Treason: A Bush Family Tradition

As Americans head to the polls, let's ponder the proud Bush family
tradition... of criminal, treasonous activities going back most of the
previous century. We're reprinting below an article first published last 

And while were at it, Trenchcoat Al's family background has got some
awfully unsightly aspects to it as well; including a longtime and highly
questionable family alliance with communist empire-builder Armand
Hammer, as well as ties to Hammer's corporate front, Occidental

So have fun voting, and if you feel, believe or think that any
particular candidate is actually worthy of your vote, then by all means
cast it accordingly.

And then? -- We can all at least hope that by some miracle, the
least-corrupted person actually manages to "win:" DESPITE the fact it's
highly likely, based on reams of evidence from countless sources, that
vote-counting in our fair "democratic republic" is LESS than, shall we
say, FOR REAL.

Have a nice Election day.

NewsHawk® Inc.
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George Bush--One of America's Biggest Traitors

Also: Treason--It's a Bush family tradition/Fwd

It's obvious to EVERYONE, probably even to someone as clueless as
Emperor-elect G. Dubya Bush himself, that G. Dubya Bush is UTTERLY
unqualified to be President of this country.

It's obvious to EVERYONE, including some if not most of those who are
actually VOTING for this coke-addled moron, that when Dubya becomes
President, DADDY and DADDY'S BUDDIES will be running the show, NOT Dubya.

This of course brings to mind to laughable sideshow that went on in
America when one Ronald Reagan was pretending to be President for eight
years, while supposed Vice-President George Herbert Walker Bush was
actually wearing the pants in that combined/extended (CRIME) 'family." 

In FACT, supposed "veep" and ex-CIA director GHW Bush got right into the
swing of things after Reagan and Bush "WON" (yuk, yuk) the 1980
"election," by either outright trying to take "Red" Ronnie down and out
of the picture, or else send him one HELL of an unmistakable message and
warning; by having Reagan shot by John Hinckley, who before the
attempted assassination of Reagan obsessively and ritualistically copied
every move Mark Chapman had made before Chapman killed John Lennon a
mere three months previously, in ANOTHER assassination convincingly tied
to the Bush International Crime Family. Mind-controlled, "Manchurian
Candidate" assassins created by CIA-run mind-control operations
utilizing electromagnetic/radio-frequency transmission, drugs, hypnosis,
and ritualistic psychosexual abuse, and activated/deployed by Bushites
in the intelligence agencies, PERHAPS? Well, you decide. 

Anyway, Ronnie undoubtedly got George (Heroin)-Poppy Bush's 1981
message. GEORGE is in charge.

GHW Bush really hit his stride with the drastically unconstitutional
Iran-Contra malfeasance, including linked drug-running and illegal arms
trading operations run by the Ollie North gang, during which time
Lamebrain Ronnie was busy distracting America by doing his dear old
granddad act for the TV cameras; a part well-practiced from Reagan's many
years as a second-string, hack Hollywood actor.

Even BEFORE Bush became President himself, he was DIRECTLY and PERSONALLY
responsible for helping set up Saddam Hussein with billions of dollars in
illegal U.S. loans and vast quantities of military hardware and weapons.
Then, Bush had himself a Gulf War against Iraq, for a long list of
malicious reasons FAR too long to enumerate here.

And of COURSE, one can't forget the atrocities launched against the
helpless innocent civilians of Panama when Bush went into a rabid,
crazed attack against ANOTHER of his own backroom, butthole buddies,
bigtime drug dealer Manuel Noriega; whom once again Bush had just
previously been as cozy with as two peas in a pod. 

And on top of THIS, as we noted yesterday, GHW Bush was greatly
responsible for cuddling up to the butchers of Beijing, falling all over
himself trying to cater to their every whim and acquiesce to their every
demand: pushing most favored nation trade status for China through
Congress right on the GRAVES of those slaughtered in Tianenmen Square.

For all this, and more, George Herbert Walker Bush, who's gobal crime
organization is about to AGAIN become the REAL president via the
election of his half-witted, IDIOT son Dubya, deserves to be recognized
as one of the WORST TRAITORS America ever had.

And, as our respondent Al C. notes in his missive below, this
kind of outright TREASONOUS activity  is a long-standing family
tradition with the Bush Crime Family.

Along with much vital information of how Prescott Bush was DIRECTLY
linked to the rise of the Third Reich in Germany, Champion also tells us
how Prescott's son George Herbert Walker got his nickname "Poppy." Hint:
where does heroin come from?


NewsHawk® Inc.

From: AC
Subject: Treason--it's a Bush Family tradition

Well, Hack, this latest epistle of yours really twists me. Especially
when it comes to the issue of treason.

How can I count the ways.....

1. George W. Bush's maternal great grandfather owning and using a major
shipping line to supply Adolf Hitler in the 1930's. This line was at
some point identified as a "front" company for the 3rd Reich and its
operations were forced into suspension by the Roosevelt administration.

2. Prescott Bush, working for Brown Bros., Harriman investment bankers;
which was as one of the lead financiers for the Thule Society membership
[Thyssen, Krupp, et al] who created Adolf Hitler. Little discussed, but
this relationship between Prescott Bush and Adolf earned Bush the
calumny of being found guilty by the US Congress of violating US
"trading with the enemies" act. 

3. An old GHW Bush family friend has been William Farish, Jr. I think
that his father was one of the founders of Humble Oil Co [later merging
with Standard of New Jersey-Rockefeller Trust Co becoming EXXON]. 

Surely you can recall GHW Bush going to south Texas to shoot birds with
his old buddy, Bill Farish, throughout all his years in the executive
branch of government. 

William Farish, SR. was found guilty by the US CONGRESS of violating the
trading with the enemies act during WW2. Seems that Farish, Sr. was
responsible for the cross-licensing agreements with IG Farben [one of the
Thule Society creators of Adolf Hitler]: licensing agreements that
created the synthetic rubber plant at Buna, which was operated by the
slave labor gangs from Auschwitz.

These cross-licensing agreements, executed after 1933, enabled the
expansion of the German army; virtually created WW2; virtually enabled
the 3rd Reich to wage war.

And during all those years of hostilities, royalties were paid to
Farish's company via Swiss banking intermediaries. 

And Prescott Bush supervised these financial relationships. Along with
the Dulles brothers.

Farish, Sr., found guilty of virtual treason by the US CONGRESS,
committed suicide. 

Prescott Bush became the US SENATOR representing Brown Bros., Harriman
and played golf with Ike.

The Press never asked any questions concerning this traitor reaching
these pinnacles of power.

4. The American Eugenics Society. Virtually founded by the Bush family.
I believe that it was later transmuted into becoming Planned Parenthood.

All the same, the philosophy of this American Eugenics Society was that
the rights to breed had to be controlled by the state. It acknowledged
inferior peoples and could be identified as a US analog for the Nazi
programs against which the USA was ostensibly fighting.

Of course, the son George Herbert Walker outpointed the father Prescott
when it came to treasonous acts. Just to name several...

1. After 1947, the US intelligence services became involved in the
international trafficking in heroin. It was proposed as a course of
action intended to provide "black" financing for the secret ops of the state.

The principal advocate for these activities was George Herbert Walker
Bush. That was how he earned the nickname "POPPY."

2. The Bush family were part of the grouping that facilitated the
Kennedy "hit" in Dallas. Though no one wants to discuss it, the "hit"
had everything to do with how the historical post-WW2 controllers of the
heroin trade were going to be displaced.

3. Iran-Contra. Only the USA seems intent on hiding from the truth: that
the Republican Party [Ronald "Alzheimer's" Reagan and GHW Bush] made a
deal with Iran so as to prevent POTUS [Carter] from freeing hostages in
Teheran prior to the 1980 elections. 

This was a double irony; as the hostages were taken because Carter
became the victim of a company coup orchestrated by GHW Bush, which
advised Carter that the US needed to harbor the deposed Shah.

The record of this story is clear: a President and a Vice-President of
the United States were committing treason. 

Furthermore: all the 1979 oil price dislocations that disrupted the
Carter Presidency in its last years were also treasonous actions being
energized by the GHW Bush-controlled Republican Party via their
"company" associates.

4. The Gulf War. How do I say it? GHW Bush created Saddam Hussein. They
were business partners. They bilked the US taxpayer as Iraq armed itself
via the Commodity Credit Corp.

Then George and his buddies shook down the Emir of Kuwait. I figure
that the Emir eventually had to pay 250 big ones to George and Jim so as
to get the US/NATO deployment into the Gulf to conduct Desert Storm.

Somehow, I consider this another act of treason. How is it that you
characterize it more benignly? Or is it that you do not think about
these matters?

And maybe that is why GHW Bush did not run so hard to retain his
incumbency. He was too fat. Stuffed with bucks looted from the US citizens.

And now, you want us to hoist his son aloft.

Whose side are you on, boy? What side are you on?

Not the U.S. citizen's, I conclude.

So sad.

Get off of that computer, Hack. Start looking around.

You've gotten it wrong.

Al C.

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