-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Here's some info I have collected lately. For those interested in receiving
free E-mail copies of our newsletter, please write me offlist or visit :

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Resources and Information
Please note: Listing of these resources does not necessarily constitute our
endorsement of them. They are for educational value only and some may be
heavy for survivors to read.

Please also note. Some of the conferences listed may not necessarily be safe
for all survivors. S.M.A.R.T. recommends always bringing a support person to
all conferences. If you are a survivor of mind control and/or ritual abuse,
S.M.A.R.T. recommends that you try to bring a support person that is familiar
with mind control techniques.

Masonic Origins - an article that is an excerpt from "En Route to Global
Occupation" by Gary H. Kah, published by Huntington House (a review of this
book is in SMART Issue #5) is at http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/masonic.htm
Though I don't agree with everything in the article, this article has an
excellent history of the Masons, Rosicrucians and the Illuminati. The article
is Christian in nature. By listing this site, we are not necessarily
recommending any of the pages linked to this page.

Dissociative Identity Disorder Fact Sheet - written by Cameron West, Ph.D.,
is at http://www.geocities.com/patstubbs/article-facts.htm

>From Yasuno F, Nishikawa T, Nakagawa Y, et al: Functional anatomical study of
psychogenic amnesia. Psychiatry Res 2000 Jul 10 99:1 43-57. Abstract:
Psychogenic amnesia is characterized by an inability to recall information
already stored in the patient's memory. It is usually related to a stressful
or traumatic event that cannot be explained by manifest brain damage. To
examine the underlying functional disturbance of brain areas in this
condition, we performed a positron emission tomography (PET) activation study
on a psychogenic amnesic patient and on 12 normal control subjects....These
findings suggest that the changes in these limbic and limbic-cortical
functions are related to symptoms of the psychogenic amnesia.

Sexual Abuse of Girls Causally Related to Adult Psychopathology
WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) 10/13/00 ....Dr. Kenneth S. Kendler, - Medical
College of Virginia Commonwealth Univ., in Richmond, and colleagues examined
possible links between CSA before age 16 and adult psychiatric and substance
use disorders in 1411 female adult twins, categorizing CSA into nongenital,
genital, and intercourse.... CSA significantly increased the risk of major
depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, alcohol dependence,
and drug dependence... with the odds ratios generally increasing with the
degree of abuse (ie, from nongenital to genital to intercourse). Psychiatric
disorders were from 2.6 to 3.3 times more common among women whose CSA
included intercourse, and the risk of substance abuse was increased more than
fourfold...Family factors ("social" factors) -  had little impact on the
prevalence of psychiatric or substance abuse disorders among these
women...Similarly, parental psychopathology did not predict the association
between CSA and later psychopathology. Women who reported intercourse were
four to six times likelier than their nonabused twins to experience at least
two psychiatric disorders in adulthood... from Arch Gen Psychiatry

Retin-A's Wrinkled Past (all accusations are alleged) - On 3/4/79, the
Philadelphia Inquirer reported that in 1971 the CIA secretly tested a mind
controlling drug on 20 "human guinea pigs," five of whom were prisoners in
Northeast Philadelphia's Holmesburg Prison.... the CIA authorized the Army's
Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories in Maryland to conduct research
similar to that undertaken by the Soviets. Using fifteen soldiers and five
Holmesburg prisoners as guinea pigs, Edgewood researchers successfully
developed a drug that, according to a 1973 CIA memorandum, "produced delirium
and other psychotic behavior lasting from three or four days with subsequent
amnesia," and was entirely undetectable in a victim's body. (2)

Epstein claimed that such programs "designed to alter human behavior through
drugs, poisons, brain surgery, and electric shock techniques, were conducted
by the CIA for about 25 years." What he did not mention in that article,
however, was that many such programs-in addition to numerous other brands of
experimentation on human beings-were also performed by the Univ. of Penn
under contracts with both the U.S. gov't and the private sector. In fact,
most of Penn's experiments were performed years before and included larger
numbers of human subjects than the Edgewood program.
http://dept.hist.upenn.edu/phr/spring97/fea1.html Footnotes at :

Prison sued over medical studies - by Maryclaire Dale - 10/19/00 AP -
Hornblum's 1998 book, "Acres of Skin," explored the physical and
psychological effects of the testing and inspired a lawsuit filed this week
in Philadelphia on behalf of 298 former inmates. The lawsuit claims the
testing exposed the inmates to infectious diseases, radiation, dioxin and
psychotropic drugs - all without their informed consent. Defendants:  the
city of Philadelphia; Dr. Albert Kligman, a Univ. of Penn. dermatologist who
conducted much of the research and is credited with developing the acne and
anti-wrinkle treatment Retin A; the university; and drug makers Johnson &
Johnson and the Dow Chemical Co., whose products were allegedly used on
inmates.... The medical testing at Holmesburg began in 1951 and didn't end
until 1974. http://www.canoe.com/CNEWSLaw0010/19_prison-ap.html

CIA: The Secret Files set - Mind Control Murder -  The CIA: Fifty Years of
History's Mysteries: Mind Control: America's Secret War - Price: $19.95
1-800-625-9000, www.AandE.com, The World of A & E, P O Box 2284, S.
Burlington, VT 05407 Tape number : AAE-43013

Disordered eating among adolescents: associations with sexual/physical abuse
and other familial/psychosocial factors. Neumark-Sztainer D, Story M, Hannan
PJ, Beuhring T, Resnick MD Int J Eat Disord 2000 Nov 28:3 249-58 "Youth at
increased risk for disordered eating included those who perceived family
communication, parental caring, and parental expectations as low and those
who reported sexual or physical abuse experiences."

Alex Constantine's "ARCHIVES: Fascism, the CIA & Related Obsessions," is at

Italy charges 1,491 in mass pedophilia case - Reuters - 10/29/00 - ROME - An
Italian prosecutor has charged 1,491 Italians and foreign nationals with
offering or downloading child pornography on the Internet in what could
become one of the biggest trials in Italy, newspapers said yesterday.

The History of Health pages include information about mk-ultra,
experimentation and other topics.

Information about the Nazi's and electroshock is at:
http://www.cchr.org/ect/eng/page12.htm Other pages with information about ect
are at : http://www.cchr.org/ect/eng/page02.htm
This has graphic details of abuse. Please use caution when reading. Accused
tells court how he cut up body of ex-friend and drank his blood Carrie
Buchanan - The Ottawa Citizen - 11/1/00

Abstracts & Articles; Therapy Research & Therapist Resources; Ethics,
Malpractice, & Psychology  Kenneth S. Pope, Ph.D. - This site has
peer-reviewed research and other articles,  tables summarizing research data
and information on recovered memory http://kspope.com/

The Facade of Scientific Documentation: A Case Study of Richard Ofshe's
Analysis of the Paul Ingram Case by Karen Olio and William Cornell

False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) Advisory Board member Elizabeth
Loftus published a false accusation, based on incomplete information, that a
colleague was "wildly reckless" in an important area of ethics. Her claim was
later carefully investigated, reviewed, and evaluated in light of the facts
by the American Psychological Association (APA) journal that had published
this charge (Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice) and by the APA
structure responsible for the content of this journal. Her claim about the
colleague's ethics was found to be false. The Fall, 1997 issue (vol. 4, #3)
of Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice contains, prior to the first
article, a page headed CORRECTION NOTICE AND APOLOGY.

Implementation of the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act An Interim Report to
(P.L. 105-246) of the activities of the Nazi War Criminal Records Interagency
Working Group (IWG). "The CIC in Germany...recruited as an agent and
sheltered Klaus Barbie, an SS officer later convicted for his role in
rounding up Jews in France ....The Army smuggled Barbie out of Europe,
thereby enabling him to escape justice for over 30 years in his South
American hideouts." "Between 1945 and 1955, 765 scientists, engineers, and
technicians were brought to the United States under Overcast, Paperclip, and
similar programs. It has been estimated that at least half, and perhaps as
many as 80 percent, of the imported specialists were former Nazi Party
members." http://www.nara.gov/iwg/report.html

This may be very triggering for survivors. Please use caution while reading.
Project Monarch by Ron Patton - Nazi Mind Control - "In 1776, a Bavarian
Jesuit by the name of Adam Weishaupt was commissioned by the House of
Rothschild to centralize the power base of the Mystery Religions into what is
commonly known as the Illuminati, meaning "Enlightened Ones." This was an
amalgamation of powerful occultic bloodlines, elite secret societies and
influential Masonic fraternities, with the desire to construct the framework
for a "New World Order." "The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set
up in London in 1921 to study the "breaking point" of humans. Kurt Lewin, a
German psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute in 1932,
about the same time Nazi Germany was increasing its research..."After WWII,
the U.S. Department of Defense secretly imported many of the top German Nazi
and Italian Fascist scientists and spies into the United States via South
America and the Vatican. The code name for this operation was Project
PAPERCLIP.[4]" "The CIA decided to expand their efforts in the area of
behavior modification, with the advent of Project BLUEBIRD, approved by
director Allen Dulles in 1950." This url also discusses types of programming.
http://www.aches-mc.org/monarch.html This article was originally in Paranoia,
PO Box 1041, Providence, RI 02901-1041

Masonic information from Britain with links is at :
www.bilderberg.org/masons.htm and index.html

Surviving roots of trauma: Prevalence of silent signs of sex abuse in
patients who recover memories of childhood sex abuse as adults. Leavitt F J
Pers Assess 2000 Apr 74:2 311-23 "Recent research suggests that victimization
imagery is chronically accessible in sex-abused populations, which is helpful
in distinguishing them from nonabused populations...Classification accuracy
was 83%...There was no linkage between therapy and recovered-memory cases
with and without sex-abuse signs. Emergence of trauma memories was not
uniquely traceable to treatment. Memories arose outside of the context of
therapy in over 56% of the cases."

Increasing childhood trauma in Canada: findings from the National Population
Health Survey, 1994/95. Thompson AH, Cui X Can J Public Health 2000 May-Jun
91:3 197-200 "The data suggest that childhood trauma has been on the increase
over the last few decades. This is in accord with findings from other studies
which showed that depression and social problems have also been on the rise."

Articles Correlating Abuse and Immune Problems is at :
http://www.immuneweb.org/articles/abuselinks.html Many of these links don't
work, because the page is over two years old, but there are some interesting

Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems United States Patent
6,017,302  - Loos  January 25, 2000  -
Posttraumatic stress disorder: Psychological factors and psychosocial
interventions. Hembree EA, Foa EB  - J Clin Psychiatry 2000 61 Suppl 7 33-9
"we propose that successful processing of traumatic events involves emotional
engagement with the trauma memory, organization of the trauma narrative, and
correction of dysfunctional cognitions that often follow trauma."

High-Ranking S.F. Priest Accused of Molesting Boy - Police found cleric,
youth disheveled in parked car Jaxon Van Derbeken, Chronicle Staff Writer
San Francisco - A high-ranking official of the San Francisco Roman Catholic
Archdiocese has been arrested for allegedly sexual molesting a 17-year-old
boy in a parked car, authorities said yesterday.


Author links Bush family to Nazis 11/11/00 - The president of the Florida
Holocaust Museum said Saturday that George W. Bush's grandfather derived a
portion of his personal fortune through his affiliation with a
Nazi-controlled bank. John Loftus, a former prosecutor in the Justice
Department's Nazi War Crimes Unit, said his research found that Bush's
grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a principal in the Union Banking Corp. in
Manhattan in the late 1930s and the 1940s.

Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive By Karen Curio Jones © 2000 - The following
cases describe legal proceedings held in Juvenile, Family, Civil and Criminal
Courts around the world where there have been allegations of Satanism or the
use of Ritual to abuse others.

Scandal of the British soldiers 'poisoned in MoD tests' - Daily Express -
11/7/00 - by Alun Rees and Cyril Dixon - Ministry of Defence scientists face
criminal charges over horrifying experiments on service men and women during
chemical and biological weapons tests. Detectives investigating the
activities at the Porton Down research centre are considering charges which
involve assault and administering poison, .... Police have been investigating
the deaths of more than 40 "human guinea pigs" and injuries to more than 400
others at the centre near Salisbury, Wiltshire. The inquiry team has taken
dozens of statements from victims and their families and could arrest and
interview former staff in the coming months. Officers have also seized
records said to include film of soldiers unwittingly fed the drug LSD by the
scientists. The investigation, which originally focused on experiments in the
Fifties and Sixties, has been widened to include research carried out up to
the end of the Eighties. from

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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