-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


31 January 2001 - "Give the Troops a Chance and continue the Mission"

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

"In war, Resolution; in defeat, Defiance; in victory, Magnanimity; in peace,
Winston Churchill

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO

Note: This Newsletter contains articles and editorial comments that are
copyrighted to SFTT and require the Chief Editor's or author specific
authorization before further dissemination.

SITREP from the President

"Through Zman's Gun Sight"
Give'em a Chance and Continue Mission

HACK's Target for the Week:
Basics Before Bells & Whistles

The Big Picture:
Article 1 - Marines cede Control of Osprey Probe
Article 2 -- Pentagon Lacks Iraq Arms Evidence
Article 3 -- U.S. Forces placed on Alert -- Patriot Anti-missile Battery
deployed to Israel

Voice of the Grunt:
Article 4 - Desert Storm Remembered
Article 5 - Senior Leader Corruption at the Root of our Military in Crisis
Article 6 -- "Join the People who Joined the Army"
Article 7 -- Pointers for the New Prez
Article 8 -- Air Force: Desert Storm - My War Too
Article 9 - The LAV - Can it Roll-On and Off a C130 Combat Ready?
Article 10 - Rules Of Engagement -- ROE
Article 11 - Everybody should be a Trained Rifleman
Article 12 - Troop Health: Keesler Doctor awaits Ruling in Anthrax Case

G.I Humor:
Article 13 -- GI HUMOR - Keep the Loser, as long He's on the Other Team

Medal of Honor:
Article 14 -- DIX, DREW DENNIS, Vietnam 1968


A. Main topics: 1) Military reporting 2) Desert Storm 3) Training and
Equipment 4) ROE 5) Anthrax


Again, thanks for all the info you're sending. Tour notes are our direct line
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* Questions/Info requests for next week:

(1) What do you think about the Depleted Uranium controversy? Do you think
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(2) Please keep sending in your personal Desert Storm or other combat
(3) I need more feedback for my Sergeants' Corner - remember, this is you
chance to sound off!

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Prepare for Action -- "Crew Ready! -- LOAD SABOT - DRIVER MOVE OUT!"

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT

"Through Zman's Gun Sight"
Give'em a Chance and Continue Mission

By R.W. (Zimm) Zimmermann
President Soldiers For The Truth

Army Tank Mistakenly Opens Fire On Ft. Carson! That was just one of the
recent headlines that ran in numerous papers to highlight military blunders
with very shallow insight. From the sound of it, you would have believed that
the target vehicles had become flaming infernos and fried everyone inside.

I am normally suspicious of senior leader cover-ups and the growing trend of
not holding people responsible for blatant mistakes, but having been in the
gunnery and killing business for a while, I'd like to raise the caution flag
before hyping up every training accident.

Excessive media hype only makes it much more difficult for our dedicated
NonComs and soldiers to train for the rigors of combat. More hype produces
more career fear in senior leaders who will automatically tighten the
micromanagement screws and prevent good troops from doing their jobs.

The Ft. Carson firing mishap is typical for many other over-reported
incidents. First of all, the accident happened under fairly difficult range
conditions -- while firing on multiple lanes with a variety of combat
vehicles. But most importantly, no one was killed or injured. That's a GOOD

Most comments from the field focused on the career damage done to the
officers involved and most assuredly, to the tank commander. The military
buzzword, "career-ender" was on everyone's mind.

I'd like to remind all the hanging judges out there that training for combat
isn't an easy task. Gunnery ranges are the ultimate skills tests and even the
slightest mistake doesn't result in just in a paper cut.

I'm not advocating accepting training accidents that maim or kill soldiers,
but I believe that some accidents will happen. What should happen to the
troops involved in such a mishap? First of all, it's important not to
undermine their confidence in the plan, their skills, or the weapons systems.
Find out what went wrong and attempt to continue mission as quickly as

If possible, retrain and re-fire immediately. A good gunny sergeant or master
gunner will do miracles in retraining and can determine if the crew should
fire again. Maybe he should even go downrange with the boys to monitor crew

Most of the time, a hands-on, sensible approach to an incident will actually
create a crew that learns from the mistake and becomes a productive and
lethal addition to the unit. If no death or injury occurred, continue mission
-- you would in combat!

There is however, always the case when a crew can't get it together and
retraining doesn't do it.
That is when leaders have to take firm action for the benefit of the team.

A tank commander, for example, was recruited to build and run a lethal team
that can master a 70 ton steel monster, designed to kill the enemy. If you've
given him decent people and he can't qualify his machine, it's time NOT to
"max" his efficiency report. For many leaders that's terribly difficult
because most want to be liked and we were all trained to believe that
everyone is wonderful.

During my recent years in command, I too often saw efficiency reports for
NCOs and officers that stated how wonderful the man was: "Great organizer of
Kit Carson Week; helped the First Sergeant with the Christmas party; looks
great in uniform and on funeral details etc. When I asked about his ability
to qualify a crew, silence prevailed.

I think today's Army has problems determining what's critical to accomplish
the mission and who is best at the job. We shouldn't rate our troop leaders
on the successes of cookie bakes and we shouldn't care if a tank commander's
wife attends every family readiness group meeting.

We need to remember, that combat soldiers are in the killing business and
their number one job is to take down an enemy before he does it to us.

Oftentimes, your real killers are the quiet guys or the ones that are a bit
gruff. Sometimes they are superstitious and might wear a bag of chicken bones
around their necks during gunnery, which could easily offend your religious
beliefs. Some even have wives with careers and who won't have anything to do
with the military. Please, respect them for who they are and reward them for
their soldier skills and not their social correctness.

And never forget that we all make mistakes. Mistakes, when forgiven, after
the lesson was properly internalized, can make for a more proficient trooper
in combat.

Don't read too much into all the media panic and continue mission.

(c) R.W. Zimmermann, LandserUSA

Note: This article is copyrighted by the author and requires his approval for
other than newsletter further dissemination.

HACK's Target for the Week:
Basics Before Bells & Whistles

By David Hackworth

War is in the wind. But you wouldn't know it if you get your news from
Brokaw, Jennings and Rather.

Here's the skinny: The Israelis are leaning forward in their foxholes. Their
troops are locked and cocked, and their logistical types have been roving the
world with checkbooks at high port, buying bombs and bullets aplenty.

Now the USA is rushing to the rescue:

* All our Scud Busters -- Patriot missiles -- in U.S. Forces Europe have been
quietly deployed from V Corps in Germany to Israel. But while we're providing
that troubled country with theater missile-protection, we've left our
soldiers stark naked, unable to stop a single Scud.

* Our ground combat forces in Germany -- a complete armored corps -- have
moved out into the field "to train." An insider there says, "Training, hell.
We're contingency planning for a fight in the Middle East."

Armies are always contingency planning. So it could be over the top to say
we're going to strip Europe of all our warriors and completely take sides in
a conflict that might eventually involve weapons of mass destruction -- nukes
as well as chemical and biological weapons.

The deployment to Israel of the 69th Air Defense Brigade -- complete with all
its Chem/Bio protection gear -- and V Corps' current war games both began
last month on Bill Clinton's watch. The Bush bunch was presented with the
problem on Jan. 20. Just the way JFK inherited the Bay of Pigs debacle from
Ike, and Clinton had the Somali disaster dumped in his lap by Bush the Elder.

Bush the Younger signed off on the Patriot deployment plan last week when he
gave the 69th the green light to go give the Arabs a live-fire anti-Scud
sound-and-light show presently scheduled for next week. Now the nightmare's
all his, and we can thank our lucky stars he has Dick Cheney and Colin Powell
-- who've walked that desert walk -- securing his flanks. And ours.

The Israeli-Arab fight is no new event. Flip open your Bible and you can
brush up on the earlier rounds. Like the shootouts between the Hatfields and
McCoys, it won't be going away any time soon. Nor will any of the other feuds
running hot in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Southern Europe and the former
Soviet Union states.

Since World War II, we've become increasingly responsible for making things
right in a world full of long-term wrongs. Even more so since the Soviet Bear
went down. And right or wrong, as High Sheriff, it's critical that our troops
always have what they need to do the job and are razor-sharp enough to do it

Bush's new Pentagon team has taken over a military that's worn out -- not
only materially but morally. Not exactly Desert Storm good-to-go, the force
is more like a fire department with half of its fire engines sitting on flats
while four-alarm fires rage in every direction.

Right now, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is eyeballing a shopping list
of missiles, ships, fighters and armored vehicles courtesy of the
military-industrial-congressional complex, when his No. 1 priority should be
rebuilding our force and fixing or replacing whatever basic stuff it needs
the most.

Sure, all this dough's great for some of the heavies who dug deep to put Bush
in the saddle. But ordering up more whiz-bang, gold-plated wonder gear --
unworkable Star Wars missiles, Cold War F-22 fighters, crash-and-burn V-22
helicopters and new armored cars that promise to make the U.S. Army capable
of doing what the U.S. Marines already do well -- should go on hold.

The new SecDef's first order should be to hammer the nail back in the horse's
shoe so we don't lose the horse and eventually the rider. Hopefully Rumsfeld,
who comes from the old school of never seeing a weapon system he didn't want
to buy, can steer clear of any big-ticket Cold War-type spending sprees for a
while. You know, impose a shopping moratorium on the bells-and-whistles
wonder weapons while he tends to the basics.

Warriors who are well-equipped, well-trained and well-led are far more
critical to winning battles than most of that ultrahigh-tech, mainly
unnecessary stuff on the wish list that's pretty much just more of the
same-old, same-old pork for pals at corporate America.
Http://www.hackworth.com is the address of David Hackworth's home page. Send
mail to P.O. Box 5210, Greenwich, CT 06831. (c) 2001 David H. Hackworth.
Distributed by King Features Syndicate Inc.

Marines Cede Control of Osprey Probe
Ed.: Actually the RIGHT way to do business and regain credibility. This
investigation should thoroughly look at the trend of false readiness
reporting, triggered by chain of command pressure and the possibility of
contractor influence through the revolving door job market, that draws
departing service members with inside knowledge. An AP report -- 01/24/01.


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Marine Corps ceded control of its V-22 Osprey
investigation to the Pentagon's inspector general, citing the ``nature and
gravity'' of allegations that the Osprey squadron commander asked
subordinates to falsify maintenance data.

In a brief statement Wednesday, Gen. James L. Jones, Commandant of the Marine
Corps, said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld approved his request that the
Defense Department's top investigator take control of the inquiry.

The investigation was begun last Thursday by Brig. Gen. Timothy F. Ghormley,
the Marine Corps inspector general. He headed a team that flew to the Osprey
squadron's base at New River, N.C., and began interviewing all 241 members of
the squadron, including the commander, Lt. Col. Odin Fred Leberman.

Jones is one of the strongest advocates of the Osprey, an aircraft that uses
unique tilt-rotor technology to take off and land like a helicopter and fly
like an airplane. The Osprey is supposed to replace the Marines' aging fleet
of troop transport helicopters.

``While I have complete confidence that (Ghormley) and his staff would
conduct a thorough, complete and unbiased investigation into these
allegations, I am concerned that the nature and gravity of the allegations
may invite unwarranted perceptions of command influence or institutional
bias,'' Jones said.

He also noted that the $40 billion Osprey program's future affects other
military services, particularly the Air Force.

A Marine Corps spokeswoman, Col. Betsy Judge, said Jones decided on his own
that the credibility of the Osprey investigation would be strengthened if it
were conducted independent of the Marine Corps. In a letter released
Wednesday, Sens. John Warner, R-Va., and Carl Levin, D-Mich., took the same

``This program will not be able to move forward unless and until the Defense
Department has restored confidence in the integrity of the V-22 program and
the people managing it,'' Warner and Levin wrote in a letter to Rumsfeld.

Warner is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee that oversees the
Pentagon, and Levin is the committee's top Democrat

The senators said the investigators should be independent of the Navy
Department, of which the Marines are a part, since the allegations bear on
the ``integrity of information'' provided to Congress.

At the time of a December Osprey crash, the Pentagon was about to decide
whether to give the go-ahead for full-scale production. That decision has
been put off pending a high-level review.

Allegations against Leberman threaten to undermine congressional confidence
in the Osprey program, which already is under intense scrutiny as a result of
two crashes last year that killed 23 Marines.

The Marines have said they believe the alleged doctoring of maintenance
records in Leberman's squadron had no bearing on either of the crashes. The
first, last April in Arizona, killed 19 Marines and was blamed on pilot
error. The second, last December in North Carolina, killed four and is still
under investigation. Officials said last week they believe the latest crash
was caused by a hydraulics failure.

In an anonymous letter to the office of the Secretary of the Navy on Jan. 12,
a person who said he was an Osprey mechanic wrote, ``What we have been doing
is reporting aircraft that are down, as in they can't fly, as being up, as in
full mission capable. This type of deception has been going on for over two

Osprey maintenance personnel were ``being told they have to lie on
maintenance records to make the numbers look good,'' the letter said. It was
accompanied by an audio tape of Leberman talking to members of his squadron.

On Tuesday, Jones said the investigation of alleged fraud at New River would
determine whether higher-ups in the Pentagon or elsewhere put undue pressure
on Leberman to exaggerate the Osprey's readiness record.

``We will investigate this ... in an unlimited fashion to make sure that all
throughout the chain of command people have acted properly,'' Jones said in
an interview with PBS' ``Newshour with Jim Lehrer.''

The investigation includes ``looking at ourselves to see what it is that
might cause our commanders - or a commander - to feel that he would have to
do something like that,'' Jones said in the interview.

Pentagon Lacks Iraq Arms Evidence
Ed.: This isn't good. Before, you launch any attack, you ought to know what
you're trying to hit.
An AP report -- 01/23/01.


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon says it lacks firm evidence that Iraq has
accelerated its effort to rebuild a chemical and biological weapons arsenal.
Officials wonder what has been missed during the two-year absence of U.N.
inspectors and automated video monitors at suspected weapons factories.

``It's the lack of knowledge,'' Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. Craig Quigley
said Tuesday.

A senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a
secret analysis, known as a national intelligence estimate, was done recently
on Iraq's progress toward reconstituting its weapons of mass destruction. The
official said the analysis concluded that Iraq's efforts have put it in
position to produce new chemical or biological weapons quickly.

The official cited the example of a rebuilt facility that produces chlorine,
which has a legitimate use in water purification systems but also could be
used as an ingredient in deadly chemical weapons.

Quigley also noted the problem of such dual-use facilities in the hands of
President Saddam Hussein.

``There are plausible explanations that the Iraqi authorities have given for
the use of these facilities,'' he said. ``We just have no particular
confidence in his truthfulness.''

Quigley and others said the United States gained little additional insight
into Iraqi activities in recent months. ``I don't think our knowledge of the
activities inside those facilities is any greater than it was before,'' he

Iraq's rebuilding effort began shortly after the United States and Britain
bombed numerous Iraqi targets, including missile production plants and
special security forces, in December 1998. President Clinton declared
immediately after the raid that U.S. forces would strike again if Iraq began
reconstituting its chemical, biological or nuclear weapons programs.

Now a new U.S. administration must determine whether, or when, the use of
military force would be an appropriate response.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld hardly mentioned Iraq at his Senate
confirmation hearing Jan. 11. He did say that deterring the use of weapons of
mass destruction is a vexing problem.

``The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of
delivery are increasingly a fact of life that first must be acknowledged and
then managed,'' Rumsfeld said in a prepared statement.

Rumsfeld's predecessor, William Cohen, told Rumsfeld shortly before he came
to the Pentagon that containing Iraq's military power will be a pressing
issue for the Bush administration.

On Jan. 10 Cohen released a report on the global spread of weapons of mass
destruction. It said that over the past two years Iraq may have reconstituted
its efforts to build such terror weapons and noted that the United Nations
has had no inspectors in Iraq since late 1998.

In a report last fall, Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and
International Studies said the U.N. inspection effort was ``dying, if not

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