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1924 - 2001
By Virginia McCullough
Today, in Southern California, two newspapers, The Press-Enterprise and The
Desert Sun (Click.) carried announcements about the death of the former head
of the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, "Dr." John Philip Nichols.  Nichols
suffered a heart attack on Saturday, March 17, 2001 and died at the John F.
Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Indio, California.  The two newspapers carried
the traditional background information respectfully skirting the more
sensational details of Nichols' life as a lifelong CIA operative who
admittedly wrought death and destruction around the globe.

It is appropriate that when good men die, the deeds that they accomplished
during their lifetime should live on after them.  It is also just that when
bad men die, their history should live on after them.  It is, after all, only
by learning from history that those who survive can hope to never repeat the
evil deeds that marked much of Nichols' life.

When this writer remembers the 76-year-old man whose iron hand ruled the
Cabazon nation until his death, I will remember his contribution to political
assassinations, his alleged involvement in the 1981 torture and execution
murder of Cabazon Indian Fred Alvarez and his two friends in the backyard of
their home, the 1985 murder-for-hire trial of Nichols that was curtailed in
the interests of "National Security", the unaccounted for gaming money  used
to buy powerful politicians, and the legacy of CIA control of the Cabazons
that still exists today under the iron fist of his son, Mark Nichols.

The arrogance of John Philip Nichols was best demonstrated in the book Inside
Job by Stephen Pizzo, Mary Fricker and Paul Muolo.  The book described the
tip of the iceberg involving the Savings and Loan scandal.  Page 304 contains
the following paragraph:

"At San Marino Savings in Southern California, we heard about a major
borrower, G. Wayne Reeder (who also attempted a couple of failed ventures
with Herman Beebe), meeting in late 1981 at an arms demonstration with Raul
Arana and Eden Pastora, Contra leaders who were considering buying military
equipment from Reeder's Indian bingo-parlor partner, Dr. John Nichols.  Among
the equipment were night-vision goggles manufactures by Litton Industries and
a light machine gun.  Nichols, according to former Reeder employees and
published accounts, had a plan in the early 1980's to build a munitions plant
on the Cabazon Indian reservation near Palm Springs in partnership with
Wackenhut, a Florida security firm.  The plan fell through.  Nichols was a
self-described CIA veteran of assassination attempts against Castro in Cuba
and Allende in Chile.  He was later convicted in an abortive murder-for-hire
scheme and sentenced to prison."

Of course, the official company line about Nichols'  involvement in South
America is contained in the  March 21, 2001 Press-Enterprise article by Mark
Henry and Mike Kataoka: "Born in 1924, Mr. Nichols was active at an early age
as a student and labor organizer in Wisconsin.  He went to South America in
1959 and for the next decade helped Indians in Bolivia and Peru become

It is common practice in the "legitimate" press to praise the dead and allow
them to be buried surrounded in myth.  In the case of "Dr." John Philip
Nichols it is the evil life that the man lived that should be remembered.

by Virginia McCullough © 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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