-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service - http://www.tzemach.org/fyi

A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 27 January 2001 / 3 Shevat 5761

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"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou wilt revive me; Thou wilt
stretch forth Thy hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Thy right hand
will save me." Psalm 138.7



:: QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "We must reach an agreement with the Palestinians,
even at the expense of tearing the nation apart and a split. Unity is a
recipe for no decision." Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami, on the eve of
the talks last Sunday in Egypt's Taba resort in Sinai

Mount by the Moslem Waqf continues, with the permission of Prime Minister
Barak -- although he maintains that he has issued an order to stop it.
Archaeologist Dr. Gabi Barkai, of the Committee to Prevent Destruction on
the Temple Mount, told ARUTZ-7 that over the course of this past Sabbath
[Jan 20], "We received reports that a tractor worked throughout the
Sabbath, and that a 50-meter [55 yards] long trench was dug leading out of
the southern entrance of the Dome of the Rock. This is a tremendous
violation of the status quo -- the ancient floor, which has not been
touched for hundreds of years, has been dug up. All the earthmoving works
that the Waqf has carried out until now were on the southern and
southeastern areas of the Mount, which are a bit lower down, but yesterday
for the first time they started digging up the upper level of the Temple
Mount -- where the Holy Temple itself stood, according to all
archaeologists and rabbis." Last week, Prime Minister Barak issued permits
for Waqf construction on the Mount, against the recommendations of
Attorney-General Elyakim Rubenstein, the police, and the Antiquities
Authority. Barak said last Sunday that he had ordered Public Security
Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami to close off the entrance through which the Waqf
equipment enters the Mount. Dr. Barkai said, "This is simply not true --
all the works have been done, as far as we know, with his approval....
Heavy equipment and trucks are going in and out of the northern gates
around the Mount, and 150 tons of dirt have been removed in the past
weeks." HA'ARETZ reported that the Waqf had announced that it would halt
all construction on the Mount on Sunday.

Fresh eye-witness accounts indicate the Muslim Waqf has added a new tunnel
accessing the ancient Hulda Gates corridor to its growing list of
"archaeological crimes" on the Temple Mount. The tunnel reportedly runs
underground from below the Al Aqsa mosque to the Hulda Gates area, which
dates back to the Second Temple era. Although Israeli police denied the
reports, journalists and others who saw the new tunnel first-hand said it
includes electric lighting and an observation pit with an iron grille in
the floor through which can be seen remnants of an old floor.

recent Moslem "spin" is that there is no Jewish connection to the Temple
Mount, the Supreme Moslem Council in Jerusalem wrote in 1930 that the
site's identification with the First Temple is "beyond dispute."  Etgar
Lefkovits wrote in THE JERUSALEM POST Friday that the Council -- the
supreme Moslem body appointed by the British to administer Moslem and Waqf
affairs in mandatory Palestine -- published an English-language tourist
guide that states, "The site is one of the oldest in the world. Its
sanctity dates from the earliest times. Its identity with the site of
Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to
universal belief, on which David built there an altar unto the Lord, and
offered burnt offerings and peace offerings." The PA/PLO Mufti Ikrima
Sabri on Friday denied the report stating it was taken out of context.
Sabri says the entire area, including the Western Wall, belongs to Islam.
He denies that there ever was a Temple there and says the Jews have no
historic connection to Jerusalem.

:: THE MURDERS CONTINUE: In the latest instance of Israelis being brutally
murdered in Palestinian areas, masked Arab gunmen grabbed two owners of a
Tel Aviv restaurant who were shopping in PA/PLO-controlled Tulkarm on
Tuesday and executed them on the edge of town. Israelis Motti Dayan, 27,
and Etgar Zeitouny, 34, were abducted Tuesday as they were dining.
Terrorists took them out to a field, and shot them in the head at close
range. The Israel Defense Force [IDF] immediately encircled Tulkarm, and
security officials reissued warnings to Israelis that entering
PA/PLO-controlled areas is not only dangerous but also forbidden.

The killings came just six days after Palestinians murdered 16 year-old
Israeli high school student Ofir Rachum, who was lured to
PA/PLO-controlled Ram'Allah and shot dead. The woman who set the fatal
Internet trap for Rachum was arrested on Friday night by Israeli
undercover agents. She is an active Fatah member, with an identity card
from Jerusalem. IDF Chief of Staff Gen. Shaul Mofaz said Ram'Allah-based
Fatah agents, including men who "danced on the blood" of IDF reservists
murdered in last October's lynching, have been collared by Israeli agents
as suspects. The Arafat-led Fatah is a sub-group of the PLO terrorist
organization, Israel's "peace" partner.

Akiva Pachkoz, 45, of Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem, was murdered Thursday
evening by Palestinian terrorists in the Atarot industrial zone in
northern Jerusalem, minutes after having dropped off some of his Arab
workers at a nearby intersection. Pachkoz is survived by his wife Bilhah
and five children, aged 3 to 21 years-old.

:: TABA TALKS END WITH NO AGREEMENT: Israeli-Palestinian peace talks ended
with an upbeat tone but no agreement Saturday, leaving further peace
efforts to a possible meeting between Barak and Arafat. Though an accord
remained distant, the two sides said in a joint statement that the six-day
talks in the Red Sea resort of Taba were "unprecedented in their positive
atmosphere" and left them closer than ever to an agreement.

Ya'ari reported Thursday night that Israeli negotiators at Taba agreed to
relinquish earlier demands concerning a continued Israeli presence in
Kiryat Arba and the Jewish Community of Hebron following a "final status
agreement". About a month ago it was announced that Israel would grant the
PA/PLO sovereignty in all of Hebron, but that the area of the Jewish
community in Hebron would be "leased" to Israel for 20 years. A Hebron
community spokesman issued the following statement: "It is not surprising
that negotiators Yossi Beilin, Yossi Sarid and Shlomo ben Ami agreed to
total abandonment of Hebron and Kiryat Arba. According to their
philosophies of life, Hebron's heritage is 'a thing of the past' with no
importance to the present or the future."

:: PA/PLO SUPPORTS TERRORIST ATTACKS: The Palestinian ruling authorities
are not attempting at all to stop their youths who are throwing rocks and
shooting at -- and car-bombing -- Israelis. They are not trying to punish
them, nor are they even criticizing them. On the contrary, these activists
are being honored and praised from all directions for their deeds. They
are considered local heroes when they strike at and cause pain to
Israelis. Over the weekend, Jibril Rajoub specifically said to the
London-based newspaper, Al Hiyat: "We won't arrest those that Israel wants
us to arrest, and we won't take any action against them." The Interim
Agreement specifically states "The Palestinian Police will act
systematically against all expressions of violence and terror." Annex I
Article II Section 1.b. and "The Palestinian Police will act
systematically against all expressions of violence and terror." Annex I
Article II Section 1.d. and "Both sides will, in accordance with this
Agreement, act to ensure the immediate, efficient and effective handling
of any incident involving a threat or act of terrorism, violence or
incitement, whether committed by Palestinians or Israelis. To this end,
they will cooperate in the exchange of information and coordinate policies
and activities. Each side shall immediately and effectively respond to the
occurrence or anticipated occurrence of an act of terrorism, violence or
incitement and shall take all necessary measures to prevent such an
occurrence." Annex I Article II Section 2.

:: BUSH "LOOKING INTO" MOVING EMBASSY: US President Bush has told his
staff to start looking at how to move the US Embassy in Israel from Tel
Aviv to Jerusalem to fulfill his campaign pledge, officials said Monday.
"The president asked his foreign-policy team to look into how the move
could be accomplished," said White House Deputy Press Secretary Mary Ellen
Countryman. She said the team "will report back," but that there is no
specific time frame for the move. An Israeli government official told The
Post last night that Israel regards the White House announcement as a
token of goodwill but doesn't believe Bush will do anything substantive
while Israeli-Palestinian negotiations are continuing.

Meanwhile, the new US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, decided Tuesday
not to appoint a new Middle East peace envoy to replace Dennis Ross.
Powell's decision is yet another sign of the changes in US foreign policy.
The new government is signaling that America will play a less active role
in the peace process than it has done so far. A State Department
spokesperson said that the US still has a vested interest in the peace
process, but will not be taking part in the peace talks.

:: HAPPY ALIYAH: Following its successful immigration-to-Israel program
last year, the homegrown initiative Aliyah B'Simcha - Happy Immigration -
is back in business.  The town of Ma'aleh Levonah - 30 minutes north of
Jerusalem - is arranging an Aliyah pilot-trip package during the week of
Purim, between March 6 and March 11.  Families interested in immigrating
to Israel will be hosted at low cost, and will be treated to housing and
jobs seminars, meetings with residents and school representatives, and
tours of Yesha and other areas.  The organizers will even reimburse the
families for the costs of the flights - if they make Aliyah by this summer
and buy a home in Ma'aleh Levonah or the vicinity.  The program is being
arranged by Eric Wiseberg, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

:: NEWS IN THE REGION: Syrian dictator Bashar Assad concluded his first
official visit to Tehran on Thursday by agreeing with his Iranian hosts
that Israel and her US ally currently are in a period of weakness that
should be exploited on behalf of the Palestinians. According to Assad, the
renewed Palestinian intifada was a "positive development" and resulted
from the success of the resistance by the radical Shi'ite militia
Hizb'Allah against Israel in south Lebanon.

Meanwhile, the Syrian army is indeed on high alert, as reported in
Monday's HA'ARETZ, sources with links in Damascus confirmed Tuesday in a
report in the London-based AL HAYAT. The HA'ARETZ report stated that Syria
is redeploying for fear of an Israeli attack before the elections. Israel
has relayed warnings to Syria through both the United States and the
European Union that a Hizb'Allah attack on the northern border would
result in massive retaliation that would change the balance of power in
the Middle East.

In other news, a large concentration of Iraqi troops was recently deployed
on the Syrian border under an agreement between Iraqi dictator Saddam
Hussein and Syrian President Bashar Assad. Saddam moved the troops into
position after consulting Assad and securing his permission. Assad
apparently seized this as an opportunity to warn Israel that if it enacts
its threat to attack Syria as a response to a strike by Hizb'Allah, then
Israel would have to face a much larger-scale threat of Syrian forces
backed-up by Iraqis. Hussein stressed that Iraq is ready to bombard Israel
for six continuous months.

The United States has sent a Patriot anti-missile defense battery to
Israel amid heightened concerns of a Middle East war. Pentagon sources
said the heightened tension in the Middle East prompted a decision to
place on alert US forces in Germany and Italy. They said Washington has
been concerned about an Iraqi attack on Israel amid reports that several
Iraqi divisions have moved close to the Syrian border.

:: BARAK IS REACHING: Arik Sharon, the driving force of every successful
war Israel had to fight, was ambushed by a young high school girl, coached
to lie for Ehud Barak. Arik Sharon was ambushed by high-school student
Il'el Komei, head of the pro-Barak campaign forum at the Eshel HaNasi
school in the Negev, who stood up in her Barak T-shirt and asked why he
did not take responsibility for her shell-shocked father, caught up in one
of Sharon's battles in Lebanon. As it turned out, her father, Tzvika,, a
Barak supporter was wounded in a battle directed by Ehud Barak at Sultan
Ya'akoub. HA'ARETZ reported January 23rd that Barak commanded the Sultan
Ya'akoub battle, advancing forces into a Syrian trap without proper cover.
Tzvika, an activist in the Be'er Sheva region on behalf of Barak, was
quoted in MA'ARIV as being "concerned by reports he has heard over the
years that Ehud Barak slept during the battle and that it was prohibited
to disturb him during critical moments in the battle."

SOURCES: Arutz-7, Ha'aretz, Jerusalem Post, ICEJ, IMRA, Israel Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, AP, World Tribune, MENL

:: SUGGESTED WEB SITES: The city of Ariel, located in Samaria, is not the
Internet: http://www.ariel.muni.il/
You can obtain information about the city, the Ariel Development Fund,
Tourism, and listen to The Voice of the City of Ariel.

For an exhaustive site with information on the Temple Mount, go to: "The
Temple Mount in Jerusalem"  http://www.templemount.org/

:: UPCOMING ISRAEL TRIP: Fellowship Church [of which Tzemach News Service
is a ministry] is sponsoring a trip to Israel November 4 - 16, 2001. Do
not let the current situation deter you from visiting G-d's land. If you
feel the L-rd leading you to go, then trust in Him and go. The trip will
cover areas in Judea and Samaria as well as the Galilee. Tentative areas
to be visited include Ariel, Hebron, Kiryat Arba, Bracha, Megiddo, the
Golan Heights, Beit She'an, Qumran and sites in and around Jerusalem. You
will see the Bible come alive. We will meet and talk with people who live
by faith in the land given to them by G-d. Due to the current situation in
the Land, the schedule is still tentative. For further information, send
an email request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will
not rest." Isaiah 62.1

Tzemach News Service (TNS) is a ministry of Tzemach Institute for Biblical
Studies (http://www.tzemach.org)

Comments and suggestions may be sent to Lee Underwood

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