-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 135 January, 2001

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
"I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth, and I am a
citizen of the world."
--Eugene Debs
How to assist RadTimes--> (See ** at end.)
--A Guide to Effective Participation in the 2001 Inauguration
--Medical and Equipment Information
--Affinity Groups for J20
Linked stories:
        *E-mail virus attacks multiply
        *'One in every 700 mails infected'
Begin stories:
A Guide to Effective Participation in the 2001 Inauguration

Issued by:
The Partnership for Civil Justice, Inc.
A civil rights, women's rights and economic justice
public interest law firm.
1901 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 607
Washington, D.C. 20006
(202) 530-5630
[This document is also available on the Internet at
<www.InaugurAuction.org/training.asp> ]

The Importance of the Inauguration:
        Direct Participation in Democracy Without A Fee

The Inauguration is one of the few Presidential events in which
the public may directly participate without being charged an
entrance fee or campaign contribution.

The U.S. Government has asserted that it is illegal for citizens
to participate in the Inauguration if those persons express viewpoints
critical of the President or advocate policies different from
the Administration's. The Government has declared such conduct
violative of National Park Service (NPS) regulations and threatened
to fine and arrest at the Inauguration any individual expressing
such viewpoints.
Before the 1997 Inauguration, the District of Columbia Circuit
Court declared such threats to be unconstitutional, and ordered
that the Government must allow protesters in groups of up to
25. See, Mahoney v. Babbitt, 105 F.3d 1452 (D.C. Cir. 1997).

The authors maintain it is an unconstitutional violation of the
First Amendment Right to Free Speech for the U.S. Government
to arrest any individual or group participants (regardless of
the size of the group) at the Presidential Inauguration just
because they participate in the Inauguration by expressing political
dissent or views critical of the President.

This guide describes the NPS regulations and strategies for conducting
effective political action within the NPS rules that restrict
and sanction political dissent. It is intended to facilitate
public participation in the Inauguration, despite the restrictions
that the Government has placed upon free speech, for those who
do not have the time or resources to mount a constitutional challenge
to the existing NPS regulations that restrict free speech, or
who wish to demonstrate within those rules to minimize government
interference with their action.

The information contained in this document is not intended, nor
should it be construed as, legal advice or opinion. Should you
require legal advice or opinion you should consult a licensed
attorney. © 2000, Partnership for Civil Justice, Inc. This document
may be freely copied and distributed, provided it is copied and
distributed in its entirety without alteration or omission.

The Rule of 25
Demonstrations in groups of 25 people or less may be held without
a permit on Pennsylvania Avenue or other federal land subject
to the jurisdiction of the National Park Service. See, 36 C.F.R.
Section(s) 7.96(g)(2)(i). Based on this provision, the U.S. Circuit
Court for the District of Columbia has ruled that it is unlawful
for the U.S. Government to fine or arrest Inaugural protesters
in groups of 25 or less on the asserted grounds that such protesters
are demonstrating without a permit.


Unless you intend to challenge the 25 person limitation imposed
by the National Park Service with the aid of an attorney, consider
the following strategies:

· Organize in separate protest groups of 25 or less (yes, an
affinity group will do).
· Larger groups may subdivide into separate and unrelated protest
· Separate protest groups may consider differentiating themselves
by protesting on different blocks, by wearing distinctive attire,
or by bearing signs (or other items) addressing distinct issues.
· Separate protest groups, like affinity groups, should be separately
· Appoint no less than two clearly identified coordinators, or
"marshals," for each group to monitor and enforce the 25 person
limitation, politely explaining to those who exceed the limit
of 25 that they may automatically combine themselves into an
independent and separate group if they wish.


The Inauguration parade is distinctive because it moves along
a public street, making it more difficult for the media to "black
out" or crop out coverage of protesters located along that route.

· Prominently place your demonstration along the Inaugural route.
· Make your group the largest allowable, 25.
· Subdivide larger groups into separate and unrelated demonstrations.
· Maximize your visibility with signs and puppets.
· Use signs and puppets that will clearly convey your message
to the President and to the public through the media.

Because the Government seeks to restrict your peaceable assembly
along the Inauguration route to groups of 25 or fewer, it is
essential that you counteract the limits on numerosity by maximizing
the visibility of your message. Keep in mind, the message and
lettering must be understandable to people across a city block,
and visible and understandable to cameras that may be distant.

No Restrictions on the Size, Construction and Placement of Portable
Signs and Banners

The NPS regulations place restrictions on the size, construction
and placement of portable signs and banners in certain areas
only: for signs and banners located adjacent to the White House,
on the White House sidewalk, or in Lafayette Park. 36 C.F.R.

The regulations place no specific limitations on the size, construction
or placement of portable signs and banners on Pennsylvania Avenue
and the rest of the Inaugural route.

The only general limitation on the use of portable signs and
banners is the "catch-all" rule that demonstration permits may
be revoked on the spot, if the demonstration presents "a clear
and present danger to the public safety, good order or health."
36 C.F.R. Section 7.96.

As above, the most restricted locations for portable signs and
banners are for those located adjacent to the White House or
in Lafayette Square. Even though such restrictions are not binding
for the rest of the Inaugural route, they are presented below
solely as an example of size and construction that are considered
acceptable even in these most highly restricted areas:

In Lafayette Park:
Hand carried signs are allowed regardless of size. Signs that
are not being hand carried are allowed provided they are no larger
than 4 feet in width and one-quarter inch in thickness (exclusive
of braces that are reasonably required to meet support and safety
requirements and that are not used so as to form an enclosure
of two (2) or more sides) may be used, provided that no individual
may have more than two such signs in the Park at any time, and
that all signs must be attended (be within three feet of the
attendee) at all times. Such signs may not be elevated so as
to exceed six (6) feet above the ground at their highest point,
and may not be arranged or combined in such a manner as to exceed
these sign limitations. For example, two four-feet by four-feet
signs may not be combined to create a sign that is eight feet
long, and two or more signs of any size may not be leaned or
otherwise placed together so as to form an enclosure of two or
more sides. See 36 C.F.R. §7.96(g)(5)(x).

On the White House Sidewalks:
No signs are allowed except those made of cardboard, posterboard
or cloth having dimensions no greater than three feet in width,
twenty feet in length and one-quarter inch in thickness. No supports
are permitted except those made of wood having cross sectional
dimensions no greater than three-quarter of an inch by three-quarter
of an inch. Stationary signs shall be no closer than three feet
from the White House sidewalk fence. All signs must be in physical
contact with a person at all times. No signs may be attached
to any structure on the sidewalk. No signs shall be held, placed
or set down on the center portion of the White House sidewalk,
comprising ten yards on either side of the center point on the
sidewalk, provided that individuals may demonstrate while carrying
signs on that portion of the sidewalk if they continue to move
along the sidewalk. See 36 C.F.R. §7.96(g)(5)(viii).

Erection of Temporary Structures Prohibited, Except for Small
Lecterns or Speakers' Platforms
If you are participating in the Inauguration in a group of 25
or less without a separately issued permit, you "are not allowed
to erect temporary structures other than small lecterns or speakers'
platforms." 36 C.F.R. 7.96(g)(5)(vii)(E). Be aware that even
small lecterns or speakers' platforms will likely attract the
attention of hyper-aggressive "law enforcement" which may distract
you from your primary purpose, to peaceably assemble to convey
your political message to the public, the press, policymakers
and the President.

No Restrictions on Use of Props, Such as Coffins, Crates, Crosses,
Theaters, Cages, Etc.
The use of items "such as coffins, crates, crosses, theaters,
cages, and statues; furniture and furnishings, such as desks,
chairs, tables, bookcases, cabinets, platforms, podiums and lecterns;
shelters, such as tents, boxes and other enclosures; wagons and
carts; and all other similar types of property which might tend
to harm park resources, including aesthetic interests" are restricted
in Lafayette Park and certain areas in the immediate vicinity
of the White House. 36 C.F.R. 7.96(g)(5)(ix - x).
No such restrictions are stated in the regulations that apply
outside of these areas, in particular along the parade route
on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Puppet Search and Destroy Missions
Puppets and visual displays are highly evocative and effective
at conveying information. The Government has in recent protests,
including A16 and R2K, employed an unconstitutional law enforcement
tactic we refer to as "Puppet Search and Destroy" in which "law
enforcement" seizes and confiscates political puppets (and political
literature) and, in some instances, destroys them. We suggest
groups store their lawful puppet making materials and completed
puppets in decentralized locations, to counter this unconstitutional
police conduct.

Selective Enforcement of Rules on Metro Subways
In the past, Metro has unlawfully selectively enforced rules
to prevent protesters from reaching demonstration locations.
Metro has, for example, previously issued restrictions on persons
carrying protest signs and banners. Plan your transportation

Sound Amplification
Sound amplification is allowed, provided prior notice has been
given to the National Park Service Regional Director, for example,
by filing a permit application stating that sound amplification
is intended to be used. Sound amplification may be restricted
so that it will "not unreasonably disturb nonparticipating persons
in, or in the vicinity of, the area."

Demonstration Group Organization

· Each group should consider having two coordinators or "marshals"
who have i) read this document, and the actual regulations, and
ii) will be present at all times to ensure that the numeric limitations
of 25 are adhered to, as well as the rest of any applicable rules.

· Each group should consider having one person appointed as a
law enforcement liaison, who i) is really calm, even in the face
of misconduct by law enforcement, ii) has read this document
and the related regulations, and iii) is willing to repeat over
and over again that "all we wish to do is engage in peaceful
political assembly, and to participate in the Inauguration."

· Each group should have at least one person equipped with a
video camera, which should be focused on any interaction with
law enforcement.

Reach Consensus Before The Inauguration on How to Respond If
Law Enforcement Illegally Demands That You Disperse

· Prior to the Inauguration, or at the start of the Inauguration,
each group should meet and reach consensus on how to respond
to law enforcement should they demand unlawfully at any point
that the group disperse.

· Your decisions about how to respond to provocation by law enforcement
should be made with deliberation, before the provocation, so
as to avoid acting out of emotion or allowing law enforcement
to escalate their conflict.

· Any violation of your rights disappears anonymously into the
past unless you act to bring it to the public's attention. Plan
to use theater creatively to your advantage, and to avoid being
drawn into escalation or anger. Present the officer with a copy
of the Constitution; or of the applicable Park Service regulations;
or sing "This Land is Your Land." It has been a very effective
form of protest and response to not allow the government to engage
you in their hostile manner and importantly, to not allow them
to distract you from your message and purpose.

· Summon the attention of the media when it appears that law
enforcement is about to violate your rights.

What To Do If Law Enforcement Requests That You Disperse Or
Be Arrested

All interactions with law enforcement should be recorded on sound
and video. Your law enforcement liaison should be the primary
point of communication with law enforcement, and should:

· Act deliberately and consistent with the group's consensus
made decisions about how to respond to law enforcement's illegal
demand that the group disperse.

· Remain calm throughout all communications with law enforcement;
even if law enforcement does not reciprocate.

· State, repeatedly if necessary, that your group is entitled
to participate in the Inauguration under the law, and has reviewed
the National Park Service regulations and are acting in conformity
with those rules.

· Inquire of the officer, and cause him/her to specify exactly
in what manner the group is acting unlawfully. "Officer, we want
to cooperate with you, but you need to tell us what we are doing

· Get the officer's name and badge number, and inquire on whose
authority or order he or she is acting. Ask to speak with that
officer in charge. Write down all officer's names and badges.
Photograph covered or punched out badge numbers and the officer's

· If you can, dispatch one or two persons to summon the attention
of the media so they can observe, record and hopefully report
on what is going on.

· Use a bullhorn or loudly announce your intentions to the group
and other witnesses ("We merely wish to peaceably gather and
participate in the Inauguration") and your requests ("We have
asked the police to allow us to remain here in a group of 25
or less to participate in the Inauguration, and they have said
that they will arrest us unless we stop criticizing the President,"),
to avoid law enforcement later making false claims regarding
your conduct and statements.


Requesting A Permit Before You Protest
You do not require a permit to demonstrate at the Inauguration
in groups of 25 or fewer, so why request a permit at all?

By filing a permit request you place the National Park Service
on formal notice as to your intentions to lawfully exercise your
First Amendment protected right to free speech. If you intend
to use sound amplification you are required to notify the Park
Service of that intention.  If the National Park Service fails
to reject or revoke your permit request, then your permit is
deemed to be granted. 36 C.F.R. 7.96(g)(3). All permit requests
are deemed to be granted (subject to possible revocation in writing)
if not denied within 24 hours of receipt by the Park Service.

If the National Park Service rejects or revokes your permit,
it must do so in writing which will provide you the basis to
challenge the denial in court if you wish. If the National Park
Service fails to reject or revoke your permit in writing, then
your permit is granted.

Permit applications may be obtained at the Office of Public Affairs,
National Capital Region, 1100 Ohio Drive SW, Washington, D.C.
20242. A copy of the application is available in PDF format at
the web page sponsored by the Partnership for Civil Justice,
at <www.JusticeOnline.org/freespeech> .

Permits are accepted by the Regional Director of the National
Park Service between the hours of 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. weekdays, holidays
excepted. Make sure your delivery is such that the date and time
of receipt is known to you.

The National Park Service Is Limited In Its Ability To Revoke
Your Demonstration Permit During a Demonstration
During the conduct of a demonstration, a permit may be revoked
by the ranking U.S. Park Police supervisory official in charge
only if:
· continuation of the event presents a clear and present danger
to the public safety, good order or health, or
· for any violation of applicable law or regulation. 36 C.F.R.
Section 7.96

 From Dr. King's Letter From Birmingham City Jail:

"...There are some instances when a law is just on its face but
unjust in its application. I was arrested Friday on a charge
of parading without a permit. Now there is nothing wrong with
an ordinance that requires a permit for a parade, but when the
ordinance is used to preserve segregation and to deny citizens
the First Amendment privilege of peaceful assembly and peaceful
protest, then it becomes unjust."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr., April 16, 1963

Medical and Equipment Information

This is a helpful list for Inauguration day, and any other demonstration for
that matter:

Use Your Head

-PLAN AHEAD: For essential needs, care and supplies. Know what to expect.
Know how to get assistance. Plan for how to re-contact your buddies if
-ATTITUDE: You are powerful. You can easily withstand most of what the
police throw at you, and you are fighting for justice. Remember, pain is
only temporary and we are extremely strong.
-THE #1 WEAPON OF THE POLICE IS FEAR: Once you control that, pepper spray
and other police tactics are easily manageable.
-COMMON SENSE: Keep your wits, assess what is going down and what needs to
be done.
-BE CALM and FOCUSED when things get most intense. React to danger or
warning signs sooner, not later. Watch for signs of physical and mental
problems in yourself and others. Cool down others who exhibit panic
-BEWARE OF RUMORS: They are usually false, and foster fear. Deal with the
known truth.
-DOCUMENT police actions, brutality, and injuries.

What To Wear
-Comfortable, protective shoes that you can run in.
-Clothing covering all your skin to protect from pepper spray exposure.
-Shatter-resistant eye protection (i.e. sunglasses, swim goggles, or gas
-Bandana to cover nose and mouth soaked in water or vinegar, it can aid in
breathing during chemical exposure.
-Weather-related gear (i.e. rain gear, sun hat, winter clothing) heavy-duty
gloves if you plan to handle hot tear gas canisters.
-Fresh clothes in plastic bag (in case yours get contaminated by chemical
-A cap or a hat to protect you from chemical weapons.

What To Bring

-Lots of water in a plastic bottle with squirt or spray top, to drink and to
wash off your skin or eyes, if needed.
-Energy snacks.  Not essential, but suggested.
-Identification and/or emergency contact information ONLY if you want to be
cited out of jail in the event of arrest.
-Just enough money for pay-phone, food, transportation.
-Watch, paper, pen for accurate documentation of events, police brutality,
injuries, etc.
-Inhaler, epipen, insulin or other meds if applicable.
-Several days of prescription medication and doctor's note in case of
-Menstrual pads, if needed. Avoid using tampons - if you're arrested you may
not have a chance to change it (tampons left in more than six hours increase
your risk of developing toxic shock syndrome).

Packing Your First Aid Kit

We've organized this list into 2 rough sections- things we believe most
people will want to have in a complete kit in the first section and extras
in the second section. We like the extras, and various ones of us carry more
or less from the second list depending on the specific action (ie is it
raining or snowing, is it 100 degrees outside), how much room we have in our
pack, and finally what we both have experience using and have access to.
Things like epi-pen and several of the herbs in the second section will only
be useful if you can not only get them but also use them responsibly.

Finally give some though to your pack- both the pack itself (most of us use
shoulder bags as they afford quicker and easier access on the fly) and how
it's packed. What do you want on the outside for easy access? what needs to
be kept dry? What things do you often or always use together so should be
kept together? We all change our packs and how they're packed around a lot
before we find the combination that works for us.
This can't be stressed enough:  You need to be fast and mobile, therefore a
heavy bag is definitely to be avoided.

The Basics:

-Water- preferably in a sport- top bottle
-Non-latex gloves
-Gauze - we like individually wrapped 4x4's best but clean 4x4 's or smaller
are fine too
-Maalox or other liquid antacid mixed 1:1 with water in a spray or sport-top
-Band-Aids (S, M, L)
-Antiseptic wash (like witch hazel or iodine)
-Paper tape
-Aspirin- just a few
-Ibuprofen- also just a bit
-Arnica (homeopathic)
-Rescue remedy
-Pen and paper
-Emergen-C powder or other re-hydration drink mix
-Paper bag
-Sun screen (alcohol based)
-Mineral (or other) oil and alcohol (separate bottles)
-Candy bar
-Safety pin or 2

The extras (remember no one carries all of this so pick and choose- they're
not listed in the order of importance)

-Sam splint
-Ace bandage
-Cake icing tube (diabetic emergencies)
-Calendula/st. john's wort/arnica topical
-Skull cap lavender tincture 1:1
-Tampons (good for nose bleeds too)
-Topical antibiotic ointment
-Space blanket
-Clean t-shirt sealed in a bag
-Extra plastic bags
-Bandage scissors
-EMT shears
-Chinese burn salve
-Tongue depressors (for splinting fingers)
-Flash light
-Mole skin
-Ice pack
-CPR face shield
-Cloth sling
-Eriogonum cinnamon
-Yunnan piau

What Not To Do

-Don't put vaseline, mineral oil, oil-based sunscreen or moisturizers on
skin as they can trap chemicals.
-Don't wear contact lenses, which can trap irritating chemicals underneath.
-Don't wear things which can easily be grabbed (i.e. dangly earrings or
other jewelry, ties, loose hair).
-Don't go to the demo alone, if you can help it - go with an affinity group
or some friends who know you well.
-Don't forget to eat food and DRINK LOTS OF WATER.

Medication in Jail
-If you are risking arrest and take medication for any health condition that
might pose serious problems were your medication to be interrupted (such as:
behavioral disorders, HIV, diabetes, hypertension), you should be aware that
you may not have access to proper medication while you are in jail.

A letter from a doctor will help. Three copies of the letter are needed,
one for the legal team, one for the medical team (these will be kept
completely confidential) and one for you. It should include the following
your name, diagnosis, that you must have access at all times to your
medication, a list of all meds that you require, a statement that you must
be allowed to keep meds on your person so that they can be properly
administered, and that no substitutions are acceptable. Since your name will
be on the document, you may want to hide it on your body as a sort of
insurance policy - perhaps you won't need it and then could eat it and
participate in jail solidarity tactics, but perhaps you'll be worn out
already at the time of arrest and will want to cite out in order to take
care of yourself.

Better to cite out than pass out. Your meds will need to be in their
original prescription bottle in order for you to keep them, but you also
could conceal an emergency supply on your person if you want.

Another option to greater ensure your ability to participate in solidarity
is to have the document as described above but with a photo of yourself
rather than your name. Your prescription bottle would then need to have your
name cut out of the label, while leaving the rest of the label intact.

Please make sure that your affinity group and the legal team is aware of
your needs so they can help care and advocate for you.


Affinity Groups for J20

Security at J20 will be very high and it is important that we come ready and
prepared for anything that may happen. The best way to do this is to
organize and plan before hand with close friends and fellow activists. By
forming into affinity groups we can look out for each other and be prepared
for the actions we are stepping into. Below are some suggestions, as well as
brief descriptions of what affinity groups are and how they typically may
work. Different things work best for different people and these are mere
suggestions based on experiences that people have learned from in the past.
One of the best things we can do is be prepared for the unexpected.

   Affinity Groups

"Affinity Groups" are tightly organized groups of people who know and trust
each other and agree on similar ideas and plans for what they as individuals
want to accomplish for a day or often series of actions and agree to work
together for this time. It is best to organize your group with people who
share similar feelings on what is appropriate for an action and who have
similar personal boundaries. For example: are you willing to get arrested?
What groups and actions do you want to take part in? Are you willing to work
out side of permits? What is the common feeling amongst your group of how to
react when/if the cops use force? It is suggested that you discuss and go
over every possible scenario that could occur at the action with your group,
try to plan for everything that you think you may encounter.
   Some find it helpful to pair up in affinity groups with partners, simply
so you have someone who you are looking out for and who is looking out for
you for the duration of your plans. These partners should try their best to
stick together at all times.
   For the above reason it is helpful to organize your affinity group in even
numbers and also have even numbers of males and females in the group in case
of arrest. That way if your group is arrested  there is less of a chance of
you being jailed alone and split from others you came in with. For instance,
since women and men are jailed separately, if there is only one male in a
group and the whole group is arrested he will be held separately from the
rest of the group and be jailed alone. There's the chance they could split
everyone up even members of the same sex, but this makes the chances a
little better that you won't be alone. It's important to watch out for each
other in jail of course and to decide as a group what you want to do once in
jail. Will you act individually? Or make decisions in solidarity with each
other, as a group? For example: do you carry i.d.? Do you give names? Know
the needs, of other members of your group like any medical needs they may
so as a group you can best look out for each other.


   A "cluster" is a group of affinity groups, who plan to work together on an
action. If your affinity group is too big it can make things difficult and
some what chaotic, but a way to tighten up and secure safety with larger
numbers of people together is to form several affinity groups into one
cluster. This is some times helpful if more people than the amount in one
affinity group is needed for an action. The cluster can agree to stick
together as much as possible for the whole action or protest or just stay
together for a specific plan. These clusters again should only be planned
with people who are extremely trustworthy and close to you.


   Have a legal person. It is often suggested to have a legal person who is
part of your affinity group or to have a legal person for the cluster. This
often works best if the person stays out of the action that the rest of the
group takes. Many actions have a legal team constantly working to check up
on arrested protestors. It helps to have a legal person specifically for
your group to check up on whether you've been arrested and check up on you
after you have been arrested. This person can also be responsible for
contacting the larger legal collective once you have been detained and help
you by working with them on the outside. It helps if this person has all
your  personal information that you would be booked by if arrested as well
as have a list of your medical needs and whoever you would like to be
contacted if
you are arrested. For instance, family, friends or a job that you'll have to
tell you won't be coming into work. If there is a larger team taking care of
the large mobilization, know how to get in touch with them, if you need
legal. Memorize phone numbers of that legal collective as well as all
personal info, as it is not good to have any sensitive numbers on you that
the police could confiscate. (You don't want to get arrested with a phone
list of all your activists buddies.)


Some groups find it helpful to designate a person to be the medic of the
group. Although it is best if everyone in the group is knowledgeable about
medical and legal issues its a good way to divide up the efforts if each
person takes on a different task. Large mobilizations often have legal and
medical collectives working on the action, and it is best if your group can
plug into the larger legal and medical teams to get more info. At these
larger mobilizations, trainings for legal and medical often take place, if
your whole group can't make it to these, it helps if there is a designated
person to go and gather information.

There is a pretty good first aid list of
what to bring and expect at an action at <www.blackcrosscollective.org>
It's suggested to divide the list of things you may need amongst your group
and each person can be responsible for obtaining certain supplies. Also, if
there is a larger medical team taking care of the large mobilization, know
how to get in touch with them, if you need medical help.


   Discussions and plans amongst your group should stay within the group only
and not be discussed with out side parties.   What you did or did not engage
in at in action is no less sensitive after it has taken place then it was
when the planning was taking place. Your affinity group or cluster should
discuss whether they feel the existence of the group itself should be made
public to others or not, it may be best to not disclose who you are involved
in a group with to anyone outside the group. It is best to avoid discussion
on telephone or email about even the smallest hints to your plans or
involvement in any action. You should only discuss those things with the
people you plan to be doing them with. You never know who is listening and
it is best to be as careful as possible.

Linked stories:
E-mail virus attacks multiply
Attacks by e-mail viruses soared by 300 per cent during the past year, a
report has revealed. Virus-monitoring company MessageLabs said it had
detected and stopped 155,528 e-mail viruses by the end of November - a rate
of one every three minutes.

'One in every 700 mails infected'
One in every 700 e-mails is carrying a virus - with more attacks to come in
the new year, experts warned. One technologist said: "The viruses are
getting smarter and more lethal." ITN's new media correspondent Fergus
Sheppard reports.

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control. It means out of 'their' control."
        -Jim Dodge
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
        -Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
        -J. Krishnamurti
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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