Monday January 15 11:10 AM ET
Iraq to Donate $94 Million to Poor Americans

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Iraqi government, at a meeting chaired by President
Saddam Hussein, Monday agreed to donate 100 million euros ($94 million) to
poor Americans, the official Iraqi News Agency (INA) said.

``The cabinet decided, on humanitarian grounds, to allocate 100 million
euros to be distributed to poor Americans,'' INA said, adding an Iraqi
commission would be formed to supervise distribution of the money.

It said U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web sites) would be
notified of the donation.

INA said there were 30 million people living below the poverty line in the
United States -- Iraq's sworn enemy.

Iraq is under a United Nations (news - web sites) humanitarian program to
relieve its population from the effects of economic sanctions imposed over
the country's invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

Baghdad's proceeds from oil sales are used to buy food, medicine and other
essential goods under U.N. monitoring.

Last month, Saddam pledged one billion euros to Palestinians to aid their
uprising against Israeli occupation.

($1-1.062 Euro)

Iraq to Donate $94 Million to Poor Americans.url

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