>  impossible to know for sure in this kind of research -- that the
>  relationship was truly causal." >>
>  <><><><><><><><><><><>
>  Sexual Abuse of Girls Causally Related to Adult Psychopathology
>  WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) Oct 13 -- The previously reported
>  relationship between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and psychiatric
>  illness in women appears to be at least in part causal, according to a
>  report in the October Archives of General Psychiatry.
>  Dr. Kenneth S. Kendler, from the Medical College of Virginia
>  Commonwealth University, in Richmond, and colleagues examined possible
>  links between CSA before age 16 and adult psychiatric and substance use
>  disorders in 1411 female adult twins, categorizing CSA into nongenital,
>  genital, and intercourse.
>  "We tried to determine if the relationship was non-causal by controlling
>  for family dysfunction, parental psychopathology, reporting bias, and,
>  finally, by the co-twin control method," Dr. Kendler told Reuters
>  Health.
>  The rates of abuse varied, the authors report, ranging from 8.4% for
>  intercourse to 21% for fondling. CSA significantly increased the risk of
>  major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, alcohol
>  dependence, and drug dependence, the researchers note, with the odds
>  ratios generally increasing with the degree of abuse (ie, from
>  nongenital to genital to intercourse).
>  Psychiatric disorders were from 2.6 to 3.3 times more common among women
>  whose CSA included intercourse, and the risk of substance abuse was
>  increased more than fourfold, according to the results.
>  Family factors -- parental education, parenting behavior, family
>  financial status, church attendance -- had little impact on the
>  prevalence of psychiatric or substance abuse disorders among these
>  women, the investigators observe. Similarly, parental psychopathology
>  did not predict the association between CSA and later psychopathology.
>  Women who reported intercourse were four to six times likelier than
>  their nonabused twins to experience at least two psychiatric disorders
>  in adulthood, the results indicated.
>  "Overall, the relationship [between CSA and psychiatric disorders] was
>  robust," Dr. Kendler said. "I was a bit surprised how strong the
>  relationship remained and the strength of the evidence -- always
>  impossible to know for sure in this kind of research -- that the
>  relationship was truly causal."
>  Arch Gen Psychiatry 2000;57:953-959.
>  Yasuno F, Nishikawa T, Nakagawa Y, et al: Functional anatomical study of
>  psychogenic amnesia. Psychiatry Res 2000 Jul 10 99:1 43-57.
>  Abstract:
>  Psychogenic amnesia is characterized by an inability to recall
>  information already stored in the patient's memory. It is usually
>  related to a stressful or traumatic event that cannot be explained by
>  manifest brain damage. To examine the underlying functional disturbance
>  of brain areas in this condition, we performed a positron emission
>  tomography (PET) activation study on a psychogenic amnesic patient and
>  on 12 normal control subjects. A task requiring explicit retrograde
>  memory of faces was compared with a control task. To assess functional
>  modi?cations associated with the processes of recovery, a second PET
>  study was performed on the patient 12 months after onset. During the
>  task, activation of the right anterior medial temporal region including
>  the amygdala was increased in the psychogenic amnesic patient.
>  Activation of the bilateral hippocampal regions increased only in the
>  control subjects. During recovery, the right anterior medial temporal
>  region became less active while the right hippocampal region became more
>  active. Activation levels also differed in the anterior cingulate
>  cortex, prefrontal cortex and some other cortical regions between
>  control subjects and the patient. These findings suggest that the
>  changes in these limbic and limbic-cortical functions are related to
>  symptoms of the psychogenic amnesia.

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