-Caveat Lector-

On 17 Dec 00, at 12:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Has anyone here saved the stories from a couple years back  on the
> Montana drug ring and related murders to cover the asses of Montana State
> officials? Wasn't Marc Racicot suspected by the authors of some of those
> pieces as perhaps being involved? You know, Racicot,  the guy that might
> be the next head of  the "Justice" Department? Shades of Reno-extortion!
> If you have these still, could you please forward pertinent stories to me
> or SNET, especially the ones that mention Racicot and suggestions of any
> alleged involvement in particular?
> Thanks,
> Mike


Here is one article I found, others to follow.


Our Governor's Norwest Bank Secret

                                     by Yellowstone Sam


                                           April 13, 1998

"The Canadian-Montana border is now the principal point of entry of illegal
drugs coming into the U.S. Montana is awash in them. A series of
clandestine airfields stretches across the state. Naturally the journalists
covering the Freemen picked up none of this bigger story right under their
noses. Big names are involved in the drug operation, including the soon-to-
be-indicted Governor of Montana." J. Orlin Grabbe June 17, 1996

Marc Racicot keeps a very distressing secret. It is a secret about financial
transactions leading up to accounts in the Norwest Bank Branch in Helena.
It's a secret that has shattered the political hopes of a man some
Montanans call Athe most popular governor in America. It's a secret Marc
Racicot knows will lead to his destruction and criminal indictment.

The secret is this: Marc Racicot took money into Norwest Bank of Helena
accounts as part of his payment for allowing large scale shipments of
heroin and cocaine to cross Montana from Canada. The payments were
discovered during a drug investigation (involving the CIA and DEA) of
Columbian drug kingpin, Fabio Ochoa, and others.

The documentation in bank records is unmistakable. A forensic criminal
audit has been performed on the accounts. It's all there in black and white.
Marc Racicot knows it. So do several bankers. Four lawyers close to Marc
Racicot=s inner circle also know. Consequently there have been some
frantic phone calls made by Governor Racicot=s close associates during
the last few months.

Once Marc Racicot's name began to circulate as a Republican
Presidential or Vice Presidential hopeful the national public began to pay
close attention to Marc Racicot1. What astute journalists found was that
Racicot's ambitions for national office were closely linked to the Bush
family and were targeted much earlier in the foreign press 2. The wildly
conflicting reports are underscored by an apparent battle between rival
U.S. intelligence factions.

Varied and knowledgeable intelligence sources have referred to an
enormous drug smuggling operation in Montana. Some of the sources
include David Hume, a retired U.S. Coast Guard intelligence officer; Chip
Tatum, former CIA and OSG-3 operative; longtime CIA operative Charles
Hayes; Jack Wheeler of Strategic Investments (co-editor with William
Colby, former CIA director, prior to Colby's accidental death); and a
Phoenix, AZ. private investigator, Mike Roe.

The drug smuggling operation involved light plane shipments of cocaine
and heroin into the Montana, as part of a scheme involving corrupt FBI
agents and local law enforcement officers. The planes flew from a staging
area near Weyburn, Saskatchewan. Several of the pilots who flew drugs
into Canada- have co-operated with an internal FBI investigation which
implicates Miami FBI agent Terry Nelson.

Several of the sources maintain that Marc Racicot was involved in the drug
scheme and that Racicot took payments from some of the other
conspirators. The payments were made into an account (or accounts) in the
Norwest Bank of Helena. One of the sources, Charles Hayes, offered in
writing to testify and provide copies of the bank documents to the Montana
Senate Judiciary Committee3.

Racicot's involvement in the operation seems to be underscored by Mike
Roe who says that his investigations into drug related corruption in Sidney
and Chinook (two of the small towns used by the smugglers for landings)
were personally spiked by Racicot when he was Attorney General. It was
obvious that eye-witnesses were intimidated or ignored in the investigation.

It all might have been forgotten except for the fact that Michael Wolf and
Bruce Madsen turned up dead in Sidney on December 16, 1993. Those
deaths coupled with the Cowan murders in Chinook six years earlier, left a
group of journalists and researchers who were convinced that the killings
were tied to a drug ring.A drug ring with heavy links to law enforcement.

As more research turned up additional unexplained deaths on the Fort
Peck Reservation, it became clear that persons involved in the smuggling
operation were also tied to the killings.Mike Perry of the Chinook Opinion,
who began to cover the broadening investigations, also began to feel the
brunt of personal attacks when Perry editorialized about the corruption. At
the root of the harassment- time and time again- it was found that Marc
Racicot was micromanaging the situation

While Marc Racicot was ignoring investigations, and allowing harassment
of witnesses, he also was busy working on a public relations campaign
which he thought would get him into national political office. Racicot was
very wrong with that strategy.

As Racicot assistants, such as Mary Jo Fox, fanned the flames of
presidential rumors about Racicot in Montana, journalists outside the state
noticed that something was amiss with the candidate's background. Do
you consider for a minute that Racicot's involvement in drug trafficking
would go unnoticed by the national media? Of course not.

This is precisely why Racicot's political campaign for the year 2000 isn't
going anywhere, (and was never going anywhere). The powerful men who
were involved in the Republican Party were quick to jettison the pretentious
governor from Montana. Racicot's explanations about the drug scandal
being "ridiculous" weren't bought by many people in Washington D.C. or

At the point that the funds transferred into the Norwest Bank of Helena for
Marc Racicot were publicly identified, Marc Racicot was doomed. The man
has privately wept bitter, bitter tears because he knows other people know
his secret, (and he can't control the situation). His typical public response
has been to avoid the topic- or ridicule the story; but his tactics have worn
exceedingly thin.

What exists now is that Marc Racicot has moved into the end game. His
secret is no longer a secret.


Marc Racicot cannot explain some bank transfers into Montana Bank of
Helena accounts. The money trail implicates
Marc Racicot in large-scale drug smuggling and related murders.

Please print this out and let other people know. Let's work together to see
that this evil man is brought to justice. We invite you to share Marc
Racicot's secret.


1.As late as March 10,1998 Lee Enterprise Capital Bureau chief Charles
Johnson was tauting Marc Racicot as a possible Republican presidential
hopeful. See Racicot Makes Party's "A" List

2.Respected Bulgarian journalist Krassimir Ivandjiiski, of Sofia, wrote of
Racicot's ambitions and the drug scandal as early as February, 1996. See
Drugs Are Trafficked From Canada To The U.S.  It is speculated that the
information was leaked through foreign intelligence channels to Ivandjiiski.

3.The full text of Charles Hayes' letter.

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