Interesting item which I ran across - but note the biblical references
to astrology and bible and jubilee, etc?   By the way Jack he Ripper
came alive during Queen's Jubilee.......(Victoria) while Lenin was
activating in England planning the murder of the Czar by vendetta.....

Found this item through West Point Site - but noting these connections
to my bible calendar code - for instance, code word day Titanic went
down was OLD MAN which was keyed to this strange bible code.

Name of this particular very unusual bible, was one placed by Gideon
Bible Society for 1954 - same year Russian Guard took Watchword bible
code from the 7 Men of Spandau for you see then the cold war was
becoming colder (as it is now, for MIR is coming down and Siberia's cold
has returned to the way it was - in 1960 prior to this weather

Now during this period Albert Speer mentions in his diary this strange
watchword code......for there are watchwords you often hear daily and do
not realize it - but when you hear "Tiger Bright" for 3 days straight,
one wonders.

So my bible calendar code I call The Master Plan for Murder keyed to
stars and testaments; it obviously has military links due to the very
name of Gideon - for Gideon was not like Eisenhower - he took the gold
and said keep the crown which he had been offered and obviously
Eisenhower took the crown, the gold, and introduced Crest Toothpaste
through Proctor and Gamble, making children of American human garbage
disposals for the cause.

Now my search has been to try to find out who in hell was the big brass
who endosed the son of Meyer Lansky to West Point - his name, was Paul
which I also thought strange, but then in bible, Paul was also known as
Saul and also Paul and Barnabas as Jupiter and Mercury representing
house of death?

Boy that West Point - only knew one man from West Point who went big
time - taught calculus, went to a party at his house with my relative at
Pentagon Joint Chief and this guy was no great prize....parted hair in
middle, ended up head of Task Force and wouldn't you know, his name was
Booth?   Old family name - Illuminati stuff maybe.

So West Point has it become a school for assassins and I refer to this
"catholic" Japanese sharpshooter who gunned down an 8th grader, shooting
his dog to draw out the kid, and then this brave, warrior like a Arnold
Schwartznegger shot of the face of the childs mother, while she held her
10 month old baby.
Now anyone who blieves that Japanese Bastard was a Catholic then I am a
zen Buddist?

No wonder that guy gave up West Point to the English during the American
for I think something really fishy here and I remember reading this
Titanic stuff and wondering about the code word Old Man for these were
the watchwords for date of sinking of Titanic.......and Psalm 69 linked
to sinking of Titanic.....people had been eating, dancing and that last
song, Those In Peril in the Sea, also known as Navy Hymn?  And this
psalm part of the Egyptian Book of Dead - Hymn to Atun ?

There was music in the air then too - but when you consider the
Constitution protects the "arts and sciences" under ARICLE I, Section 8
- a lot of this stuff begins to make sense - here a Boothe, there a
Boothe from the Hells Fire Club in day of Hogarth to this General
Boothe, a West Point Man - whose wife ran up $90.00 liquor bill on my
relatives for 6 months, per month.....l wondered why at the time my
relative did not tust thisi man?

More bones in the closets?

So obviously JFK was a military type execution - grounds to execute
murder or treason.......a high tribunal who judges at midnight - using
bible as authority to execute judgment?   The word ORDNANCE comes to
mind..... Only these are imposters of course, linked to the new West
Point - the Meyer Lansky endorsed West Point - the Japanese Sharpshooter
FBI Agent from West point - a catholic, you know - and hired guns.....

Old movie or tv series on Palladin - this man remember the show or ever
see re=run - the White Knight (these were code names used during JFK
murder, Knight, Bishop, Page,
etc..this show came out in early 50 period........remember Liddy's
remark - hey, they got your Queen - such an intelligence shouldl not go
by without notice?) Palladin, man of West Point, served his
country and then went to San Francisco where he hired himself out as
This Gun For Hire - a hired killer, contract murderer - heavy mafia
stuff......but only a contract killer like Lansky, Inc?   Who paid for
hit on Kennedy?   So what did James Earl Ray have in common with such
people other than he was a traveling man with a gun and a Mustang
engaged in self hypnosis with escape route through Canda to England?
Lived in YMCA's like a few other killers - safe house maybe?

So wonder how this international maritime code fits into murder USA
style.....Old Man?   Nght Hoover died - I wondered about the "old man"
code, for that guy was taken before his time in Court was to come up and
he would ot have lied.

Only an international order could possibly be behind the murders and
assassinations and MIR comes down - fishing ships
caught in target area and I think of the Challenger and the Apollo (Acts
19).....the craft that came to the Russian trawlers just
before the Challenger blew up were leaving the area and it ws wondered

Obvious, did not want to get hit by space junk maybe?

So the phoney Cold War II, like Jaws I and I, returns and things over
here might be heating up - but you can be sure there will be another
deep freeze in Siberia.......maybe our farmers will have return to 7
good years for a change.  Until then, start humming Lara's Theme.....

And do you suppose Kissinger has been cloned as of yet? my old MI6 friend said - what better book than the bible - to be
used for master plan for not murder, but execution style murder and this
is pretty heavy masonic stuff is it not?

So which renegade lodge is it - well the KGB operated out of a KKK using
Walker spieis, did they not....and KKK uses masonic rituals for Civil
War brought about the one and only ORIGINAL Knights of the Golden
Circle, and Knights of the Kross, etc....a military order ???? But when
West Point had a falling out - they used the same bible code stuff - so
much for all the Doo Dah Day.    Do you think we will be exposed to more
neo nazi literature being left about like playboy magazine or Hustler?



What is the origin of the 21-gun salute? The use of gun salutes for
military occasions is traced to early warriors who demonstrated their
peaceful intentions by placing their weapons in a position that rendered
them ineffective.

Apparently this custom was universal, with the specific act varying with
time and place, depending on the weapons being used. A North African
tribe, for example, trailed the points of their spears on the ground to
indicate that they did not mean to be hostile.

The tradition of rendering a salute by cannon originated in the 14th
century as firearms and cannons came into use. Since these early devices
contained only one projectile, discharging them once rendered them

***********Saba Note: Note use of word "probably" from the so called
"experts" here.....

Originally warships fired seven-gun salutes--the number seven PROBABLY
selected because of its astrological and Biblical significance. Seven
planets had been identified and the phases of the moon changed every
seven days.

The Bible states that God rested on the seventh day after Creation, that
every seventh year was sabbatical and that the seven times seventh year
ushered in the Jubilee year.

Land batteries, having a greater supply of gunpowder, were able to fire
three guns for every shot fired afloat, hence the salute by shore
batteries was 21 guns. The multiple of three probably was chosen because
of the mystical significance of the number three in many ancient
civilizations. Early gunpowder, composed mainly of sodium nitrate,
spoiled easily at sea, but could be kept cooler and drier in land
magazines. When potassium nitrate improved the quality of gunpowder,
ships at sea adopted the salute of 21 guns.

The 21-gun salute became the highest honor a nation rendered. Varying
customs among the maritime powers led to confusion in saluting and
return of salutes. Great Britain, the world's preeminent seapower in the
18th and 19th centuries, compelled weaker nations to salute first, and
for a time monarchies received more guns than did republics. Eventually,
by agreement, the international salute was established at 21 guns,
although the United States did not agree on this procedure until August

The gun salute system of the United States has changed considerably over
the years. In 1810, the "national salute" was defined by the War
Department as equal to the number of states in the Union--at that time

This salute was fired by all U.S. military installations at 1:00 p.m.
(later at noon) on Independence Day. The President also received a
salute equal to the number of states whenever he visited a military
In 1842, the Presidential salute was formally established at 21 guns. In
1890, regulations designated the "national salute" as 21 guns and
redesignated the traditional Independence Day salute, the "Salute to the
Union," equal to the number of states. Fifty guns are also fired on all
military installations equipped to do so at the close of the day of the
funeral of a President, ex-President, or President-elect.

Today the national salute of 21 guns is fired in honor of a national
flag, the sovereign or chief of state of a foreign nation, a member of a
reigning royal family, and the President, ex-President and
President-elect of the United States. It is also fired at noon of the
day of the funeral of a President, ex-President, or President-elect.

Gun salutes are also rendered to other military and civilian leaders of
this and other nations.
The number of guns is based on their protocol rank. These salutes are
always in odd numbers.

Source: Headquarters, Military District of Washington, FACT SHEET: GUN
SALUTES, May 1969.

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Bible talks of midnight murder and high 12 murders in the open, SUDDEN
DEATH.....only grounds for executive action murders - Treason and Murder

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