-Caveat Lector-

I listened while doing other work to the Ashcroft hearings
and found them very sad, also.  Judge White said he did not
think Ashcroft's decision concerning him was racist.  I will
go on record as saying I think, based on what has come out
at these hearings, that Ashcroft made the right decision
concerning this man.  White stated that Johnson should "be
set free and given a second chance" after killing four
people in cold blood, of which two were deputy sheriffs and
a sheriff's wife (when he could not find the sheriff and in
the presence of their eight year old daughter).  If this man
had "inadequate" counsel because they did not get him off on
these killings, that does not mean it is "unfair" as lawyers
are supposed to first seek justice and then the interest of
their clients.  I do not think a judge that ruled this way
is fit to serve at the federal level, either.

Nothing I saw made Ahscroft look nearly as bad as his
accusers looked with their PC agenda.  They DID have the
look of debauchery about them as does so much of the
outgoing administration, that taint and whiff of corruption.
So beware of Reno driving a red pick up truck across the
nation.  I will also bet there are a few places where she
will not be welcomed, too.  It is time for some new people
and faces and values and ideas as those espoused by Ted
Kennedy and Barbara Boxer and Barney Franks are past their
prime.  Their time has come and gone.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Richer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 12:21 AM
Subject: [CTRL] The Dorian Gray Legacy

> -Caveat Lector-
> Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!
> The Dorian Gray Legacy
> Diane Alden
> Jan. 18, 2001
> What is wrong with this picture? Whatever "gravitas"
Senators and
> Representatives Kennedy, Boxer, Durbin, Franks, et al.
ever had, they have
> blown. They have been Clintonized, which is something like
Martinizing, I
> suppose, in that it protects them from anything
approaching common sense and
> decency. Their attacks on their former colleague are not
only unprofessional,
> they are also ludicrous.
> Democratic Ashcroft-bashers know their Senate colleague to
be a good and
> decent man, certainly not a racist, a fair man, discerning
and thoughtful, a
> person who holds beliefs which (God forbid) are Christian.
The hearings,
> however, serve another purpose - they do show us a picture
of America that is
> frightening.
> According to the left, John Ashcroft's sins include the
fact that he is not
> pro-abortion, he believes in the Second Amendment to the
Constitution, he
> actually upholds the spirit as well as the letter of the
law in the various
> offices to which he has been elected. His actions as
governor and senator
> have shown that he has integrity. Many of his former
associates have said so.
> However, members of the left - and it goes without saying
that includes the
> media, as well as the above-named politicians - have
created a devil straw
> man in John Ashcroft and call it reality.
> Ashcroft once made a judgment call on a judicial
appointment who happened to
> be black. So what? Everyone has made judgment calls, and
unless the person is
> a blithering idiot or a fool, such calls are usually based
on reasons that
> have nothing to do with being racist but have everything
to do with common
> sense and prudence. For instance, you don't drive through
a riot in urban
> areas with black populations if you are white. You don't
walk in the projects
> in Atlanta at 2 a.m. on a Saturday night unless you have a
death wish. You
> don't go to a white fundamentalist church that expects you
to handle
> poisonous snakes because they take a passage from the
bible literally. None
> of this is racist; it is simply making personal judgment
calls based on what
> can and has happened to those who choose to do foolish and
> things.
> The judicial appointee that John Ashcroft judged as not
cut out to serve on a
> federal court made a judicial decision that Senator
Ashcroft thought defied
> common sense. Ashcroft's reasons for not voting for the
appointment were
> similar to what other responsible individuals, both black
and white, had
> given for not wanting to appoint that same man to the
bench. For the left to
> extrapolate Ashcroft's call as a sign of racism indicates
just how crazy and
> foolish and pathetic they have become.
> However, what was personally sad for me was to watch the
hearings as Senator
> Kennedy stumbled and mumbled and made himself look like a
total fool. His
> attack on Ashcroft was indecipherable, like listening to
an old drunk at a
> bar babble about some event that makes no sense
whatsoever. Kennedy had no
> reasoned defense of his attacks on Ashcroft. It was a
pleasure to see Senator
> Kyl of Arizona stand up to him.
> It was also personally sad for me to remember Kennedy's
dignified and
> eloquent words, looks and demeanor at the funerals of his
two brothers. There
> is none of that about him now. Supposedly a Roman
Catholic, Kennedy bashing
> John Ashcroft for his beliefs as a Christian is almost
impossible to
> comprehend.
> Since the senators, Democrats especially, are making
judgments on John
> Ashcroft's philosophy and beliefs as a Christian, perhaps
it would be wise to
> make a few about Democrats and what they believe as well.
> After watching some of them attack him, it was apparent
that many of those
> attacks have nothing to do with ferreting out the truth
about what Ashcroft
> believes or how he would uphold the law. It does indicate,
however, that
> Democrats believe Christians who hold orthodox beliefs
cannot hold public
> office.
> That means that nearly 50 percent of the people of the
United States are
> disenfranchised. That means that only those who believe
that the transference
> of wealth from producers to takers are acceptable for
elective office.
> That means that only those who consider the Bill of Rights
as a negotiable
> set of principles are allowed in the big club.
> That means that you can lie, cheat, steal, rape, think
unrestricted abortion
> is the new sacrament of the P.C. religion, use various
government agencies to
> punish opponents, confiscate millions of acres of various
states, burn
> churches and small children, as in Waco, send an innocent
6-year-old back to
> a ruthless communist dictatorship, sell national security
secrets to the
> highest bidder, allow millions of acres of public forests
to burn, take over
> 50 percent of people's incomes in taxes, fees and hidden
charges, create
> division by demanding multiculturalism, keep educational
policies that
> produce illiterates, not say a word when one of your more
visible followers
> says on national TV that the family of a United States
Congressman should be
> stoned to death, sign executive orders that rewrite the
Constitution, and
> turn the presidency into an unconstitutional imperial
office with its own
> praetorian guard, bread and circuses and expensive perks
of office, while
> turning a blind eye to blatant corruption and creating a
society more divided
> than at any time since the Civil War.
> All of that is okay, but by all means do not allow decency
to creep back into
> the various offices of the land, especially in the person
of a Christian like
> John Ashcroft.
> Having said all that, the Senate confirmation hearings
were sad for other
> reasons as well. The worst was watching Senator Ted
Kennedy. It reminded me
> of the Oscar Wilde story, "The Picture of Dorian Gray." As
the story goes,
> over the years a man favored by God with looks, money and
position in the
> world seems to remain uncorrupted by time. Meanwhile, in
his attic an oil
> painting of him reflects the vileness and decadence not
revealed by his
> public face.
> Ted Kennedy, once the presumptive heir to John and Robert
Kennedy's dreams of
> Camelot, was formerly the epitome of strength and handsome
Irish charm, the
> Kennedy who spoke so eloquently at the funerals of his two
brothers. That
> picture of vibrancy and can-do spirit is no more. The Ted
Kennedy harassing
> John Ashcroft during the confirmation hearings and
threatening filibuster is
> now America's face of Dorian Gray. Ted Kennedy reflects
what some of us have
> become as a nation: bloated, sickly, incoherent,
thoughtless, without class,
> a twisted entity, lacking in dignity and honor, totally
bereft of a sense of
> justice, decency or fair play.
> Wise men say that when youthful beauty fades, the face you
are left with
> reflects what you have done in life, what and who you have
become. The face
> of Ted Kennedy is perhaps the face of our own times. The
promise of youth has
> degenerated into the ugly truth of age. There is no
softness or wisdom, no
> glow of inner redemption, no understanding of what one has
> It isn't just that his looks have faded and gravity of the
physical sort has
> changed him; after all, even Ted Kennedy should be allowed
old age and what
> comes with it. Rather, he does not possess the look of
someone who has lived
> life well. There is no beauty in his face, the kind of
beauty most
> grandparents reflect. There is no indication of a life in
which the spirit
> has triumphed over the physical. It is the same look Bill
Clinton is
> developing and it mirrors the mocking arrogance,
selfishness, decadence and
> misuse of God-given gifts.
> But the personal sadness in seeing Ted Kennedy's visage,
the sense of loss
> watching as he attacked his former colleague, was almost
unbearable because I
> know he is a representation of what we have become as a
nation the last 40
> years. Ted Kennedy is our Dorian Gray.
> Let's hope that when John Ashcroft is finally confirmed,
and he will be, he
> and the Bush administration will begin the long, slow
process of
> rehabilitating that picture.
> Sadly, Bill Clinton's legacy is on the face of far too
many Democrats and
> Republicans - and Americans as well. Ted Kennedy and
Barbara Boxer, Dianne
> Feinstein and Barney Franks, Maxine Waters and Charles
Schummer are the face
> of power corrupted. We are Clintonized, and that is the
tragedy of this
> generation. It is everywhere - in the media, our
entertainment, our
> literature, and our personal lives. The senators merely
offer us another
> opportunity to view the picture in the attic of our
national slide into
> decadence.
> The attacks on Ashcroft by Bill Clinton's Democrats have
finally defined
> their version of Americanism. THAT is Clinton's legacy,
and it is not a
> pretty picture.
> (Please check out my Web site at www.aldenchronicles.com -
we are more than
> just politics.)
> -----------------
> Diane Alden is a research analyst with a background in
political science and
> economics
> *COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C.
Section 107,
> any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under
fair use
> without profit or payment to those who have expressed a
prior interest
> in receiving the included information for nonprofit
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> purposes only.[Ref.
http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]
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