Who really cares about who lied about what?  The past is the past and no one is going to change what either one of these nutzoids did in their pasts. The bottom line is you are not going to find the perfect candidate in the choices for president available.  So why bother?   ************ And why even bother to vote?  *********** 
NEITHER is worthy of my time to go to the poll. 
eagle 1
Good Question there Eagle 1...
You're running in your first election for City Council in a crowded field of 26 candidates. Nine will be elected. The No. I local anchorman comes on T.V. at about 9:15 PM and announces that you're going to do very well for a first time candidate—he flashes on the screen that you're running 12th; only three places from victory. Such a finish would give hope to all who were daring to “fight city hall.”

Earlier in the evening, a liberal-leftist hometown university professor who was analyzing early returns for another local TV station had projected that your arch-rival, and his ally—a sweetheart of the anti-God portion of the establishment—was headed towards defeat.


At approximately 9.45 PM the same anchorman announces that there has been a computer breakdown. 45 minutes later when the computers come back up, a massive switch has occurred. You and 7 other feisty challengers have fallen to the very bottom of the heap The establishment sweetheart has jumped into a winning position—against all odds. Despite unprecedented public dissatisfaction, the same oldfaces are elected once again. Many conclude that "you just can't fight city hall. " Things have worked out just great for all those entrenched politicians who seemed to be the object of such public dissatisfaction right up to election day. The next morning, you scan the papers in vain for any mention of the computer breakdown no record for posterity.

The above scenario is my story—but it was happening in dozens of places all across the nation. It was 1979 and a new day had quietly dawned in America - UNVERIFIABLE, RIGGABLE computerized vote tabulation.

Ballots for Bullets

When I was small I remember my Dad saying how in other countries they would shoot each other to decide the transfer of power. In our country it was done by the ballot at election time.

Millions of American soldiers have fought and bled and died to protect your right to free and fair elections; to protect your right to an orderly, peaceful transfer of power when the people so will.

How Your Parents' Votes Were Counted

Once upon a time, Americans voted by Paper Ballot. At the end of the day after the polls had closed, neighborhood people, Democrats and Republicans, worked together to count the votes in the precinct (polling place) BEFORE the votes left that precinct. The count was then posted at the precinct polling place for all to see. This is the only way to insure a verifiable election. Variations of method are possible, but the elements of physical ballots which are counted and posted at the precinct before the ballots leave each precinct are essential to insure a fair and honest count.

To rig an election with the above safeguards built in, one would have to bribe many hundreds of neighborhood people, including key Democrats and Republicans in each precinct you hoped to rig. Finally, the group of people bribed at each precinct would only have access to a tiny fraction of the vote. There would be no hope of throwing an election from a central location with the push of a button.

The Greatest Cover-up Begins

About 1974 a sinister development was in full swing all over the United States. In many areas, especially high population regions, the votes were no longer being counted in the precincts by neighborhood people. The switch was on to computer vote counting systems. Typical was Cincinnati, Oluo where votes were bundled up immediately after the polls closed and sent to a mysterious centra computer room to be counted by secret computer codes. To add insult to injury, the votes were counted away from the watchful eye of the entire electorate and the press.

Despite the brutal cover up that has been conducted for going on date decades by the newsmedia and the major parties to prevent you from hearing about this issue, some major media news items have appeared. In a rare but superb news story on the eve of the 1988 Presidential election, Dan Rather (CBS Evening News) engaged in this exchange with computer expert Howard J. Strauss of Princeton University:

Rather- "Realistically, could the fix be put on in a national election?"

Strauss: "Get me a job with the company that writes the software for this program.
 (ed- Strauss was referring to the most common computer program in use) Then I'd have access to one third of the votes. Is that enough to fix a general election?"

"A House Without Doors"

In an earlier clip during this CBS interview, Howard J. Strauss dropped ft bombshell: "When it comes to compute6zed elections, there are no safeguards. It's not a door without locks, it's a house,without doors."

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