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Subject: [Eternera] Who really killed Mohammed al-Dura?
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 08:39:13 -0500 (EST)
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[Posted for comments. Prayers for peace from Kev.]
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Who killed Mohammed al-Dura?
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Who killed
Mohammed al-Dura?

12-year-old Palestinian boy
likely 'martyred' by his own people,
say Israeli investigators
By David Kupelian
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

[The following report is excerpted from the December cover story of
WorldNetDaily's sister publication, the monthly WorldNet magazine.
Readers interested in obtaining the complete, in-depth version of "Who
killed Mohammed al-Dura?" -- along with many other exclusive feature
stories -- are invited to  subscribe to WorldNet at WND's online store.]
"When peace comes, we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs
for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for
having forced us to kill their sons."
-- Golda Meir, Israel's prime minister from 1969 to 1974
      Twelve-year-old Mohammed al-Dura and his father Jamal were on
their way home in Gaza when, at the remote Netzarim junction, they were
caught up in a firefight between Palestinian snipers and the Israel
Defense Force.
Crouching in terror behind his father, who struggled in vain to protect
his son from the gunfire, Mohammed was shot. He died there, cradled in
his father's arms, after both father and son frantically pleaded for
help. Since that day, Mohammed al-Dura has become the poster child,
rallying cry and virtual symbol of the 2000 Al Aqsa intifada.
Palestinian rage is frequently expressed toward the United States, as
well as Israel, in the current intifada. The dramatic footage of
al-Dura's Sept. 30 death has been broadcast the world over. Palestinian
television has created an edited version wherein pictures of an Israeli
soldier shooting have been spliced into the original footage.
Heart-wrenching photographs of the father and son have been posted
alongside roads throughout the West Bank. And Egyptian authorities are
reportedly naming the street on which the Israeli embassy is located
after Mohammed al-Dura.
The Israeli military was quick to apologize for the deaths -- some say
too quick.
The theory, backed by considerable evidence, has now emerged that the
unthinkable actually occurred -- that a Palestinian shot the boy in cold
blood to create a needed martyr -- on film -- to advance the Palestinian
nationalist cause.
'The martyr is lucky'
Most Palestinians believe the establishment of the state of Israel was a
terrible mistake, an injustice involving the forcible relocation of many
of their forebears. Indeed, Israel's very existence has never been
accepted by many in the Arab world.
As a result of this perceived injustice, many Palestinians teach their
children, from the very earliest ages, unbridled hatred toward Israelis.
Palestinian families routinely encourage their children to engage in the
"jihad" against Israel. But to free the children to act on that hatred,
a second teaching is deeply inculcated throughout their childhood. The
Palestinians teach explicitly, as do many Arab nations, that to die in
the "jihad" -- holy war -- against Israel purchases the "martyr" instant
acceptance into heaven. And it is a very red-blooded and lusty male
heaven they are promised, characterized first and foremost by endless
sex with a multitude of virgins.
Recently, the mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine, Sheik Ikrima Sabri --
the highest religious authority in the region -- was  interviewed by the
Egyptian weekly, Al-Ahram Al-Arabi about his admiration for child
"martyrs." Dozens of Palestinian youths reportedly have died since late
September in violent clashes with Israelis after the meltdown of the
doomed Clinton-brokered "peace process."
"I feel the martyr is lucky because the angels usher him to his wedding
in heaven," said the mufti, appointed by Palestinian Authority President
Yasser Arafat. "There is no doubt that a child [martyr] suggests that
the new generation will carry on the mission with determination. The
younger the martyr, the greater and the more I respect him."
Many Palestinian toddlers are raised on war and martyrdom. Lavishing
praise specifically on the sacrifice of Palestinian children to the
cause, Sabri reflected: "One [child martyr] wrote his name on a note
before he died. He wrote: 'the martyr so and so.' In every martyr's
pocket we find a note with his name on it. He sentences himself to
martyrdom even before he becomes a martyr."
The interviewer then asked an incredible question: "Is this why the
mothers cry with joy when they hear about their sons' death?"
"They willingly sacrifice their offspring for the sake of freedom,"
answered the mufti. "It is a great display of the power of belief. The
mother is participating in the great reward of the Jihad to liberate
In an apparent reference to the widely held belief that martyrs who die
killing an infidel will be given 50 virgins in heaven, Sabri added: "I
talked to a young man ... [who] said: '... I want to marry the
black-eyed [beautiful] women of heaven.' The next day he became a
martyr. I am sure his mother was filled with joy about his heavenly
marriage. Such a son must have such a mother."
The  Jerusalem Post's Oct. 27 edition revealed the shocking aftermath of
the violent deaths of some Palestinian children.
"Interviewed by journalists after [recent] tragedies, some of the
parents of these young victims refer to their children as shahids
(martyrs), whose lives were given willingly and proudly to the
Palestinian cause in fighting the hated Zionist enemy," wrote Post
writer Gerald M. Steinberg.
"In an unbelievably shocking scene, one mother boasted that she bore her
son precisely for this purpose, and the father proudly claimed credit
for providing the training. The parents will also receive a sizeable
financial 'reward' from the Palestinian Authority," he added.
The preparation for martyrdom begins early.
In a Palestinian television program called the "Children's Club,"  young
children are shown singing songs about wanting to become "suicide
warriors" and to take up "a machine gun" to direct "violence, anger,
anger, anger" against Israelis.
During the show, which features children aged 4-10, one young boy sings,
"When I wander into Jerusalem ... I will become a suicide bomber."
Afterward, other children stand to call for "Jihad! Holy war to the end
against the Zionist enemy." In another segment, a boy who appears to be
no more than 8 or 9 years old chants: "My patience has run out. ... All
Arab existence cries for revenge" against the Jews in Israel.
Media biased against Israel?
The Associated Press photo published in the New York Times and other
newspapers in late September said it all: A club-wielding, screaming
Israeli soldier stood above a blood-drenched Palestinian on the Temple
Mount. Further proof of Israeli brutality against the Palestinians.
Jewish student Tuvia Grossman and Israeli soldier protecting him from
mob of Palestinians. Except the "Palestinian" in the photo was not
Palestinian at all, but a 20-year-old Jewish student from Chicago, named
Tuvia Grossman, who was studying at a yeshiva in Jerusalem. He had just
been savagely beaten by a mob of Palestinians, and was, as the photo was
taken, being protected by an Israeli policeman against his Palestinian
The New York Times, long criticized as biased against Israel, has plenty
of company.
On Oct. 1, shortly after the outbreak of Palestinian rioting, National
Public Radio's Jennifer Ludden reported:
"Today is a repeat of the last three days ... You've got this Goliath of
an Israeli army with guns. In some places yesterday they used armored
tanks. There were battle helicopters buzzing overhead. At one point in
the Gaza strip yesterday, Israeli soldiers fired an anti-tank missile.
All this directed at young kids with stones."
But according to the pro-Israel group CAMERA (the Committee for Accuracy
in Middle East Reporting in America), this is just another example of
extreme and long-standing anti-Israel bias on NPR's part.
"None of the Israeli weaponry cited has been 'directed at young kids
with stones,'" according to CAMERA. "At that point, the tanks had not
fired one shot at anyone, but were positioned as a deterrent. The
helicopters had been brought in to help rescue an Israeli shot by
Palestinians who was trapped and bleeding to death in defense of
Joseph's Tomb in Nablus. The anti-tank missile was used against
Palestinian snipers firing at Israelis from high-rise buildings at the
Netzarim junction in Gaza."
In the aftermath of the Dura shooting, the international media glibly
reported that "a French photographer" or "a French television crew" had
filmed the tragedy. In reality, although the news organization was
French, the photojournalist who actually filmed the shooting was a
Palestinian named Talal Abu Rahma, who lives in Gaza.
Rabbi Avi Shafran weighed in on anti-Israel media bias in the Oct. 13
edition of the Providence Journal-Bulletin. "When baseless biases are
openly voiced, they are seen for what they are: ugly, evil, human
faults," he wrote. "When subtly layered, though, into journalistic
products' choices of photographs, captions, turns of phrase, stories'
spins, they often slip by unnoticed, and proceed to infect and deform
countless hearts and minds."
While National Public Radio correspondents routinely portray Israeli
soldiers as jack-booted thugs, some in the international news media are
even more openly sympathetic to the Palestinian cause than the major
American press:
Riccardo Cristiano, Mideast representative for the official state-owned
Italian television station, RAI, placed an ad in the Oct. 16 edition of
the main Palestinian Authority newspaper, Al Hayat al Jedida,  promising
he would never think of giving any bad publicity to the Palestinians or
their cause.
Mob of Palestinians beating and kicking an Israeli soldier after
dragging him out of a Palestinian police station in Ramallah. "My dear
friends in Palestine," the ad began. "We congratulate you and think that
it is our duty to put you in the picture (of the events) of what
happened on October 12 in Ramallah."
He was referring to the brutal beating and murder by a Palestinian mob
of two non-combatant drivers in the Israel Defense Force, at a
Palestinian Authority police station in Ramallah.
Apologizing for a rival, private Italian television station's filming of
the brutal lynchings, he assured readers that it was not the official
Italian news media that did so.
Irena Nourezitz, wife of Vadim Nourezitz, one of the two Israeli
soldiers lynched at Ramallah, called her husband on his cell phone
during the ordeal. A Palestinian attacker shouted into the phone, "We
have just killed your husband." "Israeli television broadcast the
pictures," Cristiano bemoaned, "as taken from one of the Italian
stations, and thus the public impression was created as if we (RAI) took
these pictures. We emphasize to all of you that the events did not
happen this way," the ad continued, "because we always respect (will
continue to respect) the journalistic procedures with the Palestinian
Authority for (journalistic) work in Palestine. ..."
Cristiano added, "We thank you for your trust, and you can be sure that
this is not our way of acting. We do not (will not) do such at thing.
Please accept our dear blessings."
'Only one possible solution'
Palestinian leaders, realizing the profound influence world opinion will
likely have on the ultimate outcome of the Middle East crisis --
particularly on the effort to "internationalize" Jerusalem and install
U.N. "peacekeeping forces" in the region -- are very public
relations-conscious. In fact, they are notorious for playing to the
overly sympathetic and often one-sided international media's camera.
Photographers zoom in on demonstrator waving Palestinian flag in an
apparently staged photo shoot.
USA Today ran a story showing how the Palestinian news media have
invented "atrocity" stories by reporting supposed Israeli soldier
attacks on different Palestinian towns, which upon verification have
turned out to be complete fabrications. There have also been reported
instances of Palestinian ambulances sent out to pick up fake wounded --
for the sake of eager Western cameras.
Although there are moderate Palestinian voices, the leadership holds to
a long-held, ambitious and somewhat secret (to the West, at least)
ultimate objective -- to take over all of Israel. Indeed, the
Arab-Israeli conflict cannot be understood unless it is recognized that
the complete "liberation" of Palestine (which to the Palestinians
includes all of Israel) is, and always has been, the endgame of the Arab
leadership toward Israel.
Based on an enmity many trace back to Abraham, most Arab leaders -- as
distinct from courageous souls like the late Anwar el-Sadat as well as
many moderate Arabs both in the Middle East and throughout the world who
have risen beyond this cultural and spiritual hatred -- still cling to
the "jihad," the struggle to "reclaim Palestine," as a holy mission.
Current Mideast leaders like Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, Iranian
supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Palestinian Authority
President Yasser Arafat continually fan the ancient fires of hatred
toward Israel that first burst into flame against the modern Jewish
state one day after its establishment in 1948:
"This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will
be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades."
-- Arab League Secretary General Azzam Pasha, May 15, 1948, the day five
Arab armies invaded the new state of Israel, one day after the nation
declared its independence
"The Arab nations should sacrifice up to 10 million of their 50 million
people, if necessary, to wipe out Israel ... Israel to the Arab world is
like a cancer to the human body, and the only way of remedy is to uproot
it, just like a cancer."
-- Saud ibn Abdul Aziz, King of Saudi Arabia, Associated Press, Jan. 9,
"I announce from here, on behalf of the United Arab Republic people,
that this time we will exterminate Israel."
-- President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, speech in Alexandria, July 26,
"We shall never call for nor accept peace. We shall only accept war. We
have resolved to drench this land with your [Israel's] blood, to oust
you as aggressor, to throw you into the sea."
-- Hafez Assad, then-Syrian Defense Minister, May 24, 1966, who later
became Syria's president
"The battle with Israel must be such that, after it, Israel will cease
to exist."
-- Libyan President Mohammar Qadaffi, al-Usbu al-Arrabi (Beirut) quoted
by Algiers Radio, Nov. 12, 1973
"There has been no change whatsoever in the fundamental strategy of the
PLO, which is based on the total liberation of Palestine and the
destruction of the occupying country ... On no accounts will the
Palestinians accept part of Palestine and call it the Palestinian state,
while forfeiting the remaining areas which are called the State of
--Rafiq Najshah, PLO representative in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabian News
Agency, June 9, 1980
"The struggle with the Zionist enemy is not a struggle about Israel's
borders, but about Israel's existence. We will never agree to anything
less than the return of all our land and the establishment of the
independent state."
--Bassam Abu Sharif, a top Arafat aide and PLO spokesman, quoted by the
Kuwait News Agency, May 31, 1986
"The establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the West Bank
and the Gaza Strip does not contradict our ultimate strategic aim, which
is the establishment of a democratic state in the entire territory of
Palestine, but rather is a step in that direction."
--Salah Khalaf (Abu Iyad) interview with Al-Safir, Lebanon, Jan. 25,
"We will enter Jerusalem victoriously and raise our flag on its walls
... We will fight you [the Israelis] with stones, rifles, and 'El-Abed'
[the Iraqi missile]..."
--Yasser Arafat, reported by the Associated Press, March 29, 1990, at
the start of the Gulf War
"The hands of the U.S. are fully stained with the blood of the
Palestinians. There is only one possible solution to unrest in the
Middle East, namely, the annihilation and destruction of the Zionist
-- Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in a "prayer sermon"
at Tehran University addressing hundreds of thousands of Iranians, Dec.
31, 1999
Israel re-enacts shooting
Let's put all the pieces together:
Political and religious leaders that teach the highest calling for a
person -- including a young person -- is to die in pursuit of the
violent, dangerous but glorious mission of "liberating" Palestine --
which involves killing many Jews and ultimately occupying all of Israel.
Indeed, failure to participate in jihad, many children are taught, will
bring upon them the wrath of Allah.
A condition of extreme, murderous rage on the part of some -- although
certainly not all -- Palestinians, inculcated, encouraged and justified
from an early age.
A Western press ignorant of both history and religion, which regards the
tiny Jewish nation's 50-year struggle for continued existence, as
National Public Radio put it, as "this Goliath of an Israeli army"
firing guns and anti-tank missiles "at young kids with stones."
A proven willingness on the part of intifada provocateurs to play to the
camera, to routinely send children out to the frontlines of battle for
the sympathy and public relations points inevitably scored. All of this
is rooted in the belief -- reinforced with promises of both terrestrial
and eternal rewards, as well as threats of punishment -- that a violent
death is the doorway to a better life.
Question: Is the possibility that Mohammed al-Dura was killed by a
zealous Palestinian prepared to send the boy to a glorious life in
heaven in return for advancing the glorious Palestinian cause on earth
really so unthinkable? There are many who don't think so.
On Oct. 23, Yosef Doriel, an Israeli engineer, spearheaded an Israel
Defense Force investigation and re-enactment of the Mohammed al-Dura
shooting, which attempts to make the case that the 12-year-old boy could
not have been shot by IDF soldiers -- but instead fell victim to a cruel
plot perpetrated by Palestinian sharp-shooters and a Palestinian
television cameraman.
At one of the IDF's southern firing ranges, participants piled up blocks
to simulate the wall where the boy and his father were pinned. A
concrete barrel was brought in, to represent the one behind which the
father and son crouched.
"Soldiers sent to the firing range by the IDF Southern Commander, Major
General Yom Tov Samia, stood on top of a dirt embankment and fired shots
at the wall and barrel, using a variety of different weapons," reported
the Israeli daily newspaper Ha'aretz.
Doriel, a former IDF sniper, had several reasons to suspect that it was
not the Israelis who shot the boy:
"For one thing, the boy and his father were hiding behind and to the
left of a barrel that was between them and the Israeli forces," he told
IsraelNationalNews.com.  (To view sequence of 5 photos of the Dura
shooting, click here. Warning: The images are disturbing.)
"In the video clip, you see four clean bullet holes to the side of them.
These were not shot by the Israelis -- they are 'clean' and full holes,
not mere grazes that would have been formed by the 30-degree angle of
the Israelis -- but rather by Palestinians (stationed more directly in
front of the father and son) to make sure that the two would stay put.
"Suddenly, you see the boy lying down in his father's lap, with another
bullet hole in the wall directly behind him -- again, it could not have
come from the IDF position, which was behind the barrel and to the side,
but only from the Palestinian position, which was more directly in front
of the father and son. This is the bullet that went through his stomach
and out of his back."   (See aerial photograph of Netzarim junction with
Palestinian and Israeli locations indicated.)
At that point in the video, says Doriel, "you can hear the firing -- but
the Israeli position was far away! Rather, what happened was that a
Palestinian advanced to a spot very close to the photographer, and shot
the fatal shot. You can also notice that at that moment of the fatal
shots, the photographer suddenly 'shook' and the picture was blurred --
a signal that the shots came from close to him."
A film crew from CBS' "60 Minutes" was there to capture the
re-enactment, and broadcast its report on Nov. 12. The report, titled
"The Crossroad," concerned the larger issue of the controversial Jewish
settlements in the Gaza strip -- populated by more than one million
Palestinians -- and the Israeli army outpost located at the Netzarim
junction to protect those settlements. Anchored by Bob Simon, "60
Minutes" characterized the IDF's shooting re-enactment and findings as
And yet, Samia, Doriel and many others who have looked at the evidence
have little doubt as to who was responsible for the death of Mohammed
"The Palestinian forces staged the event," Doriel states emphatically.
"The Israelis were firing, for sure -- but the fatal shots came not from
them, but from the Palestinian position in front of the boy, behind the
Doriel, who fought in Israel's War of Independence in 1948-1949, engaged
in combat missions along the northern front, and was among the first
group of Israeli Air Force pilot-cadets participating in air battles. He
told WorldNetDaily that he personally sent the results of his
investigation to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.
WorldNetDaily obtained a copy of Doriel's report on the shooting at the
Netzarim junction. Noting that the footage of the shooting has
"unleashed anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish propaganda in the well-known
pattern of TSW -- TV-Supported-Warfare" -- Doriel makes the following
"Confirmed by all sides: Israeli soldiers were confined to one outpost
across the junction, at a distance of 110m from the victim and an angle
of 30 degrees from the brick wall at the point where the boy and his
father took shelter behind a concrete barrel. At this time, Palestinian
outposts were dispersed all over the area -- in front and behind the
"Confirmed by official representative of the Palestinian Authority on
channel 2 of Israeli TV -- Oct. 31, 2000: The boy was killed by one
bullet which entered his body from the front and left the body from his
back (therefore no bullet was found in the boy's body).
"The cameraman returned to the scene of the event the day after, and
confirmed: the barrel behind which the boy took shelter was of concrete
(not of sheet metal), therefore no rifle bullet could penetrate it from
side to side ("Ha'aretz" newspaper, Nov. 7, 2000).
"The film taken by the Palestinian cameraman revealed on the wall the
only hole of the bullet which penetrated the boy's body.
"The hole revealed on the brick wall behind the boy's body, after he
fell on the pavement, is the only evidence of a bullet which penetrated
his body, as declared by the PA representative.
"The location of the killing bullet-hole is well inside the space
protected from Israeli outpost sniper by the concrete barrel.  (See
Doriel's drawing).
"The killing bullet-hole could be caused only by a sniper facing the boy
from the front (behind the bushes at the back of the cameraman), and the
noise recorded by the cameraman before the boy was seen dead was of a
very near-by weapon, with a sound quite different from the shooting
heard before, from distanced outposts.
"The armed outposts facing the boy from the front were manned only by
Palestinians. Therefore, only they could have killed the boy. The same
holds true for the bullets which wounded the boy's father: He was so
deeply hidden in the corner between the wall and barrel -- that only
bullets shot from the front could hit him, and in no way could they be
bullets from the Israeli outpost which was at an angle of 30 degrees
from the wall. It was impossible even from an angle of 43 degrees."
Wall at shooting scene showing bullet holes.
Then, on Nov. 27, Gen. Samia finally made the results of the IDF's
official inquiry -- as distinct from Doriel's own analysis -- public:
"A comprehensive investigation conducted in the last weeks casts serious
doubt that the boy was hit by Israeli fire," he said. "It is quite
plausible that the boy was hit by Palestinian bullets in the course of
the exchange of fire that took place in the area."
Only one soldier in the corner of the Netzarim junction Israeli outpost
-- called Magen 3 -- was in a position to possibly hit Dura and his
father, who were crouching about 120 yards away, said Samia.
Although that soldier had been firing a sniper's rifle, which shoots
only single rounds, Dura and his father were struck by automatic
gunfire, Samia said, based on analysis of the videotape. Noting that
Palestinians fired on Magen 3 from seven positions, including behind
Dura and his father, Samia noted that the Palestinian shooters easily
could have hit the boy and his father.
"This Israeli investigation is an attempt to hide the facts," countered
Marwan Kanafani, a top aide to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat,
according to the Boston Globe. "The facts are that Israeli troops shot
Dura and his father."
The Palestinian cameraman who videotaped the shooting, Talal Abu Rahma,
said he heard bullets whistling over his head. The ones that hit Dura
and his father clearly came from the Israeli position, he said.
"All of the Palestinian policemen ran like rabbits after three or four
minutes of Israeli shooting. No one could raise his head," he said "The
closest Palestinian policemen were 200 meters away. They couldn't have
shot him."
'Guests in paradise'
Despite the understandable protests of Palestinians after the
investigation's results were made public last week, it appears more than
likely that Mohammed al-Dura was shot by one of his own. Samia leaves
open the possibility that Palestinian gunmen shot Dura and his father
accidentally, from a position that put father and son between that of
the Palestinian gunmen and the IDF stronghold across the junction. But
Doriel doesn't think it was an accident. In addition to the forensic and
ballistic evidence, Doriel points to a culture that has demonstrated not
only the willingness, but the determination to send its young children
to the front lines of its "holy war."
"This behavior of Moslem militants is completely compatible with their
old tradition of sacrificing their own people for a political purpose
defined by their leader as the will of Allah," said Dorial. "This makes
them automatically holy martyrs -- 'shahids' -- gaining respect from all
their society towards the martyr and his family." He points out that
would-be suicide bombers caught recently by Israeli police "confessed
that they were promised and believed that after their martyr's death,
they would become a 'shahid' who is entitled to be an honorable guest in
Doriel doesn't stop there. "Also compatible with Moslem militants'
beliefs is that telling outright lies is legitimate -- if they are used
against an enemy. Such is the lie they produced and spread worldwide --
to accuse Israeli soldiers as heartless killers of innocent children."
And noting that the Palestinian Authority offers $2,000 to every family
whose child is killed in the new intifada, Doriel presses his case to
the hilt: "This is part of their child-recruitment practice, which is
revealed again and again, when their officials order the closing of
schools and send pupils of all ages to confront Israeli positions."
Child-recruitment is an international crime, he adds, and "Israel has to
sue those responsible for it in the proper judicial organs, including
the issue of arrest orders against them, wherever they can be caught."
The preceding report has been excerpted from the December cover story of
the monthly WorldNet magazine, WorldNetDaily's sister publication.  The
complete, in-depth version of "Who killed Mohammed al-Dura?" -- along
with many other feature articles -- is available by subscribing to
WorldNet at WND's online store.

David Kupelian is managing editor of WorldNetDaily.com and WorldNet
They willingly sacrifice their offspring for the sake of freedom.

-- Sheik Ikrima Sabri, the mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine
The Palestinians teach explicitly ... that to die in the 'jihad' -- holy
war -- against Israel purchases the 'martyr' instant acceptance into
heaven ... characterized first and foremost by endless sex with a
multitude of virgins.

One mother boasted that she bore her son precisely for this purpose, and
the father proudly claimed credit for providing the training. The
parents will also receive a sizeable financial 'reward' from the
Palestinian Authority.

-- Gerald M. Steinberg, Oct. 27 Jerusalem Post

A comprehensive investigation conducted in the last weeks casts serious
doubt that the boy was hit by Israeli fire. It is quite plausible that
the boy was hit by Palestinian bullets in the course of the exchange of
fire that took place in the area.

-- Maj. Gen. Yom Tov Samia, Israel Defense Force Southern Commander

The Palestinian forces staged the event. The Israelis were firing, for
sure -- but the fatal shots came not from them, but from the Palestinian
position in front of the boy, behind the cameraman.

-- Yosef Doriel, Israeli engineer who participated in IDF re-enactment
and analysis of the Dura shooting incident

This Israeli investigation is an attempt to hide the facts. The facts
are that Israeli troops shot Dura and his father.

-- Marwan Kanafani, a top aide to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat

[Dura's father] was so deeply hidden in the corner between the wall and
barrel -- that only bullets shot from the front could hit him, and in no
way could they be bullets from the Israeli outpost which was at an angle
of 30 degrees from the wall.

-- Yosef Doriel

All of the Palestinian policemen ran like rabbits after three or four
minutes of Israeli shooting. No one could raise his head. The closest
Palestinian policemen were 200 meters away. They couldn't have shot him.

-- Talal Abu Rahma, the Palestinian cameraman who videotaped the

This is part of their child-recruitment practice, which is revealed
again and again, when their officials order the closing of schools and
send pupils of all ages to confront Israeli positions.

-- Yosef Doriel

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