Subject: Cults And Mind Control Programming -- Pt. 2
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Abemarf)
Date: 10/18/00 9:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Next there will be a military takeover, region by region, as the government
declares a state of emergency and martial law. People will have panicked,
will be an anarchical state in most localities, and the government will
its move as being necessary to control panicked citizens. The cult trained
military leaders and people under their direction will use arms as well as
crowd control techniques to implement this new state of affairs. This is why
many survivors under 36 years of age report having military programming.
who are not Illuminists or who are not sympathetic to their cause, will
The Illuminists expect this and will be (and are BEING) trained in how to deal
with this eventuality. They are training their people in hand-to- hand combat,
crowd control, and, if necessary, will kill to control crowds. The Illuminati
is training their people to be prepared for every possible reaction to the
takeover. Many mind control victims will also be called into duty with preset
command codes. These codes are meant to call out a new, completely cult loyal
presenting system. Shatter codes programmed under trauma will be used to
destroy or bury non-cult loyal alters.

Military bases will be set up, in each locality (actually, they are already
here, but are covert). In the next few years, they will go above ground and be
revealed. Each locality will have regional bases and leaders to which they are
accountable. The hierarchy will closely reflect the current covert hierarchy.

About five years ago, when I left the Illuminati, approximately 1% of the US
population was either part of the Illuminati, sympathetic to it, or a victim
Mind Control (and therefore considered useable). While this may not sound like
many, imagine 1% of the population highly trained in the use of armaments,
crowd control, psychological and behavioral techniques, armed with weapons and
linked to paramilitary groups.

These people will also be completely dedicated to their cause. The Illuminati
firmly believes that it can easily overcome the other 99% of the population,
most of whom are untrained, or poorly trained, such as "weekend hunters." Even
the local military will be overcome as the Illuminati will have regional cell
groups with highly trained leaders. They also count on the element of surprise
helping them during their takeover. Many of the highest leaders in the militia
branch of the Illuminati are or have been officers in the military, and so
already have a good knowledge of which techniques will work best to overcome a
region's or locality's defenses.

After the military takeover, the general population will be given a chance to
either espouse the Illuminati's cause, or reject it (with imprisonment, pain,
even death being possible punishments). These people very much believe that
intelligent, or "enlightened" or Illuminated, were born to rule. They are
arrogant, and consider the general population as "dumb sheep" who will be
easily led if offered strong leadership, financial help in an unstable world
economy, and dire consequences if the person rebels. Their utter ruthlessness,
and ability to implement this agenda, should not be minimized.

The Illuminati banking leaders, such as the Rothschilds, the Van derBilts, the
Rockefellers, the Carnegies, and the Mellons, as examples, will reveal
themselves, and offer to "save" the floundering world economy. A new system of
monetary exchange, based on an international monetary system, and based
Cairo, Egypt, and Brussels, Belgium, will be set up. A true "one world
economy", creating the longed for "one world order", will become reality.

There is more to the Illuminist agenda, but these are the basics of it. This
agenda is what the Illuminati really, truly, believe, teach, and train for.
They are willing to give their lives up in this cause, in order to teach the
next generation, as they believe that their children are their legacy. I was
told that my children's generation would see this takeover, sometime in the
21st century. At present, the Illuminati have quietly and covertly fostered
their takeover plan by their goals of the infiltration of:

1.The media
2.The banking system
3.The educational system
4.The government, both local and federal
5.The sciences
6.The churches

They are currently, and have been working the last several hundred years, on
taking over these 6 areas. They do NOT go to an institution, and say "hi, I'm
local Illuminist, and I'd like to take over your bank. Instead, they begin by
having several people quietly invest funds over several years, gradually
more and more shares in the bank (or other institution that they wish to
control), until they have a financial controlling interest in it. They never
openly disclose their agenda, or their cult activities, as often they are
amnesic to them. These are well respected, "Christian" appearing business
leaders in the community. The image in the community is all important to an
Illuminist; they will do anything to maintain a normal, respected facade, and
DESPISE exposure. On one leadership in a major metropolitan city, where I was
member, there sat: one head of the local small business administration; one
of a government defense firm; one principal of a Christian school; one vice
mayor of the city; one journalist; one nurse; one doctor; one behavioral
psychologist, one army Colonel, and one navy Commander. All except one
church weekly; all were well respected within the community. NONE of them
appeared "evil", or "marked".

If you met them in person, you would probably instantly like any of these
intelligent, verbal, likeable, even charismatic people. This is their greatest
cover, since we often expect great evil to "appear" evil, led by media
portrayals of evil as causing changes in the face and demeanor of people, or
marking them like the biblical Cain. None of the Illuminists that I have
had unkind, or evil appearing, persona in their daytime lives, although some
were dysfunctional, such as being alcoholics. The dissociation that drives the
Illuminists is their greatest cover for being undetected at this time. Many,
not most, of these people are completely unaware of the great evil that they
are involved in, during the night.

There are other groups which are not actually part of the Illuminati, but the
Illuminati are aware of them. The Illuminati are not the only group that
follows esoteric practices, or worships ancient deities or demons. They
encourage divisiveness between different groups (divide and conquer is one of
their ruling principles), and are not concerned about other groups. Instead,
they will often welcome them into their umbrella, if possible. This has been
happening more and more in recent years, as the Illuminati trade teaching
training principles, which are considered the best by most secretive groups,
exchange for loyalty to the Illuminati. They will send their trainers to these
groups, and the trainers will report to the local regional council.

In the political arena , the Illuminists will fund both sides of a race,
because their greatest maxim is that "out of chaos comes order", or the
discipline of anarchy. That is why they sent arms to, and funded, both sides
both the great World Wars in this century. They believe that history is a
like chess; that only out of strategy, fighting, conflict, and testing can the
strong emerge. I no longer agree with this philosophy, but at one time, I did,
with all my heart. Hopefully, as these people and their agenda are exposed the
common man will rise up against this intended rule to be foisted upon an
unsuspecting mankind.

Chapter Four: How the Illuminati Program People: An Overview of Some Basic
Types of Programming

In the first few chapters, I defined Illuminism, its reach, and some of the
philosophy, money making enterprises, and agendas that help explain WHY they
program people. I believe that these are important to understand, as a preface
to the next few chapters. Why? The programming techniques that I will describe
take an incredible amount of effort, time, dedication, and planning on the
of the cult to place in the individual. Only a very motivated group of people
would spend the time it takes to do this. These chapters are very hard for me
to write, as an individual, since my role in the cult was that of a
So, the very techniques you will be reading about were often those that I used
to place programming in individuals that I worked with. I no longer do these
things, nor do I espouse doing them; the reason I am writing this book is that
I believe that therapists who work with DID, as well as survivors, deserve to
know WHAT is done to people, HOW it is done, as well as be given some ideas on
how to undo the programming that the cult places in people.

First, I would like to address unintentional programming versus intentional
programming. This is also known as the environmental milieu the child is
in. The programming of a generational Illuminati infant often begins before
birth (this will be addressed later) but once it is born, the very environment
the infant is raised in becomes a form of programming. Often, the infant is
raised in a family environment that combines daytime abandonment with
dysfunction in the parental figures. The infant soon learns that the
and cult activities, are the truly important ones. The infant may be deprived
of attention, or even abused, in the daytime; and is only treated as special,
or "seen" by the parent, in the cult setting. This can lead to very young
alters around the core or core splits, who feel "invisible", abandoned,
rejected, unworthy of love or attention, or that they don't even exist, unless
they are doing a job for their "family".
Another milieu and conditioning process the infant must face is that the
around him/her are INCONSISTENT, since the adults in a generational cult
are almost always also multiple, or DID. This sets up a reality for the
infant/toddler that the parents act one way at home; an entirely different way
at cult gatherings; and yet a different way in normal society.

Since these are the infant's earliest experiences of adults and adult
behaviors, it has no choice but to accept this reality that human beings act
shockingly different ways in different settings. While unintentional, this
the infant up for later dissociation, in mimicry of the adults around it.


Intentional programming of an infant in the Illuminati often begins before
birth. Prenatal splitting is well known in the cult, as the fetus is very
capable of fragmenting in the womb due to trauma. This is usually done between
the seventh and ninth month of pregnancy. Techniques used include: placing
headphones on the mother's abdomen, and playing loud, discordant music (such
some modern classical pieces, or even Wagner's operas). Loud, heavy rock has
also been used. Other methods include having the mother ingest quantities of
bitter substances, to make the amniotic fluid bitter, or yelling at the fetus
inside the womb. The mother's abdomen may be hit as well. Mild shock to the
abdomen may be applied, especially when term is near, and may be used to cause
premature labor, or ensure that the infant is born on a ceremonial holiday.
Certain labor inducing drugs may be also given if a certain birth date is

Once the infant is born, testing is begun at a very early age, usually during
the first few weeks of life. The trainers, who are taught to look for certain
qualities in the infant, will place it on a velvet cloth on a table, and check
its reflexes to different stimuli. The infant's strength, how it reacts to
heat, cold, and pain are all tested. Different infants react differently, and
the trainers are looking for dissociative ability, quick reflexes, and
times. They are also encouraging early dissociation in the infant with these

The infant will also be abused, to create fragments. Methods of abuse can
include: rectal probes; digital anal rape; electric shocks at low levels to
fingers, toes, and genitalia; cutting the genitalia in ritual circumstances
older infants). The intent is to begin fragmentation before a true ego state
develops, and customize the infant to pain and reflexive dissociation from
(yes, even tiny infants dissociate; I have seen it time and time again; they
will glow blank and limp, or glassy, in the face of continued trauma.)

Isolation and abandonment programming will sometimes be begun as well, in a
rudimentary sense. The infant is abandoned, or uncared for by adults,
intentionally during the daytime, then picked up, soothed, cleaned up and paid
attention to in the context of preparing for a ritual or group gathering. This
is done in order to help the infant associate night gatherings with "love" and
attention, and to help the bonding process to the cult, or "family". The
will be taught to associate maternal attention with going to rituals, and
eventually will associate cult gatherings with feelings of security.

As the infant grows older, i.e. at 15 to 18 months, more fragmenting is
intentionally done by having the parents as well as cult members abuse the
infant more methodically. This is done by intermittently soothing, bonding
the infant, then shocking it on its digits; the infant may be dropped from
heights to a mat or mattress and laughed at as it lays there startled and
terrified, crying. It may be placed in cages for periods of time, or exposed
short periods of isolation. Deprivation of food, water, and basic needs may
begin later in this stage. All of these methods are done in order to create
intentional dissociation in the infant. The infant of this age may be taken to
group meetings, but outside of special occasions, or dedications, will have no
active role yet in the cult setting. The small infants are usually left with a
cult member, or caretaker, who watches them during the group's activities;
caretaker role is usually rotated among lower level or teenage members.

Between the ages of 20 and 24 months, the toddler may begin the "steps of
discipline" which the Illuminati use to teach their children. The age the
begins them will vary, depending upon the group, the parent, the trainer, and
the child. These "steps of discipline" would be better called "steps of
and abuse" as their purpose is to create a highly dissociative child, out of
touch with their feelings, who is completely and unthinkingly loyal to the
cult. The order of the steps may also be varied a little, depending on the
whims of the trainer or parents.

I will first discuss the first five steps of discipline: (note: these steps
vary somewhat from region to region, but most follow this outline at least
roughly, even if not in the same order)

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