-Caveat Lector-

Kelly wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Tenorlove wrote:
> > I have a hard time believing that there is global warming. Last year,
> > here in New Jersey, winter stayed late, spring had below normal
> > temperatures, we had no summer at all, just cool temps and tons of
> > rain, this winter came early, and I'm sitting here listening to my
> > furnace run continuously. Maybe the rest of the world is warm and
> > sunny, but I'm not convinced. And if there is global warming, please
> > send me some.
> >
> > Tenorlove
> > freezing
> Years ago I read a fascinating article by a geologist - oh, how I wish I
> kept it! - and he was saying that the geological record showed that the
> Earth, prior to 10,000 years ago, had a volitile weather system.  Then,
> he said, for some reason, for 10,000 years we have had stable weather
> systems, which he said had given man the stability needed to spread
> across the world and develop civilizations.  Then he said that this
> period of weather stability was ending.  I think he was right.
> Isn't it awful when you lose track of a great article?  Sorry that I
> can't cite it - perhaps someone on the list has heard this theory and
> can share?
> Kelly


What you are referring to is the " interglacial " period of an ice age.
We are now, and have always been living in an ice age.

The cycle runs as follows: 100,000 years.( More or less.)

90,000 years are in a glacial period; where the world climate is cold.
10,000 years are in interglacial; where the temperature warms. It is during
this period that plant life expands dramatically in the biosphere.

It's not that the interglacial is stable which is important to us, but
that it is WARM and stable. The climate is very stable during the glacial
period. And, for longer periods of time.

The climate IS changing. THAT is what is important. We have reached the end
of the interglacial period. Humans didn't cause this phenomenon. It is a
natural cycle. This means that environmentalists ( I consider myself one )
are simply wrong if they blame humans. They are trying to make reality
fit their ideology. But their intent is right on. While human doings don't
actually CAUSE the climactic changes, the do influence them. That means that
human activity in the use of fossil fuels are ACCELERATING the process of
warming which is part of the natural cycle, instead of doing the opposite. We
should be decelerating the process until we can figure out what humanity
needs to do to survive the changes successfully.

The MAIN REASON for the acceleration of the warming changes is the continued
use of fossil fuels, and modern agricultural methods.  THE MAIN REASON  we
continue these methods are because of the type of economic system we have
and its imposition on the rest of humanity THROUGH GLOBALIZATION.

Capitalism and its motivation of greed, together with its concentration of
wealth and power into the hands of those who own and run corporations, ARE

There is no point to separating your garbage while businessmen pay workers
to cut down trees for profit, and Big Oil and car making corporations continue
to profit from fossil fuels.

This is the REAL bottom line.


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