US power generating companies have expressed an interest in building
electrical power plants in Mexico, appealing because of its lack of
anti-pollution regulations.

Energy on Bush's Agenda With Fox

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush is likely to bring up California's power
problems in discussions with Mexico's president next month in hopes that
Mexico will expand power plant construction so that more electricity can flow
into the United States.

Officials acknowledge such initiatives will do little to address California's
current electricity shortages. But it will be key to a broader Bush
administration effort to promote a North American energy policy involving
both Mexico and Canada.

Bush had said on several occasions during the presidential campaign that he
viewed U.S. energy policy as transcending national boundaries. Two senior
Bush aides said Thursday that Bush might suggest that Mexico allow more
private U.S. capital to help build electricity plants and transmission lines,
especially in Baja south of California.

Mexican President Vicente Fox said Friday that his country cannot help
California because ``we don't have enough electricity for our own

Fox, attending an international forum in Davos, Switzerland, said he is
willing to develop a long-term energy policy with the United States and
Canada aimed at boosting energy generation and distribution.

Separately, officials said the Environmental Protection Agency was prepared
to temporarily waive some federal air quality standards if they interfere in
the full use of California's power plants. Such a waiver would be granted
only if California requested it to ease some of its current air pollution
rules affecting power plants.

The administration ``would be favorably disposed'' to such a request ``if
that's what they think they need,'' said Larry Lindsey, the president's chief
economic adviser.

California Gov. Gray Davis said the state's air pollution requirements - some
of the toughest in the country - have not hindered power production so far,
but that he would ask for a waiver if the need should arise.

``I believe we can get more plants on line and still respect the
environment,'' Davis said Thursday through a spokesman.

The state has made adjustments in air rules when needed to keep power flowing
without requiring waivers, said Jerry Martin, a spokesman for the California
Air Resources Board.

``Air quality has been a small bump in this energy crisis road,'' said Mike
Scheible, the board's deputy executive officer. ``Plants are operating and
air quality permit restrictions are not limiting their production.''

Two senior federal officials said Bush was expected to raise the issue of
more energy imports from Mexico - including electricity into California -
when he meets with Fox on Feb. 16, the first foreign trip Bush will make as

Some power already flows across interconnecting lines between Baja and
Southern California, moving in both directions depending on circumstances.
But Mexico's own power demands and little excess capacity has left little
room for additional exports, energy experts said.

Maximum power plant production in Baja currently is 1,600 megawatts, but
domestic demand is 1,200 megawatts, according to the North American Electric
Reliability Council, an industry-sponsored group.

But U.S. power generating companies have expressed an interest in building
electricity plants in Mexico, where some environmental regulations and
permitting requirements are less stringent than in the United States.

While Mexico's electricity system is government-owned and operated, the
Mexican government has eased its restrictions on allowing private development
of generating plants. With growing electricity needs, Mexico wants to build
16 new power plants, some of which will export to the United States,
according to Alfredo Elias Ayub, director of Mexico's electricity commission.
   Construction on one of those plants is under way six miles south of the
border in Baja, where a Boston-based conglomerate, InterGen Corp., is
building a 765 megawatt power plant with about a third of the electricity for
export. On average, one megawatt can power about 1,000 homes.

The natural gas plant is expected to be ready by 2003, although with the
current power problems in California ``we're looking possibly at
accelerating'' the schedule, said John Foster, InterGen's senior vice
president for Latin America.

Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, both former energy company executives,
have said in recent interviews that they would like to see U.S. capital help
develop more such plants in Mexico as well as expand shipments of Mexican
natural gas into the United States.

Even with the less stringent permitting requirements in Mexico ``it takes
about two years to complete a major generating facility like this,'' Foster
said in a telephone interview.

On the Net: California Independent System Operator, controller of the power

California Air Resources Board:

Environmental Protection Agency:

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